Maria's Space: January 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Education World ® Lesson Planning: Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways

I found this awesome idea while searching for things to do for the 100th day of school celebration this year.

It will be Handsome's first time doing this assignment and I want to make it special every year.

Here are some really fun lesson plans.

Education World ® Lesson Planning: Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Small Talk Six - Worst Movies

This weeks MomDot question is: 6 of the worst films you’ve ever watched

Can I list 6?

Jennifer's Body - Really sucked! The folks behind this movie were just trying to capitalize on a pretty girl but the movie had no thought behind it and Megan Fox is pretty dull.

Observe and Report - As a fan of Seth Rogan I was hopeful that this would be good. I couldn't make it past 40 minutes. I really tried.

The Fountain - I got it because Hugh Jackman was in it but I have no idea what the hell this movie was about.

The House Bunny - Oh my God! Really???

I cannot come up with another movie that made me say that was aweful.

Sunday Stealing: The Pretentious Blogging Meme

1. How long have you been blogging? Since June 2005

2. What made you start? I wanted to leave a comment for a friend who has started a blog. Assuming I needed to register to do so, I started one. It was pretty pathetic. Here is my very first post.

3. Who inspired you? My kids, I was inspired to document their every moment.

4. About how many hours a week would you estimate you spend on your blog? About 20 hours on my blog, linking, researching, reviewing, posting, photos, memes, commenting.

5. What kind of experience or background do you have with writing? I have always written. Poems, stories, journals. I got my very first journal (a Holly Hobbie one) for my 7th birthday. When I look at it now, I really wish I wrote more. There are so many empty pages and the ones that weren't empty, I was busy apologizing for not writing. This is my only experience!

6. Talk about how you come up with blog topics. Where do you get your ideas? Whatever is going on at the moment. I wish there was more time to actually just talk about random topics that sit in my head but that is not possible.

7. What or who inspires you and your blog? Me, me and me...I just want to write about my life, and talk about my kids. Everything else is just fillers.

8. Where and/or how do your brainstorming for your blog? Oh, you know...I sit at the table and look at my list of things to review or commitments I have for PR folks and put real life experiences on the backburner. A story about Goddess' first Valentines Day card from a boy story has been sitting with me for over 2 weeks.

9. Do you have any blogging rules or guidelines you follow? Nope

10. Is there anything you will not blog about? Nope

11. Do you have any sort of a publishing schedule in terms of day of week or topic? Nope, although someone tried earlier this week to get me on one and I declined.

Self Portrait Sunday - January 31, 2010

If you are new to the meme, welcome. To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.
I took this picture tonight at Chili's. The baby girl is sick and had just woken up. Can you tell? About 3:30 today my husband asked if I wanted to go out to eat. Hello, are you kidding, you don't have to ask me twice. I love going out to eat, especially with my family. It is a wonderful experience to be out without the comforts of home and depend on each other. We are a family and it shows most when we are in the elements and function as one unit. It is also great to see how well behaved my kids are. It probably has something to do with the fact that we interact with them. My parents didn't take us out to eat often so when they did, they would pretty much ignore us as they talked, laughed and interacted with each other. We were pretty much on our own for entertainment which means we pretty much got yelled at most of the time. Hello parents, if you take your children out to eat, then you must go as a family! If you want an intimate, adult conversation, leave the kids at home.

Celebrate The Big Game With An Old El Paso Giveaway

Blog Search

Can you believe how fast this year is already going? The Superbowl is scheduled for February 7th and football fans are already planning for the party.

With all the appetizers, chili's, and dips on the menu, one thing you will need to pick up at the supermarket is Old El Paso Green Chiles.

Green Chiles are a simple way to liven up your go-to favorites. Green Chiles are not spicy, but will add a unique flavor to your dishes that the whole crowd will love!

Perfect for your dips and salsas, as well as your nachos and chili, Old El Paso Green Chiles can help you score a mealtime touchdown with your guests this year. For more ideas, check out these quick (with a prep time of less than 30 minutes each!) and delicious recipes that incorporate Old El Paso Green Chiles and will have your fans cheering for more!

Every year my husband makes his famous multi-layer nacho with all the works, Black Olives, Refried Beans, Jalapenos, Green Chilies, Meat, Shredded Cheese, Salsa and a big helping of Sour Cream. We never finish them but we make some nice dents. For me, it is the only thing to look forward to on SuperBowl Sunday until this year.

Thanks to My Sparks and Old El Paso I received this really awesome "Tackle the Taste" gift pack; two free cans of Green Chiles, as well as a football-shaped ceramic serving platter, two sets of football-themed plates and cocktail napkins, and a themed table runner.
Picture 811

Obviously, as you can see, the table runner won't be used as one in my house. My son confiscated it for his football play. Here is a picture as he is running after a ball he threw up in the air, now he is heading down field to catch said ball.
Picture 816
You can get a coupon for $0.55 cents off cans of Old El Paso here.

If you would like the chance to win one like mine, please fill out the form below and answer this question:
How would you use Green Chiles to spice up your favorite recipes?

To Enter fill out the form below before midnight, February 13, 2010.

US Only

For Extra Entries:

*Blog about this, and leave me the link for 3 extra entries
*Follow my blog
*Subscribe to Chotskies
*Follow me on Twitter, leave your twitter name
*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
*Tweet this giveaway and leave your link
*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
*Follow me under networked blogs (on my left side bar)
*Add my main button to your side bar

Disclaimer: Old El Paso provided the free product, information, and gift pack for the review through MyBlogSpark and also the giveaway.

Saturday 9 - Everybody Is A Star!

1. Did you ever think that you'd be a star? If yes, doing what? I already am a star baby! In my own eyes anyway and isn't that really all that matters? 

By the way, my photo is on the back of this box of cereal, but more on that later.

2. Tell us about the last time you had a romantic dinner. Hahaha...let's see that was sometime in the fall I think, my niece watched the kids and my husband and I went out for an amazing dinner at this place not to far away.

3. Tell us about your worst job interview. It was one were I failed a drug test. I have never taken a drug in my life, I know it and the Lord knows it. I called up my contact and told them (imagine those kind of guts at 22?) that I had never done a drug in my life and how wrong the test was. Fortunately they believed me and I worked there for a year.

4. Tell us about your stupidest date. Umm...I don't think I dated enough to have something called "the stupidest date." Oh wait, there was one where I drove down to South Jersey to met someone who thought he was God's gift to women. When I got out of the car, he asked me to do a little turn in the drive way so he could, what, I don't know, check out the goods I guess. We then got in our appropriate vehicles to head to a club. He gave me directions and said, follow me and you won't get lost. I followed, until I saw Turnpike signs and got the hell off. I had no idea how to get home but knew if I could get on the Turnpike then I would eventually get home. He was such a tool, I just couldn't spend one more moment there.

5. How much in common do you think you should have with a romantic partner?  I don't think you have to have a lot in common, you just need to accept each others differences and sometimes step outside your own comfort zone. Although it is nice to have some things in common. Like I know friends who go camping, hiking, and rock climbing, all things I always wanted to do but never said so.

6. Tell us about a favorite meme that you loved but no longer posts. Meme's come and of my favorites was one of my own...(if I am going to pick one, why not my own. Shoot me). It was called  Week in Pictures or WIP, only thing was no one ever took as many as I did so no one ever played. It was simple, just post a picture and quick journaling of the photo for each day of the week.

7. How did you get into blogging? I should just cut and paste from a prior meme. A friend had a blog, I tried to leave a comment. Thinking I had to be a member to do so, I started a profile which lead to the beginning of my blog.

8. Do you share all your fantasies with a significant other? Fantasies like fantasy lovers come and go so they change all the time.

9. What change in your life would you like to happen this year? There are so many, but they are all for me personally. I want to grow as a person, take more chances, push the envelope and stop hearing past words in my head about how weak, pathetic, small, immature, greedy, and more that I am. I already know they are all bullshit but sometimes it is hard to turn off the negative noise that your mind replays at any time of the day.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Follow

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thank God It's Friday - Mulitple Memes So You Don't Have to Read Many Posts!

Look at my Handsome, he is too damn cute! I love looking at their baby pictures and seeing how much they have changed and how quickly too! It is amazing. This seems like yesterday.
This is my first week playing along with Friday Photo Flashback.

1. Wouldn't it be easy to just jump of this here bridge?
2. Life is better than ever!
3. I love the taste of Clary's Breakfast Special
4. The kids are helping their dad in the living room.
5. The first thing we're going to do is get the fire started. It is damn cold.
6. Do you hear that damn drip, drip, drip; it is driving me crazy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Spartacus, tomorrow my plans include sleeping till 7:00 and Sunday, I want to read!

A Military Band Signed By Sony Music - Check out 4Troops!

If you missed this group on Good Morning America, you HAVE to check them out.

The group, 4Troops, is made up of Capt. Meredith Melcher, Sgt. Daniel Jens, Staff Sgt (Ret.) Ron Henry and former Sgt. David Clemo.

Support 4Troops by visiting their website and pre-ordering their CD which will come out in May of this year.
    A portion of the proceeds from the sales of 4TROOPS products will benefit charities that support American veterans

    Princess and The Frog Recall

    Welcome to Maria's Public Service Announcement.

    The following item has been recalled due to high levels of the toxic heavy metal cadmium.

    These items were sold exclusively at Walmart stores.

    Get Free Pamper Cruisers from Pampers!

    Starting today, January 29th you will be able to get a free sample three-pack of Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max on  If the sample sent includes a diaper stamped Team USA (randomly inserted in select sample packs), your baby will win a year’s supply of Pampers diapers!

    Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max has:

    • New Dry Max technology - our driest ever - to help lock wetness in up to 12 hours.
    • Twenty (20) percent less bulk, making it Pampers' thinnest diaper and our driest ever
    • Softer outer cover for comfort inside and out
    • Tapered design
    • Sesame Street® characters (Sesame street® is a licensed character with Pampers in North America)
    • Will be offered for the same price as current Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers (Pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer.)

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Caress Your Skin with A Caress

    Thanks to a Family Review Network campaign, I was able to try out Caress' new body soap and body wash. Caress Evenly Gorgeous!

    One Word! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Body wash has an exfoliatant in it, which is especially necessary in the cold, dry, winter months.

    The scent is burnt brown sugar and karite butter. The soap and body wash are excellent and beside the great smell they do a great job of moisturizing. Just take a whiff and relax in the tub. Your body wants you to.

    This stuff is amazing and there is no longer a need to go to the mall and spend over $12.00 at specialty body shops when you can find Caress in any supermarket and drug store for $7.00 or less.

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    Vampire Diaries - A Book Review

    Over the summer I purchased Vampires Diaries. Being a book reviewer there was never time to get to it. This weekend I picked it up and finished The Awakening and The Struggle.

    This is the first time I have read a book after seeing the movie (or in this case TV show on CW). The book of course is better but I like the show too.

    There are many differences between the book and the show.

    In the Awakening, the first volumn of the series we meet Elena Gilbert (in the book she is blonde). Elena is the popular girl at school. We meet Matt, Bonnie and Caroline who is someone we wouldn't be friends with now but we know her since we were children.

    When new student Stefan comes to school, Elena is very interested. He is attractive and doesn't react to her looks the way the rest of the boys in school always have.

    She soon discovers that he is tortured vampire with a historic past. He and his brother Damon both loved the same women "Katherine" and when asked to choose between the two of them she turned them both into vampires so that they could all be together forever. The brothers fought over her which promoted her to kill herself by exposing herself to the sun. Stefan and his brother kill each other in a sword fight. Because of Katherine's blood they wake in the family crypt and spend the rest of their lives hating and avoiding each other.

    Stefan is a self hating vampire who tries to fight his urge to feed on humans and feeds on animals instead while Damon loves his new self and relishes in the kill, his strength and skills.

    Elena and Stefan are in love but when the town accuses him of murder he leaves.

    Elena heads out in search of Damon who she feels is behind the murder.

    In The Struggle, Damon wants Elena for himself and will stop at nothing to have including murdering his brother. AGAIN!

    Damon tells Elena that he killed Stefan. Bonnie, who has psychic abilities has a vision and says she sees Stefan in water. They believe he must be under the bridge but upon checking he is not there. Matt tells them it sounds like he is in a well. When they find Stefan is is dying. Elena forces him to feed from her for strength.

    Damon enters Elenas house and though protected by Bovein she lets him feed from her to protect her sister Margaret (yes in the book she has a sister not a brother named Jeremy). They exchange blood!

    Like Katherine so many years ago, Elena is now tied to the Salvatore brothers by blood.

    One night during a storm Elena feels something evil is coming for her. She gets into her car and tries to outrun it. As she is crossing the bridge her car goes off into the river and she drowns.

    With Salvatore blood running through her veins she too become a vampire.

    The books are funny and I can hear the characters from the show talking. They have picked the perfect cast to play the characters in the book. I can totally see the Damon character from the book and the one on TV as the same.

    I can't wait to get the other books to see how it ends.

    Anyone who loves Twilight will appreciate Vampire Diaries. BTW...I wish the show talked more about the Diaries, sometimes I forget the reason for the name.

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    OxiClean Has Two New Products Worth A Try!!

    Last week I received two products as part of a OxiClean blog tour through Mom Central.
    Picture 806
    OxiClean Max Force Power Paks
    OxiClean Max Force Gel Stick Pre-Treater

    The paks look like the kind you would place in your dishwasher. They are compact and easy to just toss in the wash.
    Picture 807

    The stick is a roll to pre-treat stains.
    Picture 808

    I had a chance to really test them out on my daughters beautiful, pink winter jacket. Her teacher took her class out for recess the other day. When I pulled up the teacher apologize for the mud. I thought, perfect, I get to try out the OxiClean!

    I pre-treated four bigger stains with the OxiClean Max Force Gel Stick Pre-Treater, then tossed the jacket in with our normal detergent and an OxiClean Max Force Power Pak. The coat looked just as good as it did before recess. I am so happy with it.

    OxiClean Blog Tour“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of OxiClean and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

    ABC Wednesday - Round 6 - "B"

    B = Bee - Isn't he the cutest. I love this honey pot.
    Picture 704

    B = Birthday - Well it was a half birthday party. He turned 6.5 years old but for the purpose of this meme, we will consider it a birthday.
    Picture 078

    B = Big Brother - I love this picture. It isn't the best picture but I love how he is teaching her the alphabet.

    A 2 Year Old Goddess Brings This Weeks Ruby Tuesday

    A girl and her bear

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    The Simple Women's Daybook - January 25. 2010

    Outside my window...rain, rain and more rain
    I am thinking...of too many things to even go there right now. My well-being is a priority right about now.
    I am thankful for... my time on this earth.
    I am wearing...jeans and a two piece black and gray shirt
    I am terrible I was feeling this weekend
    I am going... to take a nice, long bath in a little while
    I am currently reading...The Vampire Diaries
    I am hoping... that everything I heard this weekend doesn't ring in my head for the rest of my life.
    On my mind... my son and whether I should pick him up from school instead of having him take the bus in this rain.
    Noticing that...Things are never what they seem
    Pondering these words... "I gave up my life.."
    From the kitchen... not much going on there these days. Other than it is clean.
    Around the house... piles of books I need to find a home for.
    One of my favorite things~ spending time with friends
    From my picture journal...Picture 744

    The Milk Pitcher is My Mellow Yellow Monday

    Isn't this the cutest little milk pitcher. I was at my girlfriend Clarissa's house having coffee and spotted this little sweetie on the table. Look at that face!

    Scooby Dooby Do Is Blue Monday

    Blue Monday is hosted by Smiling Sally. Head over and check out all the hues of blue or add one of your own.

    Here is the Scooby Do game Goddess begged for.She got it for Christmas and plays it often.
    Picture 698

    Neosporin Lip Health 3-Day Challenge

    As part of the Mom Central, I was able to participate in a Neosporin Lip Health 3 Day Challenge.

    Caring for our lips is just as important as any other part of our body we care for.

    Last week I receive the following:

    overnight renewal therapy header

    NEOSPORIN® LIP HEALTH™ overnight renewal therapy™ is clinically proven to restore visibly healthier lips in 3 nights.

    Product Essentials

    • A patented combination of antioxidants and essential lipids
    • Peptide and emollients to help strengthen lips
    • Vitamins and moisturizers to repair and nourish as you sleep
    • Occlusive formula designed to hydrate lips overnight
    • No parabens or other preservatives
    • No artificial flavors
    And, Neosporin Lip Health Daily Hydration Therapy

    daily hydration therapy header

    NEOSPORIN® LIP HEALTH™ daily hydration therapy is clinically proven to restore visibly healthier lips in 3 days.

    Product Essentials

    • A patented combination of antioxidants and essential lipids
    • SPF 20 to protect against sunburn
    • Peptide and emollients to help strengthen lips
    • Glycerin to attract and retain lip moisture
    • Lightweight formula absorbs quickly
    • No parabens or other preservatives
    • No artificial flavors

    Both products restore moisture and lock it in.

    My daughter who has extremely dry lips and I both used the products. Goddess' lips get so dry that they are usually bleeding. This happens because she ends up picking them, pulling the skin off and then looks like she has a bloody lip.

    We saw a drastic difference on her lips by day 2. Now by day 5 her lips have no dry pieces to pick at.
    I think I have become addicted to both items. I love the change of

    To the 3 Day Challenge - To receive a coupon for yourself, head over here.

    "I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Neosporin and received a sample of the Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy and the Lip Health Daily Hydration Therapy to facilitate my review and a $20 thank-you gift certificate."

    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    Winner, Winner Are You A Winner?

    The winner of the Happy, Healthy Mouth Giveaway from Quantum Health is:

    Random Integer Generator

    Here are your random numbers:

    5 - Renee

    Timestamp: 2010-01-24 21:58:15 UTC

    Renee, I have emailed you, if you didn't get one, please feel free to contact me directly.

    Self Portrait Sunday - January 24, 2010

    If you are new to the meme, welcome. To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

    The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

    I took these on Friday afternoon after the kids came home from school.
    Picture 726
    Picture 736
    Picture 743

    Have a great Sunday!

    Saturday, January 23, 2010

    The Dating Profile Meme

    This is my first time playing this meme.

    The Dating Profiles Meme: It Ain't Easy

    1. It is never easy to talk about yourself. Well don't start now!

    2. I am not a mind reader, so say what you mean and mean what you say. So when you smell like ass, you want me to tell you!?

    3. You can't Acquire what you Require if you don't Enquire. What??? Did someone learn some new words today?

    4. I have a creative streak and it know how to use it! Wow, well Mr Creative, stop calling yourself "it".

    5. Someone who might teach me how to kayak, or take me for a long walk through the woods showing me the beauty of the outdoors. Did you know you could hire someone for this? You don't need to take out an ad for this. BTW, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Obviously you must have lost your legs and eyes if you need someone to take you on a walk and show you the beauty.

    6. I enjoy walking, reading, going different places, taking long rides and seeing where we end up. You should never read and walk at the same time, you could hurt yourself.

    7. I don't say alot at times but at other times very talkative. We can hang as long as I am in charge of when you are quiet and when you are talkative.

    8. If I meet your expectations please contact me --- If not I totally respect your honesty. You won't be hearing much honesty unless I call right? Duh!

    9. I love my blackberry and my WII. Sounds like your nights are full, I hope the three of you will be very happy together.

    10. I am a hard worker, owning my own house which I take great pride in the impovements I have done to make it a home. Are you employed or is your job making your house a home? Just asking!

    Saturday 9: I Think We're Alone Now

    Saturday 9: I Think We're Alone Now

    1. What celebrity in a fantasy would you like to be alone with? Oh do I have to pick just one???? If it is my fantasy there would be two and it would be Rob Pattinson and Gerard Butler. This is so easy since I've had both of them many, many times...First, we would all......damn if I go there I will never get done with this post...

    2. Have ever dated a good friend? Yes...I actually married him. We were really good friends!!

    3. What is the most embarrassing song that you like? No Nothing

    4. What is your favorite tear jerker movie? The Notebook, Sophie's Choice, Steel Magnolia's, Not Without My Daughter, Sybil, (I'm a big Sally Field fan, that chick can break my heart. I love her), 7 Pounds...this is really hard. I love a good cry.

    5. What about yourself makes you least secure? Feeling inadequate

    6. Do you believe in destiny? Yes, I believe everything happens because it is supposed to.

    7. What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view? I have never been so self important to think that everyone should have my opinion. We are all stars of our own reality which means we are all entitled to our own beliefs. However, the only time this philosophy falls by the way side is when it has something to do with my kids. There is nothing someone can tell me about my kids that I either don't already know or think they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

    8. What are 5 things you don't care about? Gossip, trying to get someone to come over to my side of the issue, football, basketball, and soccer.

    9. Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were seducing or being seduced? I was always the seductress. When I was younger I was much more confident in my feminine ways. Now, I wouldn't know someone was seducing me, I wouldn't think they were interested in me that way. You would have to smack my in the face with a 2X4 for me to believe you were even trying. In my marriage, there is no seducing, I basically just ask, "You want to have sex?"

    Treat Precious Skin With Exederm - Product Review & Giveaway.

    Thanks to a campaign through Family Review Network I was able to review a product by a company called Exederm.

    Over the past 6.5 years we have learned a lot about Eczema in my house. My son suffers from it and at times I don't know how he functions. Seeing him scratch is a normal occurrence, Benedryl and Hydrocortison is something we ALWAYS have to have in stock.

    Eczema is a dry, irritated skin that can be triggered by irritants, allergens, stress, heat or sweating. My son has had it since he was 2 months old. It started on his eyebrows, moved to his scalp and now he has it everywhere. He has many irritants and we take great care in making sure his skin stays hydrated. In the winter we use loads of moisturizer and a humidifier in the house due to the dryness of the wood stove, heat and fireplace. Dressing him in winter clothes and then sending him to a too hot classroom is also a problem. Let's put it this way, he suffers all the time! The vicious cycle of eczema is Itch-Scratch-Inflammation. No very fair is it?

    As soon as my son saw them he said, "those are for me!"

    My Opinion In A Nutshell: We have tried each and every one and in my opinion, there is really no need to try another. Because my son scratches his skin so hard, he breaks the skin and sometimes putting the necessary cream on him is a problem. It stings and makes him more itchy on top of the complaining about it hurting. There hasn't been a single one of these products that have hurt him. In fact, this is the first product that he has ever brought over to me and asked me to put on him.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    County Bob's All Purpose Sauce Is Yummy+A Giveaway

    Last week I received some bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. This is my second time reviewing for them and I am here to tell you, it still rocks! Here is my first review.

    Along with the bottles of sauce were some of Country Bob's receipes. The last time I reviewed it as a steak sauce but after trying it that day, it became my dipping sauce. It tastes good on everything. After my review bottles were done I purchased a half case for $19.00. Believe me, it was well worth it, a friend and I split the cost and the bottles.

    We used it on ribs, meatloaf, chicken and as an all purpose dipping sauce.

    The sauce is really thick and smells wonderful. You just know when you open the bottle it is going to taste great. It has great flavor, great consistency, great aroma, and a great price. My husband's quote, "that Country Bob Sauce is really, really good!" Coming from a guy who doesn't like steak...that says something.

    Super Bowl Sunday is coming up, order up some of Country Bob's and make some appy's that will have them begging for more.

    Country Bob Wings
    1/2 cup Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce (or may substitute Spicy)
    1/4 cup sugar
    1/4 cup Dijon mustard
    1 small onion, chopped
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    1 Tbsp chili powder
    16 whole chicken wings, about 3 lbs

    n a saucepan, combine the first six ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 15 to 20 minutes or until thickened. Meanwhile, cut chicken wings into three sections; discard wing tips. Place wings in a well-greased 15 x 10 x 1 baking pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, turning once. Brush with sauce. Bake 20 to 25 minutes longer, turning and basting once or until chicken juices run clear. Serve with additional sauce, if desired.

    In one word: Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To Buy: Head over to Country Bob's website where you can find his All Purpose Sauce, BBQ Sauce, spices and more.

    To Win: Fill the form below before midnight, February 2, 2010. Leaving a comment is not considered an entry.

    US Only

    For Extra Entries:

    *Blog about this, and leave me the link for 3 extra entries
    *Follow my blog
    *Subscribe to Chotskies
    *Follow me on Twitter, leave your twitter name
    *Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
    *Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
    *Tweet this giveaway and leave your link, can be done daily
    *Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook
    *Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
    *Add my main button to your side bar

    Disclaimer: I received samples of sauce from Country Bob's to write this review. Country Bob is also providing the giveaway.

    Friday Fill Ins -


    1. You have a chance to really shine!
    2. The Time is right now!
    3. There is a time and place for everything
    4. Buy now and pay later.
    5. It's time to stand up for yourself.
    6. The balloon is up in the air but then it disappeared.
    7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading tomorrow my plans include vegging and Sunday, I want to sleep past 7.

    La Choy Makes Dinner Time Easier

    Thanks to Mom Central I received a box of La Choy's newest product. I can NEVER see the word's La Choy without singing the jingle in my head. East meets West, La Choy makes Chinese food, swing American. Back in the day, it was the closest I got to Chinese food. It was before I knew any better. In the 70's living in Millbrook NY there was nothing even close to a Chinese restaurant.

    With picky kids and a husband always dieting, I usually just make something easy for myself, cereal, soup, salad, a sandwich but sometimes you need something good, warm and filing. You can open my pantry at any time and find at least one box containing the phrase, Just Add Chicken! So I was thrilled to be selected as one of the reviewers on La Choy Creations. 

    I opened the box and removed the 2 items. 1 can of specially blended teriyaki sauce with sesame seeds and 1 packet of pre-measured long grain rice.
    Picture 682
    Listen to how easy this dish was.

    Cut up 1 lb of thawed, boneless chicken.
    Heat a skillet and add 2 tablespoons of oil. I used Olive Oil because there is no other way to fly in my book. Throw the chicken in until cooked 5-6 minutes.

    Picture 681

    Add sauce, rice packet and 1 1/2 cups of water.
    Picture 683
    Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 12-14 minutes until rice is tender
    Picture 685

    Plate and serve
    Picture 693
    Easy can even add carrots, peas, water chestnuts, or whatever else you like to make this a complete meal. Substitute shrimp, beef or whatever else you have on hand. I am trying pork next time.

    It was tasty and filling and even taste better on day two when I wrapped it in lettuce leaves for a yummy lunch.

    "I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of La Choy and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”