Maria's Space: April 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Roseanne Season 3 DVD

The 411 by Maria:
I LOVE Roseanne it is absolutely one of my favorite shows. Even now all these years later I still laugh at the Connors. My favorite characters were Jackie and Darlene. Whenever they were on, I knew it was going to be funny! You know Darlene is going to have a zinger about absolutely everything!

In Season 3, the kids are getting older and going through growing pains. Becky is dating a guy named Mark which has the Connors worried since he is a "rebel".

Roseanne is working as a waitress at Rodbell's much to the disdain of her girls.

There is always the Halloween episode which the Connors do so well.

During this season Roseanne dresses as a man and when her car breaks down has to hang out in a bar with Jackie. She of course plays the role of a dude and even using the men's room Eventually Dan comes to her rescue at the bar before a fight breaks out and kisses a bearded Roseanne. Love Dan dressed as all three Stooges.

What I loved about Roseanne is how real the show was. Maybe all families aren't as funny as the Connors but they all make fun of each other, they all hang out together and most parents do go out of their way to get through to their kids while having fun doing it. In the end, all families have a good time while driving each other crazy. At the bottom of it all there is a whole lot of love!

Another of my favorite characters was Roseanne's Grandmother Shelley Winters. LOVE HER! Great writing and characters you come to either love or hate. Good TV!

Beautiful Planet (Spain & Portugal) Blu-ray Giveaway

Embark on an unforgettable journey all over the globe through in this spectacular guided tour to the world's most marvelous sights and places. Capturing the nature and culture of these exotic destinations, this lusciously filmed documentary series offers a vivid and entertaining portrait of the history and significance of distance cities and countries. Shot in dazzling high definition, prepare to be whisked away to one thrilling attraction after another across our most Beautiful Planet.

Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain and the city's Cathedral is the destination today, as it has been throughout history, of the important 9th century medieval pilgrimage route, the Way of St. James. Seville, capital of Andalusia is the artistic, historic, cultural, and financial capital of southern Spain which is also home to the Alc'zar royal palace which is one of the best remaining examples of Mud'jar architecture. Oporto, the second largest city of Portugal, situated on the bank of the Douro Oporto harbor provides insight into the diversity of its cultural and scientific sites in addition to the city's most popular export, port wine. The first Portugal capital city, Guimar'es, nicknamed the "Cradle of the Nation" is historically associated with the foundation and identity of the Portuguese nationality.

The 411 by Maria: 

I was very interested in viewing this as my husband's family if from Vigo Spain and go there 6 months of the year. Not a bad life huh? Well, I have yet to be there even though there would be a beautiful place to stay with people who know exactly where to go and what to do. We are not in a position to plan a vacation any time soon. I LOVED this video. Hearing how beautiful it is from my family isn't the same as seeing a well produced movie of the area. 
Gorgeous! I can completely see why they long to go back every 6 months. They come here for the grand-kids but Spain is there home. Truly a beautiful place to live and after seeing this I want to visit and see the history I have heard them speak of for the past 20 years of my life. Portugal is the second destination featured. With stunning landscapes and amazing food! If you love visually stunning journeys which you can take right from your living room. This is the DVD for you.

Add it to your collection today by visiting MillCreek Entertainment it is only $9.99.  

Plus if you order through TVFLASHBACKS.COM and use discount code TVPLANET25 you will receive an additional 25% off until May 15th! 

Jackie After O by Tina Cassidy


Book description:
Jackie After O is an exciting and original portrayal of the life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis through the lens of one remarkable year, a time of reinvention both personal and public, as she shook the world's expectations and pursued her dreams in middle age.

The 411 by Maria:
It only took about 3 days to get through this book and that says a lot in my very busy 3 full time jobs if you count mommy a job!

Jackie has always been interesting to me but more so as I get older.  Most of the books I have read about her were about her life as the presidents wife but this one focus more on her later years. I remember when she passed away and how crushed I was that "the a former first lady had passed" but what sat with me more and made me sit up straighter in my seat was what her son John said on her passing. I can still  picture hm saying it; "Last night, at around 10:15, my mother passed on," John said. "She was surrounded by her friends and family and her books and the people and the things that she loved. And she did it in her own way, and we all feel lucky for that, and now she's in God's hands."  I remember loving it. It seemed like this woman who was a widow two times in her life was finally able to rest with great dignity. She had been in the public eyes for years and she was free to rest!

The book didn't have many surprises but I was reminded that it is because of Jackie that the White House is held in such high esteem these days. She made it her mission to reinvent and redesign the home that would house the leader of the country for years to come.  Instead of a mish mash of stuff this would be a museum to the eras of the presidency.

Great book about an amazing woman who managed to hold her head up high even while leading a very public life.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary book to facilitate this review. My opinions are my own and no monetary compensation was received.

Are You Into What They Are Calling Mommy Porn?

While I must admit I don't see these books as porn or erotica I know that they are outside of a lot of folks normal reading zones and may be considered as such. As someone who reads and enjoys porn to a certain degree, I find that these books are definitely titillating and love that the covers aren't so embarrassing that you have to hide them from your children.

Recently author C.J. Ellisson and Sylvia Day were featured on Fox5 San Diego News talking about the "new trend" of female erotica. They were seated with a fertility specialist and sex therapist and asked questions like why do you think there is a trend and do you think this is unhealthy for woman to live in this fantasy world? Ugh..

I love how Sylvia and CJ answered their questions. Like hello people, this surge has been going for quite some time. We are having successful careers and it has nothing to do with 50 Shades of Grey which by the way, is on my Need to Read List!

While I cannot talk about Sylvia's books as I have yet to read one, I can say that CJ's books are fantastic. There is grown up talk and the female character is strong. To read CJ's take on the interview go visit CJ Ellisson and BTW I couldn't agree with you more CJ. "I didn’t want to read about the heiress in a forced marriage where he semi-rapes her on their wedding night, then she falls in love with him later. Or the Viking who captures his enemy’s daughter and falls for her strong, proud bearing—making up for his harsh first encounter with her throughout the whole book to win her heart." That scenario is just plain creepy and doesn't say much about woman. I love that your the VV Inn Series features a trouble female who stays strong throughout the book.

If you haven't had a chance to pick up CJ's VV Inn Series about a 508 year old vampire who runs a vacation spot for vamps and their entourage in Alaska. Very hot! While I am normally a vamp lover, in this book, I was hot for the sexy werewolf! Grrrrowl! 

PhotobucketGet Book 1 and start this fun series or add it to your summer reading list:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nickelodeon Gak & Floam Are So Fun!

For children growing up in the 1990’s, Nickelodeon’s Floam and Gak were two of the coolest playtime staples, beloved for their uncanny ability to entertain kids for hours on end.  Now, Nickelodeon’s Floam and Gak are back…  and they’re better than ever!

Completely reformulated to make playtime and clean-up a cinch for a new generation of families, new Nickelodeon Floam and Gak are two unique reusable compounds, each designed to encourage creative thinking and open-ended play:

•    New Nickelodeon Floam is an incredible, reusable molding compound.  Mold, fold and roll new Nickelodeon Floam into any creation imaginable – the possibilities are endless!

•    New Nickelodeon Gak is a stretchy, squishy collectible compound.  Gak can be squeezed, stretched, bubbled and more – once kids pick up Gak, they won’t want to put it down!

My Children are big fans of Nickelodeon TV Shows as are the Teach and I. This channel creates cartoons and children's shows that we actually don't mind watching with them which is why when a review came up for Floam & Gak and we heard it was being branded with Nickelodeon's name, we were in.

We spend at least an hour a day playing with both. We aren't creative geniuses creating spectacular models like dinosaurs, planes, clocks or whatever else you can see in the videos on You Tube for these products we mostly use them to blow bubbles, create funky sounds, squish them for stress relief or play hand in seek by hiding something inside the Floam. We were doing this when the kids were 3 years old as a way to do sensory play.

The kids enjoy playing with them and oddly enough mixing the colors or getting another color on them is completely against the rules. None of us like it so we don't do it. It is strange I never said don't but they refuse to do it. So it is a win win.

The 411 by Maria and the Kids:


The kids and I like the Goo factor. We enjoy slime and all that stuff so this is fun for us. 
The price is really good.You can get a 4 pack of Floam for under $20.00. 

We love that if you drop it on the floor and kids will do this unfortunately more than once, you can simply rinse it and it is fine. 

We love that it never leaves residue on our hands. Well except our red Floam, for some reason, it leaves some red on our hands. None of the others do that.

The Cons:
We don't love the smell but it isn't terrible. Goddess wishes that the yellow smelled like banana. In fact when she smelled it she said that she only did it because 'it looks like it will smell like bananas.

 * Thank you to Nickelodeon and Child's Play Communications for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*

Color Carnival - Ribbon Candy

A new store opened up in town this weekend and for their grand opening which I was covering for my community web page, I saw these ribbon candies and just had to grab a picture for Color Carnival

Color Carnival - Show Your Colors #5

Hope you are warm and loved wherever you are. Can't wait to see what you post.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Just Call Me Garbage Picker

At the end of last month I was driving by a house and noticed a red and black punching bag. It wasn't hard to spot. That red stood out like a ...well red punching bag amidst all the browns and greys of the area during this season.

The next day, I noticed it again. By day three, I thought...if that bag is still there tomorrow I am going to pick it up. It is obviously garbage sitting curbside for so many days.

I was driving back from somewhere with the kids and Handsome was pouting in the backseat about something, probably having to leave the house. He is a homebody because he wants to play his precious Xbox 360 and Wii. "Oh well, get over and let's go, there will be plenty of time to play later" I am always telling him and noticed it again as I passed it. Damn, there it is... looking behind me and seeing no one I put on the breaks. Threw the car into reverse and backed up. Got out and inspected said piece of garbage. It was in mint condition. Not a mark, stain, tear on it. The base was still filled with water but I managed to hall it into my little car and drove it home. 

They play with it every time we go on the deck and when the time comes to get rid of it. I will have no guilt putting it curbside for another family.  Until then the kids can enjoy some fun outside where they need to get fresh air and sunshine.

Arbor Day Celebration

Happy Arbor Day Everyone!

Today Handsome & Goddess along with their respective grades walked to a local park for an Arbor Day Celebration. It is a Village Tradition at this time and the Mayor usually speaks, the kids recite a poem or two and a tree is planted in their name.

Today the tree was planted near a park which we heard will have more picnic tables soon. The mayor informed the children that the tree is dedicated to the 1st and 2nd grade classes of 2012. She than asked that anyone who had a birthday in April come forward. Goddess' birthday is April 14th so she followed the other children to the tree where she helped put dirt into the hole to cover the newly moved in tree.

I am so excited to think that one day she can look at that tree and know that she helped plant it.

What a very sweet and a wonderful experience for her. She now tells me that the shovel was very heavy but you would never know it. She just kept going. Child Labor starts early in my neck of the woods.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Year's Eve DVD Giveaway

Warner Bros. Pictures is proud to announce the release of the hit romantic comedy New Year’s Eve on DVD and Blu Ray May 1st! This all star comedy stars Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Katherine Heigl, Sofia Vergara, Hilary Swank, Sarah Jessica Parker, Zac Efron, Jon Bon Jovi, and Josh Duhamel

The Many Faces of Goddess

You all know I love and adore my baby girl who is now a very crazy "I'm 7 don't call me 6" year old. Which I found out yesterday in the middle of an argument with her.  What were we arguing about you ask? Why, let me tell you! Homework. We argue about it at least 5 times a week. It is never done without a problem.

Goddess can't be bothered with it. It is "soooo boring" and "soooo hard"! I am surprised that I still have a voice considering all the yelling I do on a daily basis.

Never in my life have I loved someone so much and been so angry with them at the same time. Most sessions end up with me losing my patience after an hour of begging and pleading with her to please, just do her homework. After the first hour, I am done. She is rude, disrespectful and whiny and I don't do whiny. Usually after being yelled at she is sent to her room, cries, I get upset and eventually we are hugging and sitting to once more try to finish the homework. Sometimes it is 1 hour, sometimes 2, sometimes 3. It all depends on her. Oh don't get me wrong, it is not like her teacher has given her too much. She is only in the first grade and the homework, if she did it without complaining, whining and getting up numerous times would take 15 minutes at the most. She can't do it! Impossible.

The other day after her first escort to her bedroom for a time out, she came back with a little note that said, "I love you Mommy", with her name! Which of course, made me cry. Which of course lead to a long discussion about how my yelling isn't about not loving her. That I gave her more than enough time to turn this around but she chose to take it up a notch causing me to be angry. Also, she got an ear full of, "homework is only going to get harder honey.This is something YOU have to do. It will not help you if I give you the answers. You have to do it yourself."

In Goddess' defense, she is not interested. It is too structured, life is too full of to be straddled with books, sight words, and math. I get it. I understand it! still has to be done!

She is lucky I adore her. She is lucky I love her soooo much because if I didn't...I wouldn't be able to control myself during the ridiculous moments like yesterday when she threw a pencil which is something she does all the time but this hit me in the face! Oh God! My blood pressure was up. I felt myself losing it. Told her that she better run. Handsome is still laughing about it; "Girl! You better run." I find it funny now but at the time all I wanted to do was smack her.

Being that I am not a hitter she got off with a time out. Me slamming a bunch of cabinets as I made dinner and than another talking to.

What would you do with this? How would you handle homework with a kid like this?

How To Catch Sunshine In Your Hair!

Three Steps on How To Catch Sunshine In Your Hair:

1 - Dance around the deck like a crazy person
2 - Jump off a plastic chair creating all kinds of electricity
3 - Put on a crazy face while standing in sunshine.

Wah-la you too can achieve the crazy Goddess look anytime you want.

The Spring Vacation Volcano

Over the Spring Break the kids and I spent a lot of time at the library getting movies, reading and taking out books. One of the books we borrowed was about experiments for kids. Unfortunately I don't remember the name and wish I would have written it down because there were some fun things to do with kids.

Anyway, there was a picture of a volcano which made me suddenly remember that if you put baking powder in vinegar, you will get a volcano. I grabbed my 25+ year old Baseball Hall of Fame beer glass, a tray, vinegar and baking soda  and headed to the deck. The kids were very excited when they saw me return with some green food coloring. Why bother doing a plain old volcano when you can make it colorful. OMG I sound like Cake!

There are way too many pictures of the volcano to bother you with but here are a few of our green volcano.

As you can see by Handsome's smile they were having a blast!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 99 - 105

April 8, 2012 - Easter and my mom and grandma's death anniversary are the perfect combination. It is such a hectic day that I don't have time to rethink how sad I get on this date. Handsome was up at 5:00 A.M. and patiently waited for Goddess so they could look at their baskets. He even said, he stayed away from them because it wouldn't be fair to her. Not sure if he is telling the truth considering I woke at 6:30 A.M.

April 9, 2012 - We headed to the park and met up with some friends. I love that my two always look for each other even though there are tons of other kids to play with. They are so much nicer to each other when we are out of the house. Look at my WHITE boy. He can't help it. He has allergies. Goddess is dressed as a Secret Agent complete with handwritten and typed on shield that reads "Tough" as in T.U.F.F. Puppy. I didn't know she meant T.U.F.F when she first asked me to write this.

April 10, 2012 - Goddess loves dressing up and especially in her old Halloween costumes. Halloween is one of her favorite holidays.

April 10, 2012 (7)a

April 11, 2012 - This little gummy cracks me up. Too cute I just had to take a picture before the kids ate them all.

April 12, 2012 - During Spring Break the kids and I headed to the park with some friends. Once again, my two spend a lot of time together while out. I love how Handsome helped her. There was even a point he rescued her, but more on that later.

April 13, 2012 - We received a Cuddle Cover to review. More on that later. The kids love it although Goddess' face tells a totally different story. I think the lion was squeezing too hard.

April 14, 2012 - My baby turned 7. Oh my gosh, more on that later! Here is Goddess singing along at the top of her lungs to our Happy Birthday Song! She is something else.

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 92-98

April 1, 2012 - We don't have many Spring decorations but every year we take out the llittle wooden bunny and chick!

Spring is Here

April 2, 2012 - We have started a garden this year. Unfortunately, these are the only ones that have survived. I believe we started too early. Oddly enough these are the ones that were actually taken from squash we had eaten and dried. The others were seeds we purchased. Go figure

April 3, 2012 - Goddess hates homework. We start every day enthusiastic but it never goes well. She was in the process of complaining when I threatened to take the picture. She moved and this was all I got. Oh well, one day we will have a talk about why she hates it sooo much but until than all I have is this blurry picture.

April 4, 2012 -Handsome with his big, blue bunny from his Aunt Marta! It is still fluffy and clean as can be. We put it away every May but Handsome does love it and wants his picture taken every year.

April 4, 2012 (6)a

April 5, 2012 - Oh this little cute yellow flower lasted at least 3 weeks in a shot glass. A precious gift from my daughter.

April 6, 2012 - The kids and I created a small volcano over their Spring Break. They loved it. More on that later.
April 6, 2012 (17)a

April 7, 2012 - The kids and I were invited to a Easter Egg Hunt at a friend's house. There was a trampoline and while I was dying to get in, I managed to control myself and let the kids have fun. Handsome and a bunch of girls jumping with Goddess in the middle in a yoga pose is so cool. Handsome is the one with his back to us and the blue shirt in case you couldn't distinguish the boy from the girls.

Running of the Bride: Enter to win a Free Wedding Cake


About Running of the Bride:
When Rachel’s handsome studio exec boyfriend proposes on the Sex and the City movie set, she can’t fathom the dizzying adventure ahead. Accepting a once-in-a-lifetime venue deal helps their budget but puts them on a crash course to get married in just four months—and time isn’t their only challenge. They battle a wacky host of vendors, including a hair stylist who fakes a car accident and a makeup artist channeling Marilyn Manson, all while testing their love amid tastings and tulle.

Using her nervous energy productively, Rachel enters every contest she can find, winning diamond earrings, a honeymoon, a photographer, and two wedding gowns. Her pop culture obsession lands the wedding party on two hit reality TV shows. There’s just one problem as the clock ticks down: Her staunch perfectionism and fear of dancing threaten to derail everything. She has to redefine perfect and embrace the mistakes—or risk losing it all.

Please take your seats. The wedding is about to begin.

My Heart Aches for This Family

My heart aches for this boy and I hope the teachers, aides, faculty involved in this are taken care of in whatever way is practical. This is completely unprofessional and to treat another human being like this, never mind the handicap is just disturbing. May I never have to go through this because I am not sure that a simple, candid, video on You Tube would be enough. Kudos to this dad for keeping his cool. I am not sure how I would have reacted to this. God bless the person who ever tries to treat my kid like this! 

Flicka Country Pride - A REVIEW


Country Music Superstar Clint Black and his wife Lisa Hartman Black shine in the Heartwarming Family Adventure Arriving on Blu-ray and DVD May 1
Exclusively at Walmart, Sam’s Club® and

From the pages of Mary O’Hara’s popular novel My Friend Flicka, the year’s most inspiring coming of age story arrives just in time for Mother’s Day when Flicka: Country Pride gallops on to Blu-ray and DVD May 1 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.  Directed by Michael Damian (Flicka 2, Marley & Me: The Puppy Years), Flicka: Country Pride stars country music superstar Clint Black (Flicka 2), Lisa Hartman Black (“Knots Landing”) and Kacey Rohl (“The Killing”) in a heartwarming adventure for the entire family.

When Toby (Black) takes on a job at a stable with Flicka in tow, the owner’s teenage daughter Kelly (Rohl), quickly bonds with the wild horse. A budding equestrian rider, she hopes to break Flicka for an upcoming competition, despite her mother’s (Hartman Black) disapproval. With the competition approaching, a rival trainer stealing business, and a growing fear they may be forced to sell the stable, Toby steps in to turn things around for Kelly and her mother.

Grammy Award® Winner Clint Black is one of country music’s superstars with over 20 million albums sold worldwide.   Having written over 100+ songs including 23 #1 songs Clint is an active philanthropist overseeing numerous charities.
The Flicka: Country Pride Blu-ray and DVD has two behind-the-scenes featurettes on the making of the film and a never-before-seen music video.  Available at 4,000 Walmart and Sam’s Club locations nationwide and in Canada, both the Blu-ray and DVD are now available for pre-order exclusively at  Prebook is April 4.
Flicka: Country Pride Blu-ray and DVD Special Features
·       The Making of Flicka: Country Pride – The Legend Continues
·       Black is Back – The featurette focuses on the character of Toby, played by Country Music Superstar Clint Black, his return to the Flicka franchise and how Flicka: Country Pride truly became a family affair.
·       Full-Length Music Video

The 411 By Maria:
I love country movies where life seems so much more relaxed. What I loved the most about this movie was that Clint Black and his wife Lisa Hartman star in it. This is my 3rd Flicka Movie and love that family friendly movies are still being made. Black and Hartman are wonderful as a man and woman who both love animals. 

Toby (Black) takes on a job at Lindy' s (Hartman) struggling horse stable and helps mother and daughter.  Kelly (Rohl) loves horses and quietly likes her "friend" a boy named Briggs. Unfortunately for Kelly her nemesis (there always has to be one in every teen movie) Stephanie likes him too.

The director, Michael Damion does a great job of mixing a good family friendly movie with youthfully enticing sequences. Such as Lindy and her daughter Kelly's mini fashion show and hip music.     

Attractive cast, a stunning landscape and an underdog coming out on top! Who could ask for anything more!

About Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, LLC (TCFHE) is a recognized global industry leader and a subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a News Corporation company. Representing 75 years of innovative and award-winning filmmaking from Twentieth Century Fox, TCFHE is the worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox film and television programming, acquisitions and original productions on DVD, Blu-ray Disc Digital Copy, Video On Demand and Digital Download. The company also releases all products globally for MGM Home Entertainment. Each year TCFHE introduces hundreds of new and newly enhanced products, which it services to retail outlets from mass merchants and warehouse clubs to specialty stores and e-commerce throughout the world.
Follow Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment on Twitter @FoxHomeEnt

Hallmark's Love's Everlasting Courage on DVD - A REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:
Since I am new series, this was a big surprise for me and now I must see Love Begins. I believe I hosted a giveaway but never saw it myself.  I love this era of movies. Reminds me of all the years I watched Little House On The Prarie. Julie Mond who plays Ellen for all your General Hospital fans played Lisa Niles for a while. Love her! It was strange seeing Cheryl Ladd as someone's grandma.  Great cast.

When the Davis family's farm takes a hit from the drought, Ellen does what any loving wife would do for her family; she takes a job as a seamstress in town. When Clark's parents come to visit, his mother Irene is concerned that Ellen is working "in my day wives didn't work." Clark's dad, Lloyd played by Bruce Boxleitner completely understands how his son's family is struggling and wants to help the farm.

Ellen is stricken with Scarlet Fever and Clark must be a full time parent to their young daughter Missy, adorably played by Morgan Lily who I fell in love with in 2012 and Flipped.

Clark's parents are the perfect supportive parents we all wish for and through their help, the Davis Family work together through love to keep their hearts open.

What I love most about this movie which was one of Hallmark's highest viewed series is the simplicity and quietness of life, family and love. I was often reminded of Little House on the Prairie and spent some time trying to find out where it was filmed but couldn't find much.

Wonderful family movie about the love of family.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Great Kat Shreds The Classics

Dear Readers, forgive the mega over linking but I truly love my metal and this chick can shred!



"The Great Kat, whose 34 videos have collectively received over one million hits on YouTube, has released her eleventh album. Appropriately titled 'Beethoven Shreds,' a speed demon version of five revered classical tracks served up Great Kat style on guitar. Combining her love of all things metal with her knowledge of classical music, the album is a whirlwind look at Beethoven gone metal. Lacing virtuosity with speed."
- Phyllis Pollack, Rock Music Examiner,









The Great Kat World’s Fastest Guitar Shredder, is the brilliant Juilliard graduate Violin Virtuoso/Carnegie Recital Hall Violin Soloist turned Shred Guitar Goddess (“Top 10 Fastest Shredders of All Time” - Guitar One Magazine/"Top-10 Fastest Guitarists of All Time" - Guitar World Magazine’s Readers’ Poll). The Great Kat’s highly-acclaimed new “BEETHOVEN SHREDS” CD showcases Classical masterpieces shredded on the guitar & violin by The Great Kat, including shred versions of The Flight Of The Bumble-Bee” (at 300 BPM!), Beethoven's “5th Symphony,” Paganini’s Caprice #24”, Bach's “Brandenburg Concerto #3” and more. Distributed internationally by Music Video Distributors (MVD), “Beethoven Shreds” CD is priced at $7.95 SRP. Hear Great Kat Shred/Classical music clips at:

The Great Kat Guitar Goddess is:
-"Top 10 Fastest Shredders Of All Time" (Guitar One Magazine)
-"Top-10 Fastest Guitarists Of All Time" - Guitar World Magazine's Readers' Poll
-"The 100 Wildest Guitar Heroes" (Classic Rock Magazine)
-"12 Greatest Female Electric Guitarists" – (Elle Magazine)
-"8 Of The World's Fastest Shredders" – (Gibson Lifestyle)
-Juilliard Graduate Violin Virtuoso/Winner of the Artists International Competition on Violin/Carnegie Recital Hall Violin Soloist

Great Kat Website:
You Tube:

Smitty: Everyone Needs A Friendly Paw - A REVIEW

Smitty on DVD & Amazon On Demand
Starring: Mira Sorvino, Peter Fonda and Louis Gossett Jr.
Rated: PG
Run Time: 94 Minutes
Produced by: Phase 4 Films
Family Approval Stamp from the Dove Foundation


Mischievous thirteen-year-old Ben is sent to his grandfather’s farm for the summer, where he crosses paths with a lovable mutt. With help from the unlikely canine companion, Ben learns the importance of friendship, family and responsibility. When life gets tough for Ben, a friendly paw is all it takes to pull him through.

The 411 by Maria
Ben is the child of single mom Amanda (Mira Sorvino) who works as a waitress and is putting herself through school to be a nurse. He gets into trouble easily but this time he will end up in Juvi Hall unless he spends to the summer with his estranged grandfather Jack(Peter Fonda) on a farm in Iowa. Amanda sucks up her proud and brings Ben to her father's farm. They haven't spoken in years and while Ben doesn't want to go, this is their last option.

Grandpa appears to be a quiet, crotchety old guy who sets Ben to work on the farm. Ben is tired, lonely and confused.  Jack takes Ben to an animal shelter and gets him a "smart" farm dog. The dog is the perfect companion and listens well. Like most kids Ben doesn't want to be told how it is and thankfully his grandfather is well schooled over the years on showing how it is. With the help of "Dog" and Jack's friend Smitty (Louis Gossett Jr.) Ben learns the true meaning of friendship through life lessons good and bad.

This is a wonderful movie with a whole lot of heart! I must have cried at least two times. Great acting and a nice storyline.

Bonus: Jason London and Twilight's BooBoo Stewart are in the movie too!

Laugh With Sebastian Maniscalco - A Review


The 411 by Maria: 
I do love laughing. It is one of my favorite things to do. Laugh lines mean nothing to me as long as I am having a good time. Personally, I watch a lot of stand up. My husband is not into it so usually it is when I can't sleep and he is already sleeping. The comedy station is even saved on my Sirius Radio so I can laugh while driving. Sebastian is all about expressions. I love his face while he is telling jokes. He doesn't rely on vulgar language to be funny (not that I am opposed but I know a lot of people are). Sebastian is very animated and likeable. He plays to the audience without using them. His standup is based on his observations and if only we could all be this funny in our daily life, people wouldn't need meds to get through their day. Laugh a little people! Some of the show about company: So funny and so true! 

Bob's Burgers - Is Pee Your Pants Funny


Sample The Unique Flavor of TV’s Tastiest Comedy
On DVD April 17

The 411 by Maria:

This is one of those shows that makes me wish I still live with my sister. Watching Bob and his family especially his wife Linda voiced by John Roberts. Too funny.  She reminds me of so many members of my family.  "Bob-by"

You definitely need a sense of humor to thoroughly enjoy this show. I love laughing and Bob and his family are hysterical. 

Bob sells burgers. He has a really crappy location (next to a funeral home), his kids are inappropriate. Tina is too sexual and has many inappropriate dreams which she has no problems discussing with her family. Gene has noise makers that get him in trouble (fart and sex noise) and Louise is t-r-o-u-b-l-e but the brains behind the whole family. Love her and her bunny ear at. Through it all, Bob remains always optimistic. 

This is a must see for people who don't take themselves too seriously and love to laugh.

Angel Wings At The Gazebo

This is my absolute favorite picture this week! The sun glare looks like angel wings over the gazebo where I stopped during my morning walk.

Gossip by Beth Gutcheon - A Review

By Beth Gutcheon
Published by William Morrow
Hardcover: 288 pages



The critically acclaimed author of Good-bye and AmenLeeway Cottage, and More Than You Know returns with a sharply perceptive and emotionally resonant novel about the power of knowledge, the consequences of rumor, and the unexpected price of friendship.

Loviah "Lovie" French owns a small, high-end dress shop on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Renowned for her taste, charm, and discretion, Lovie is the one to whom certain women turn when they need "just the thing" for key life events: baptisms and balls, weddings and funerals. Among those who depend on Lovie's sage advice are her two best friends since boarding school days: Dinah Wainwright and Avis Metcalf. Despite the love they share for their mutual friend, there has always been a chilly gulf between Dinah and Avis, the result of a perceived slight from decades ago that has unimaginably tragic echoes many years later. 

An astute chronicler of all that makes us human, Beth Gutcheon delivers her most powerful and emotionally devastating novel to date. Gossip is a tale of intimacy and betrayal, trust and fidelity, friendship and motherhood that explores the way we use "information" -- be it true, false, or imagined -- to sustain, and occasionally destroy, one another.

The 411 by Sonia:
Let me introduce you to another one of my friends, meet Sonia who is a mother of three children and a friend of mine. Because Maria's Space book reviews has taken a back seat over the last few months due to my business, some good friends are helping me provide my readers with book reviews until I can jump back in.

Here is Sonia's very first book review:
When I first got this book I was a little weary usually not my kind of read but I am so glad I decided to read it. 

I don't want  to give too much of the book away with too many spoilers so here is my non-spoil review:

Loviah was my favorite character she's not as well off as the other girls but got in to a high society boarding school on a scholarship and befriends two girls from different walks of life Dinah and Avis. Dinah and Avis can't stand each other but remain friends for the sake of  Loviah who loves them both dearly. 

After graduation Loviah moves on to open her own dress shop and has an affair with a married man.Dinah becomes a gossip columnist/author, and Avis a high end art dealer. All are living on the upper east side of Manhattan

It was a good story told through the eyes of  Loviah although I kept finding myself a little confused at times because the book goes from past to present/present to past often, I had to keep skipping back and forth to get the stories of the characters straight but when I did, it was worth it.

The writer does a wonderful job of creating characters and lives that were very real.  At times I felt like I was a part of them and couldn't wait to find out what happens next.  As in reality, even those living the high society lifestyle get a dose of reality at times.

The ending of the book was such a shocker and a worthwhile surprise for the reader. .To me the book showed no matter where you come from, we all have our secrets and problems.  We all can relate to the characters in the story within our everyday lives with different people we come across and within our own personal relationships. This book is really good a must read not at all like I thought it would be.

Author Bio
Beth Gutcheon,
 author of Gossip, is the critically acclaimed author of eight previous novels: The New Girls, Still Missing, Domestic Pleasures, Saying Grace, Five Fortunes, More Than You Know, Leeway Cottage and Good-bye and Amen. She is the writer of several film scripts, including the Academy Award nominee The Children of Theatre Street. She lives in New York City.

For more information please visit and follow the author on Facebook