Maria's Space: February 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monochrome Weekend

I have been living in a Monochrome World for the past few months. I need color so badly and I am going through withdrawals.

This week we got pounded with about 2 feet of the cold, wet, white stuff. It has been lovely but I am tempted to through some color in.

Although these are obviously shot in color they are indeed monochrome. So without further ado, I present the snow.

Picture 045

Picture 044

Picture 014

My street looks ok if you happen to drive a motorcycle.
Picture 113

Sunday Stealing: Harriet's Choice: The Disney Meme

1. Which non-Disney Princess Disney Film is your favorite? This is really hard; I love so many but I believe my favorite is Finding Nemo. It still cracks me up.

2. Which Disney film makes you cry the most? Oh man, I am the biggest sap and cry over almost anything. Armageddon makes me cry, Bambi made me cry once, Pinocchio and more. Did Walt lose his mother early on, why is there always a deceased mother in Disney movies? Last night we watched for the first time Land Before Time and my Goddess came over to me and whispered, "this movie makes me so sad." When I asked why, "She said, because his mother died! I don't want her to die!" That is exactly how I felt as a child and then my mother died when I was 12. We may have to put the Disney movies on hold for a little while.

3. Which Disney film makes you the happiest? Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Escape to Witch Mountain (mostly because it was a favorite growing up).

4. Which Disney film has the best music? High School Musical, yeah baby, I went there! Ummm..hummmm...

U gotta
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
We gotta
Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game

I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
Thats coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you

Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong
Just to name a few

5. Which Disney film has the best love story? Love Smove, they are all beautiful love stories.  I just hate the whole damstral in distress stuff...

6. Who is your favorite Disney Princess? Ariel! She is curious and a little frisky.

7. Who is your favorite Disney Prince? Now this is a hard question, based on the movie princes' it would be Eric from The Little Mermaid, but based on the super hot, waayy to fabulously gay princes's from this site, it would have be a tie between The Beast and Eric

8. Who is your favorite Disney animal sidekick? Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc.

9. Who is your favorite Disney main character animal? Dug from Up

10. Who is your favorite villain? Maleficent

11. What is your favorite Disney song? Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid

12. What is your favorite Disney villian song? Blah...I have no idea....

13. What is your favorite Disney animal song? Circle of Life

14. What is your favorite Disney Princess song? Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid

15. What is your favorite Disney Prince song? Do they sing!

16. What is your favorite Disney Prince/Princess duet song? Aladdin's A Whole New World.

17. What is your favorite Disney love song? Colors of the Wind

Pampers Cruisers Giveaway Plus a Liz Lange Diaper Clutch

Remember back in January I told you about new Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max?

Pampers has partnered with the 2010 Winter Olympic team and is still offering free sample 3-packs to any parent who would like to try the new Cruisers at

How cute are these?
I loved Pampers, they were truly the only brand I used on my kids they were the only thing that really held up.

What you need to know about Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max:

  • New Dry Max technology - our driest ever - to help lock wetness in up to 12 hours.
  • Twenty (20) percent less bulk, making it Pampers' thinnest diaper and our driest ever
  • Softer outer cover for comfort inside and out
  • Tapered design
  • Sesame Street® characters (Sesame street® is a licensed character with Pampers in North America)
  • Will be offered for the same price as current Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers (Pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer.)
Pampers recently had a contest called Baby Relay.  You can check out all the uploaded videos featuring babies crawling for a commercial that will air on Feb. 28! 

The diapers will be in-store in Mid-March and thanks to Pampers I have an awesome giveaway, if I had a kid in diapers I would love this giveaway.  The lucky winner will receive a coupon for one week's supply of diapers ANNNNDDDD a diaper clutch designed by Liz Lange! With the Cruisers being less bulky, there is no longer a needs for a big diaper bag. Niiiicee!!

(Here is a photo of the front and back of the clutch! Stylish!)
To Enter:  Leave me a comment letting me know what you like about this giveaway by Midnight, March 16, 2010

US Only

For Extra Entries:
*Blog about this, and leave me the link for (3 extra entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to my newsletter/email (3 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Follow my blog (2 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to Chotskies
*Follow me on Twitter, leave your twitter name

*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
*Tweet this giveaway and leave your link
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
*Follow me under networked blogs (on my left side bar)
*Add my main button to your side bar

Do not leave entries in the comment section, those are 
for comments about the post only.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Self Portrait Sunday - February 28, 2010

If you are new to the meme, welcome. To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

So step out from behind the camera and join me!

This week is a picture I took last week. This week I didn't manage a single self portrait picture but I do have one my daughter took of me mid jump after singing Bad Romance into a fake microphone. Check out the necklace all up in my face Yo!
Picture 1022

Feb 20, 2010 (27)

Winter Storm 2010 Photos

Picture 076
After days of snow, it seems to have stopped!

The kids enjoyed 3 snow days from school. Handsome really happy about this and Goddess upset (she thinks she missed something).

I took a ton of photos over the past two days, to see them head over to my Flickr page here.

Saturday 9 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go

This weeks Saturday 9 asked Should I Stay or Should I Go

1. Have you ever been on a date and you had to tell the person to just go away? I am way to nice for that, however that doesn't mean that after the date I would be available.

2. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? If yes, where?  No, I love where I am spiritually, mentally and physically.

3. Do you have any pet peeves? Oh sure! I hate when people are always late! I hate waiting for people (STOP WASTING MY TIME!) I hate when people are so narrow minded that they can't see past their own nose

4. Tell us about a guilty pleasure of yours. But of course, blogging, searching out photos of male celebrities that I consider "Hot".

5. If you could change places and become a celebrity, who would you'd like to be? Well, I believe my life is where I am supposed to be but for the sake of this question; since Rob Pattinson has announced that he and Kristin are an item I want to be her for a day to see what is going on there.

6. What do you consider your biggest talent? Being able to let others just live. We are the stars of our own reality, who am I to tell you how to be?

7. Do you have a favorite actor/actress that is not a big star, yet they are your favorite? No! However, I believe that Viva Bianca is awesome and I love when she is on screen.

8. Name your five favorite rock bands of all time. Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Fleetwood Mac

9. If you were to start a new relationship (for whatever reason), how much of your sexual history would you share? Would you resort to lying? No way man. Why lie?

Friday Photo Flashback - 33 Weeks Pregnant

Friday Photo Flashback

This week I am submitting a photo of me at 33 weeks with Handsome. I am standing in Handsome's nursery. After we painted it and started adding the crib and stuff, I spent so much time in there. Just talking and rubbing my "Handsome" belly.  He was big and breech, most of the time I was so uncomfortable and couldn't breathe. He was stepping on my bladder and every time he pushed off his head pushed against my sternum which still hurts and now juts out thanks to the constant head. You could see his head start to rise right under my breast, I felt like a freak show but you can't see that feeling in any of these photos. Waiting for him to come was one of the happiest feelings I had ever experienced in my life before having kids. I was happy and excited all the time.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fragments - February 26, 2010

Ummm...hello...enough with the snow already. I simply cannot take anymore. Pictures to come.

Have been waking at 5:00 a.m. - 5:30 lately...why? I don't really know but it may have something to do with the school calling at 5:30 if it is a snow day. We have had 3 snow days this week.

Weirdness - Two nights ago, I was walking into the kitchen when I heard something that made me look down. What did I see? A puzzle piece that has been missing for over a year. Call Ghost Hunters? Or, did a mouse push it out from wherever it was hiding for 12 months? Weird!

My daughter has a weird way with words. Lately, she keeps telling me as she hugs me, "I'm going to miss you when you die and I will always think of you." and "I wish you didn't ever have to die."

Handsome complained of an upset stomach last night, When I walked him to the bathroom to see if maybe he needed to throw up he said, "I want to do this alone mom!"

General Hospital's court date is holding my attention the way I had hoped.

My daughter loves her chocolate and her Eggos put them together for an amazing breakfast presentation which she now asks for waaaay too much.
Feb 14, 2010 (2)
My sister wrote on Facebook how excited she was to see Black Eyed Peas. Everyone was excited and jealous with her. Am I the only person in the world that doesn't get why they are popular?

I seriously need to color my hair, but the snow is holding me up. Damn roots!

Was up last night from 11:30 - 3:00 a.m. (after going to sleep by 9:30 - 11:00) Found on a channel I had never see before, Tru TV . The show was called The Smoking Gun was hysterical.

Yesterday took the kids into the snow and had a little fun! Obviously there was some tossing going on which they begged for. After two throws each my husband told them he was too tired.
Picture 060

Looks like my boys are playing catch with Goddess here.

Picture 073

BTW...this is what you look like when you face plant and get snow up your nose.

Last note: Overheard Goddess humming Lady Gaga...too funny. She doesn't know the words, just the beat for Bad Romance.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My First Looking At The Sky Meme Submission & Sky Watch Friday

Feb 20, 2010 (33)
I took this picture last Sunday morning.

Picture 046

4 days later...taken today!

Memory Rewind - February 2007

Welcome to Memory Rewind

In the past two days I have been looking through some old photo albums with my daughter. She loves hearing stories about when she was a baby and I love telling them. If you are like me, feel free to link up. This will go up every Thursday as I do what this blog was intended for; write about my kids. Create a legacy of memories for them.

Here is Handsome Feb 20, 2007, shooting down a hill in the backyard. He has yet to have a sled but manages. We kick it old school here. Butt sledding is the only way to fly.

He's bigger and wilder now but still lives for this hill in the winter.

Feb 12, 2010 (41)

This is a photo of Handsome and I taken on a timer Feb 21, 2007. My mom died when I was very young and there aren't many pictures of us together. Taking pictures of me and the kids has been very important to me since their first hour of life. All cameras must include a Self Timer feature! You can see the struggle to keep him with me in this picture. His favorite part of taking a picture is after the flash, running over to the camera to catch a glimpse of the photo before it vanishes. Sometimes he ran as the flash was going off so there was a blur of movement and me sitting there smiling. So, I held strong until the picture was taken.

Tee-hee....Look at that hair! Doing the hair fountain was mandatory for this kid. She was born with a full head of dark hair and had a plume of hair that cascaded down her face even though the back stayed short. Seriously, is there anything cuter than that hair? Love it.


This picture was taken of the kids sitting in my husband's favorite chair. This was in fact the last year we had the chair. It was leather and spun 360 degrees. All the kids that came to my house loved it. Everyone wanted to sit and spin in the chair. In fact, I took this picture as I was spinning them. Notice the little faces that screams, "This tickles my tummy but I love it".


Last but not least, here is Goddess holding her brother's baby doll. We still have the doll and it still smells like baby powder. I gave this doll to Handsome when I was a week away from my due date for Goddess. It was part of the whole "be gentle with the baby speech." He was only 23 months old when Goddess came. The doll was part of the nursing basket created for Handsome. After nursing Handsome I was a pro about the dedication it takes and how much time is invested. With him not even being two and my husband working I knew that he would need me as much as he still did, except this time I would have a baby attached to my breast at least 6 hours a day. Fortunately, Goddess was very tiny and I could nurse her with one arm while getting Handsome's request.

In the nursing basket which would only come out during nursing time (which with her was all the time) there were snacks, a water bottle, books, toys, his "baby", crayons and paper).

This is a great suggestion for anyone who is about to have a baby that will be nursed. Instead of having to get up every second, most of anything he asked for would already be in his hands. Rotate the items every few days so they don't get bored.

BTW, I love the way she is holding the baby. Such a big girl already. Yes honey, support the neck!

Sepia Scenes - See How Sepia Changes The Feel Of A Photo?

Feb 12, 2010 (26)

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday

Wordless Wednesday is everyday!

Feb 20, 2010 (25)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This Week On The View - I Am A Little Late

  • Monday, Feb 22:  Senator Evan Bayth of Indiana will be making his first and only television appearance since announcing that he is not running for re-election in 2010.  
  • Tuesday, Feb 23:  The controversial cast of MTV’s Jersey Shore will be joining the Women live on Tuesday. This will be an interesting show to see how the cast and the women interact! I really wanted to see this mess of a group. The fact that kids are watching this slop makes me sick. As a totally open minded, soon to be 44 year old and past MTV fan, this show is exactly what is wrong with the kids of today.   
  • Sherri looks so cute as Snooki and I am totally digging Whoopi's Mad Hatter Hat.
  • Wednesday, Feb 24:  Nadya Suleman who famously gave birth to octuplets last year will be making her first trip to NYC to chat live with the Women of the View.  Author Danielle Steel will also be a guest
  • Thursday, Feb 25:  A one hour show Themed “trying to have a baby?”Guests include Giuliana And Bill Rancic
  • Friday, Feb 26:   Regis and Joy Philbin will perform a song from their new CD: Regis & Joy: Just you. Just me.
“I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a tote bag or other The View branded items to facilitate my review.”

ABC Wednesday - "F"

ABC Wednesday this week is the letter "F"

F = Flowers
Feb 20, 2010 (22)

F = Friends

F = Fall

The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 23, 2010

 Join The Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY - February 23, 2010
Outside my window...Cold, windy, and snowy
I am thinking...Enough with this snow!!
I am thankful family being under my roof
From the learning rooms...(if this applies) I am learning about balancing my life
From the kitchen...Soup
I am pants and my Sponge Bob shirt. Yeah baby, I'm bringing sexy back.
I am creating...loads of reading comprehension sheets for my son.
I am going...crazy, loco, enough with the snow.
I am reading...To Sin with A Scoundrel, review coming.
I am hoping...The snow will end, I need to see some color in the world.
I am hearing...There will be snow for the next 2 days.
Around the daughter is singing, the fire is roaring, my son is pretending to play football and my husband is talking to himself.
One of my favorite things...Sitting in front of the fireplace and watching the flames. I seriously do love this.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Taxes
Here is picture I would love to share:
My babies roasting marshmallows. I love when my husband does things like this. My daughter said, "I wish it was summertime so we could toast marshmallows." My husband said, "we can do it right now." Then he got the sticks, the marshmallows and sat with her roasting. She didn't eat them but at least she experienced a moment with Daddy.
Picture 779

Chocolate for Breakfast? Oh Yes! Chocolate Cheerios - Giveaway

Blog Search

Have you heard about it yet? Cheerios have gone chocolate and I can tell you that they are yummy!

Chocolate Cheerios is low in fat, heart healthy*, has 100 calories per serving, contains at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving (at least 48 grams recommended daily), and is a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Made with real cocoa, Chocolate Cheerios can help your family start the day off right with a delicious and nutritious breakfast that is sure to make you smile!  

Thanks to My Blog Spark a group I am so grateful to be part of, I was able to try Chocolate Cheerios for myself. My daughter and I are chocolate lovers and this was right up our alley.

I was expecting to taste that fake chocolate taste you get with some chocolate cereal but this didn't have it.
Picture 586

We received a box of Cheerios, a bowl and chocolate bath items (soap and body wash)

Chocolate Cheerios® Marshmallow Hearts

Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Start to Finish: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
1 cup Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
1 cup Chocolate Cheerios® cereal, crushed
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups miniature marshmallows
2/3 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 bag (11.5 ounces) milk chocolate chips
4 cups Chocolate Cheerios® cereal
Candy sprinkles, if desired
  1. Heat oven to 350°F. Line bottom and sides of 13x9-inch pan with foil. In large bowl, mix all crust ingredients except marshmallows with electric mixer on low speed until crumbly. Press firmly into bottom of pan.
  2. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until light golden brown. Remove from oven. Immediately sprinkle with marshmallows. Return to oven; bake an additional 1 to 2 minutes or until marshmallows just begin to puff. Cool while preparing topping.
  3. In large saucepan, place all topping ingredients except cereal and sprinkles. Heat over medium-low heat just until chips are melted and mixture is smooth, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in 4 cups cereal. Immediately spoon warm topping over marshmallows; spread to cover. Sprinkle with candy sprinkles. Cool completely, at least 1 hour.
  4. Using foil to lift, remove mixture from pan; remove foil. With deep 2 1/2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out 18 hearts. Store loosely covered. 
Goddess has already requested this for her snack next month at preschool! Every month she brings in snack for the class, it is a highlight for her. Her class will love these.
Thanks to MyBlogSpark, I have a Chocolate Breakfast to giveaway to one of my readers.

To Enter:  Leave me a comment telling me how you start your families day off with a smile Midnight, March 9, 2010

US Only

For Extra Entries:
*Blog about this, and leave me the link for (3 extra entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to my newsletter/email (3 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Follow my blog (2 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to Chotskies
*Follow me on Twitter, leave your twitter name

*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
*Tweet this giveaway and leave your link
*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
*Follow me under networked blogs (on my left side bar)
*Add my main button to your side bar

Do not leave entries in the comment section, those are 
for comments about the post only.

Disclaimer: Cheerios provided the free product, information, and gift pack through MyBlogSpark!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Ummm...Cherry Pie

Join Mary at Work of the Poet and the rest of the red lovers.

Last week, I bought a cherry pie from Shoprite and ate the whole stinking thing myself in three days. I don't eat the outer crust but man, it was amazing.

Picture 866

News From Your Friendly General Hospital Ambassador

Last week I wrote about my being a General Hospital Ambassador thanks to Mom Central.

This week Sonny begs Olivia to forge the way for him and Dante to have the relationship she stole from him all those years ago. Sonny has to be the most fertile man on daytime TV. How many kids does this guy have? Sorry, I digress, Sonny wants a relationship with Dante, Dante is torn between doing what he started out to do and taking down the man he now knows is his father.

When Sonny goes to see Dante, Dante tells him that a line has been drawn and that he doesn't want his protection or a relationship.

What will become of Sonny? What will happen to Michael? Will Dante change his mind when he looks into Morgans big eyes? BTW...Alexis and Diane on team Sonny makes for some great court room drama. I for one am excited.

So, are you watching? What happens when one son is tormented when his father takes the fall for him while the other is called to stand to testify against his father?

Questions I have:
Why is Carly asking the world to lie for Sonny? Does this make for a good mom?
Is Nick and Helena going to team up to fix paternity tests for Liz's baby?
Who will impregnant Liz next? God damn doesn't this women believe in birth control?
Why the Maxie and Lucky car accident? What is the plan for this team up once again?
Ethan and Johnny teaming up to take Sonny down? Why?
Why does everyone eventually end up at Shadybrook?

"I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a tote bag or other General Hospital branded items to facilitate my review.”

First Mommy and Me Monday

Really, Are You Serious has a new meme called Mommy and Me. Come jump in, the water is fine.

Picture 739

Mellow Yellow Monday

This weeks Mellow Yellow Monday starts the flowers my husband gave my daughter and I for Valentines Day this year.

Feb 20, 2010 (8)

I can't edit in Flickr for some reason for the past couple of house so here is a photo of one of the flowers, washed out, but the center looks amazing.

Bringing Back The Blue Rose for Blue Monday

For Blue Monday last week, I posted my baby holding the blue rose. This week, the blue rose is back in black and white.
Picture 818

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Community Coffee Give More Than Just Great Coffee

Picture 861

Last week I received a shipment from Community Coffee to try out and review for my readers.  They sent me their Around the World Coffee Sampler   from their Private Reserve containing;  Kenya, Columbia, Sumatra, Mocha Java Whole Bean.

I took out the coffee grinder and got started. Every night after dinner, we opened a new bag, to taste the next coffee.
Picture 865

What a fun review for us. My husband doesn't often participate in my reviews but he is an even bigger coffee drinker than me drinking more than 6 cups a day. For 4 evenings we experienced a different coffee bean and we are here to tell you, there was no favorite. Each had its own distinct smell and flavor but all were good. We usually have an assortment of cofee to choose from in our house and are looking forward to experiencing Community Coffee's home delivery of Coffee of the Month.

Community Coffee even has some fun holiday blends like Bread Pudding coffee and Carnivale Cake

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: The Clown's Meme 2

34. What do you like about the summer? Less clothes, the park!

35. What do you like about spring? Color, flowers, everything coming to life after the thaw, no winter coats!

36. How many states provinces have you lived in? 2

37. What cities/towns have you lived in? Too many to name, it would take up the first page of my blog.

38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? bare feet!

39. Are you a social person? I am Switzerland. I love talking with people but also my alone time. Quiet time is important to your psyche and your soul.

40. What was the last thing you ate? Penne al la Vodka

41. What is your favorite restaurant? Any where I am not footing the bill.

42. What is your favorite ice cream? I can no longer answer questions about a favorite. I love a variety of ice cream depending on my mood. Equal opportunity eater.

43. What is your favorite dessert? I used to easily be able to answer this with pudding or mousse. Now, I can say there isn't a favorite. I love a variety of sweets and it depends on the day.

44. What is your favorite kind of soup? Escarole use to be the answer but as I said before I don't believe in favorites anymore.

45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? The kind that is made from real fruit.

46. Do you like Chinese food? Love it!

47. Do you like coffee? Does the sun love to shine?

48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? I used to be able to say 8 or more, now I am down to about 3, I need more water. It is the only thing I drink beside coffee, milk and seltzer.

49. What do you drink in the morning? Water than coffee than water again.

50. What non-banking related card in your wallet is the most valuable to you? The one I can use to make a purchase.

51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? The one closest to the door. The kids want me in the middle of the night so why have them tripping around the bed to get to the other side?

52. Do you know how to play poker? No!

53. Do you like to cuddle? I love it!

54. Have you ever been to Canada? No but I would really love to go.

55. Do you have an addictive personality? No.

56. Do you eat out or at home more often? Mostly at home. We don't eat out often.

57. What do you miss about high school, if anything? I miss just hanging with friends and having no responsibilities at all, plus the possibilities of an unlived life.  In high school, we could dream to be anything than real life takes over and you realize not everything is possible if you weren't provided the tools to make the right choices. Thank God, I don't have an addictive personality (see above)

58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Nope.

59. Do you want kids? Well, if my answer was no, it would be too late. I have two.

60. Do you speak any other languages? Yes, Momish and Parentise

61. Have you ever gotten stitches? Yup! When I had my c-sections.

62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? I am afraid to answer this without being able to knock on wood right now, so draw your own conclusion.

63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? A pool! Preferably, clean and warm with loads of chlorine and an unslippery bottom.

64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? I always wanted a window seat in my bedroom. Ahhh, I know that isn't what you are talking about but since flying isn't something I would do willingly...

65. Do you know how to drive stick? Nope but I downshift instead of breaking on the icy roads in my home town all the time.

66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Books and games for my kids.


Apolo Ohno rocks!

Seven Metals!!!

The most decorated U.S. Winter Olympian champion.

I love watching Apolo, his face set in determination, keeping up in Twitter World. He is exciting to watch. I was hoping for GOLD but Bronze is good too.

Apolo Tweet: Trying 2 get some sleep.excited. Reliving every moment. I'll do a random Q&A tomorrow when I've got some down time.Aaah! I did it!..again!
