Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - September 20, 2009

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

The Teach and I went out to dinner last night minus the children. My niece came over to watch the kids and we knew there was no time limit. I was dressed up which hardly ever happens. Unfortunately there is nothing to show for it. We enjoyed dinner, headed to two local bars and then to his office for some alone time. We got home around 10:00 p.m. the kids were still awake. We put them to bed, get changed, and then I decided to take the self portrait pictures wearing my washed out evening makeup and my Sponge Bob pajamas. The next time I will ask my niece to take a picture of us before we head out so I have the memory of how we showed, dressed and headed out without kids.


  1. lol love em' :) I wanna do some whenever I get my camera fixed.

  2. You have SpongeBob pajamas? I love it! My daughter would think you were the coolest mom ever if she saw those :)

  3. It doesn't matter what you do or wear, you are still beautiful!!
    I have Mickey Mouse jammies... :-)
    Then there are my ugly jammies (that's what we call it when I sleep in "the buff" -- teehee).
    My pics will be up later (tomorrow the latest) then I'll link. We spent the afternoon with The Hubs daughter and SIL and their kids who had driven down from CT last week for a cruise and were headed back home. (Her mother - Bill's ex-wife - was also with them, LUCKY ME).

  4. crystal12:44 AM

    You are Adorable!!!


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