Maria's Space: October 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Camera Critters - Twin Chinchillas

Camera Critters

I used Chinchilla pictures a week ago (check this baby out) but when I went to the pet store again on Monday, I couldn't resist these little guys, sleeping together. Cute.

Happy Halloween From Maria's Space

Haunted House Animations provided by

Friday Fill In

1. My favorite food seasoning is Adobo
2. My children singing is music to my ears.
3. Lucky is anyone who loves
4. Being a friend is something I take very seriously.
5. Many people feel alone
6. Halloween decorations was the last thing I bought at the store.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to trick o treating, tomorrow my plans include going out with the husband for the first time in 6 years to celebrate 11 years and Sunday, I want to relax, it has been a long week.

Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain to Everyone

This is interesting, I just got a comment from Gretchen (thanks Gretchen, I love researching) after looking up the word Samhaim I figured I would share what I found.

I have never heard of Samhain but here is what I learned:

Samhaim literally means "summer's end"
History of Samhain
Samhain marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year. The Celts divided the year into two seasons: the light and the dark, at Beltane on May 1st and Samhain on November 1st. Some believe that Samhain was the more important festival, marking the beginning of a whole new cycle, just as the Celtic day began at night. For it was understood that in dark silence comes whisperings of new beginnings, the stirring of the seed below the ground. Whereas Beltane welcomes in the summer with joyous celebrations at dawn, the most magically potent time of this festival is November Eve, the night of October 31st, known today of course, as Halloween.
The Colors Of Halloween
Black (ward off negativity), orange (good luck), indigo, homemade apple or mint scented herbal candles to light jack-o-lanterns or for altar candles.

Sky Watch Friday

It's Friday and Halloween...isn't it great?!!!

I wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

Oh yeah, back to the post. I got carried away because I have thought about Halloween all day hence the late Sky Watch.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Product Review - Your Couture Kid

The verdict is out...everyone loves Your Couture Kid!

We received a Ponytail Holder from Your Couture Kid and everyone we see has commented on it. At school, at the grocery store, the post office, the bank. They all love it! Goddess loves it too, she spent the first 10 minutes asking me to take her picture as she pretended to smell the flower.

The ponytail holder is beautiful, colorful unique. Even the package the ponytail holder comes in is cute and swanky. It was so cute I didn't want to open it. You get a whole lot of swank for very few bucks. These are great stocking stuffers and because they are not made with ribbons, older girls who feel they are "aren't babies" anymore won't mind wearing them.

Check out their Hair tutus, so sweet.

Your Couture Kid doesn't just do the cutest pony tail holders and other hair accessories, you this is your one stop shopping for all your couture wee one needs.

Check out their Etsy Shop for more of their products. How cute are these foot stools?

They also have the most adorable pacifier clips. They are unique and swanky. No silly little plastic clip here. What I love the most about them is that there are a lot of boy themes. You don't find that too often.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Witch on a Pole?

I know it is a weird picture but I always liked it.
The home of Ruby Tuesday can be found here.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Monochrome Monday - The Tall Grass

Click the button above to go to the home of Monochrome Monday

I wanted to see how this looked in black and white.

Last week I posted this here and they look beautiful in color. Still not sure if I like them in B&W but I decided to use them as my Monochrome Monday submission for this week.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week in Pictures - October 19, 2008 - October 24, 2008

October 19, 2008 - I had to take some shots of the beautiful autumn colors that were surrounding my home. I wish I had time to Photo Shop the wires out.

October 20, 2008 - I took the kids to one of the farms near by. We have gone every year for the past 3 years. This year we didn't end up getting pumpkins. Handsome ended up with the biggest tree (splinter) under his index finger nail on his right hand. I rushed him to the pediatricians office where the doctor tried to remove this huge green splinter. He couldn't get it out and suggested the ER so they could cut it out. I phoned a nurse friend who told me what I was hoping when I called. To just leave it alone. If it doesn't become infected, leave it alone. We have been cleaning and wrapping it waiting for the opportunity when it will be removed. Unfortunately I have had to keep him out of Martial Arts and Gymnastics for fear of him injuring his finger anymore. Hopefully it will be out before the end of next week.

October 21, 2008 - My daughter and I walked around with a camera in the morning taking random photos. This home is one of many on a block near my town. I have always been interested in it because these look like little summer bungalows that are now permanent homes. This one has so much going on outside that I can only wonder what the inside looks like. The table has a lace table cloth and candelabra on it. It is never taken off and is there rain or shine. I wish I could have taken more photos but I didn't want to trespass.

October 22, 2008 - My husband got the kids a play mat from Home Depot. It's so colorful and fun. They have been playing with their cars and Little People on it every day. I love how fun and colorful this photo looks.

October 23, 2008 - When I got home today there was a box from Tristan of Maiden America. Inside was jar of home made blackberry jam. If you want to make this girl a friend for life, send home made preserves. I have had PB&J for dinner for 2 nights. Yummy. Oh, and for all your girly, girl needs, like the most adorable hair accessories, check out Maiden America. Check out my review here.
October 24, 2008 - Sue me! I Love taking her picture. She is so expressive and she cracks me up.

The Saturday Special~Halloween Ghostly Tell Tales~

1. Believe in ghosts, spirits, or the supernatural? I believe in the PARANORMAL.(Phenomena existing outside of conventional norms.)

2. Ever had a supernatural experience? I am not sure if this is supernatural but I believe it to be hypersensitive. It was the first weeks of my newborns life, I started smelling perfume. I immediately thought about my mom and her White Shoulders perfume. Let me elaborate. I was at the computer, my son was asleep in his crib. It was around 7:00 p.m. I smelled perfume that came out of nowhere. I headed downstairs to my husband in the family room and asked if he had sprayed anything. He said no. I shrugged it off and went back to the desk. I still smelled it, checked on my son and it eventually went away. The next night, at the same time, while on the computer, I experienced the same smell, I headed back downstairs to ask again. My husband insisted that he had been watching TV and that no he didn't spray anything.I checked my son again. Being a first time mom I was very worried about SIDS. The third night I was afraid to turn around. I asked out loud why are you here? I finally turned around, of course there was nothing there. After 2-4 minutes the smell was gone. The 4th night I smelled it I called my father. I told him about what was happening and that it made me nervous. I felt that she was visiting because something was going to happen to the baby and that she was there to take his soul to wherever he needed to be. In over 25 years I had never smelt her before. He told me that she was just letting me know that she was around.

The next night (5th night in a row), when I smelled the perfume at 7ish, I told her that she was making me nervous. I never smelt the perfume after that. That was almost 6 years ago now and I can say that I have not smelled the perfume since then.

3. Favorite horror film? I guess since I am not a huge fan of being scared the first A Nightmare on Elm Street would be my favorite. I am a little too afraid to watch it since then but it was a good movie.

4. Finish this line: Silently I walk in the moonless night waiting for him.

I Received An Award - Woot!

I am a lucky girl, I received a note telling me that I was received a blog award from
Saving Grace. I am touched and honored.

Thanks Gigi!!! Who doesn't love awards???

Camera Critters

Camera Critters
Join Camera Critters to submit your adorable pet photos or to view some sweet animal pics.

I absolutely love the sweet face on this little guy. How cute! My daughter feel in love with her.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sky Watch Friday - Autumn in Full Bloom

This was taken as a Sky Watch photo but with all this color, who is watching the sky?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Flashback That Made Me Smile

My son came into the kitchen last night with his Halloween goody bag, held it out and said, "I only got a rock." Then he ran out of the room. It took me 3 seconds and then I remembered where he got this from.

I love that he is watching and quoting something I watched when I was a child. Cute

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ABC Wednesday - "N" - Niece

Click the button to be taken to the home of ABC Wednesday
Click the picture to enlarge

ABC Wednesday's letter this week is "N".

I have chosen to showcase my niece. These pictures of my niece and Goddess make me smile. I love much fun they look like they are having. Being an aunt makes me so happy. I love all of my nieces and nephews. Goddess is the youngest in the family. I love watching her play with her cousins as she eats up the attention of the "big girls" in the family.

These pictures show a wonderful relationship that I find very touching and sweet. I hope that Goddess feels as she gets older that she can go to her big cousin for advice and friendship. My niece is a very intelligent, sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders. I know she is going to take the world by storm and do wonderful things. It would be an honor to have Goddess take after her cousin. I would be a happy mommy.

What is Up With The Gas in This House?

Free Smileys & Emoticons at Clipart
I know farts are funny. My kids and my husband find them extremely funny.

Lately, my kids have been backing up to fart on me and my husband.

What the hell? They back up, let one rip and then laugh until we push them away. Where did they get this wonderful habit? Umm...not from this parent!

I have been trying to push the "excuse me" line because really how will they learn this is only funny and acceptable at home if we don't start telling them?

When I was young I remember the whole house laughing when my father stunk up the room but really, having my kid back up onto me and fart is getting old.

Is this happening in your house?

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ruby Tuesday - My Little Devil

Hit the bug to go to the home of Ruby Tuesday and join the Ruby Fun.

This is my son's second Halloween. He was 1.5 years old. He wasn't very excited about Halloween can you tell???? His Godmother Bek and I took him around and he chose an apple over the candy which made us both very happy.

This was his second devil costume. To see his first Halloween photo check out my other blog for my Ruby Tuesday submission.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Attack of the Monday Memes - Monochrome Monday , Manic Monday & Blue Monday

Hit the button above to be taken to the home of Monochrome Monday

There are two kinds of light--the glow that illumines,
and the glare that obscures.

James Thurber

Join Mo for Manic Monday by clicking the bitten apple.

My submission for the bitten theme this Monday is a bit lame but work with me here. I don't get out much.

Blue Monday can be found by clicking the Blue Jay's picture

This is my very first Blue Monday. Since Blue is my favorite color I figured it would be crazy to participate in 100 memes but not this one. Glad I found it.

This is a obviously a photo of my son levitating in case you couldn't figure it out.

Kid Funnies

This morning my husband asked if I wanted a quick omelet.

Teach - "Honey, you want a quick omelet?"

My daughter, heard something else entirely.

Goddess - "Daddy, did you say, do you want to play dominoes?"

I must have laughed for 5 minutes.

BTW...the name of the omelet is the ass expander.

We also have the gut buster, belt loosener and take me down to Cholesterol City.

Scenic Sunday - Autumn at the Lake

Hit the Scenic Sunday button to be take to their home to play along or look at awesome scenic photos

Click photo to enlarge
The lake in Autumn

See my other Scenic Sunday photo here at Memories Through Photography

Saturday Photo Hunt - Family

Tnchick of Photo Hunter's
theme was Family this week. This is the family picture taken last month for the kids preschool. We used to take one of these every week when my son was born. Then when my daughter was born we managed every week for the first 2 months, then every other. Now we get one at Christmas. I really want to start scheduling family photo session at least once every few months. That's not too much to ask is it????

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week In Pictures - October 12, 2008 - October 18, 2008

Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?

JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours. You can find the button and link on my side bar.

October 12, 2008 - My Daughter loves riding on small toy cars. Usually it is a Barbie car but this time it was the prized Little People bus, a gift from Auntie Bek!

October 13, 2008 - The living room hasn't looked liked this in 5 years. 5 years ago when my son started crawling we sealed up the fireplace, moved the couch against it and forgot about it. This week my husband took the tape, sealer, plywood, garbage bags and insulation out, moved the couch and started our first fire in 5 years.

October 14, 2008 - There have been some pretty incredible skies this week. There is nothing like the colors of the trees in October and the amazing autumn sky. What is not to love.

October 15, 2008 - I have stopped my car so many times this week to take random photos. It is one of the reasons having the kids in school is good for my health.

October 16, 2008 - Like I said, we have had some truly amazing skies. This was around 6:30 p.m. and my kids and I were in the car looking at the full moon and the amazing clouds. They talked about the sky for an hour as we drove home.

October 17, 2008 - This is a Halloween decoration of a spider web but that is not why I took the photo. We were heading out to the car when I noticed a Walking Stick on the web. I took the photo and we left. When I came back he was there 5 hours later. Not sure why he hung out so long but the kids and I thought he was pretty amazing.
October 18, 2008 - Here is an old abandoned bird nest that was under the deck. The bottom was dried up mud that was as solid as concrete. My kids were so amazed with the nest and it was fun talking about why birds make nests and why.