Maria's Space: June 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Future Lyricist & I Think Hugh Grant Is Sexy

Last night I watched Music and Lyrics which actually wasn’t too bad if you could get past Drew’s spastic mouth movements and Hugh’s dancing (which while searching I am finding out he has done before in his movies).  I am still singing some of the songs (here’s one) and I fell in love with Hugh Grant )who was extremely likable in this movie). I think it was the tight pants, suede coat and the fact that he mildly reminded me of the other Hugh from House who I find weirdly sexy.

So back to the reason I wrote this post…

I think I have a future lyricist on my hands. She is a natural.  This morning while cleaning out kitchen cabinets (nesting? bored? who knows), she was pushing her dolls in her new pram carriage. While pushing she started singing to the tune of “I’m pushing my carriage, I’m pushing my carriage, I’m pushing my baby carriage, Oh what fun it is to push my little baby carriage!” Ok, I know…it’s not no Strawberry Fields or Born to Run but hey she’s 2.5 years old. One of her other talents in singing is knowing the words for more than 25 songs and changing up the tempo for the big finale’. This kid’s got some future if she can sing.  We have always hoped that she would use her voice for good, she didn’t get the name Banshee girl for nothing.

Originally written December 30, 2007 for In The Blink Of An Eye

Friday, June 28, 2013

Dialogues with Goddess

Originally posted on In The Blink of An Eye January 31, 2008

The other night after her bath I was combing her hair. Whenever we comb her hair or put it in a ponytail she utters, “I’m not pretty.”

I assume this is because for the past 2 years whenever we combed we must have told her she was pretty. She is!

Me: You are

Goddess: No, I’m not

Me: Are you ugly?

Goddess: No, I’m not ugly.

Me: Are you cute?

Goddess: No, I’m not cute.

Me: So what are you?

Goddess: I am beautiful!!!

Ahhh, I can only hope that she is always so confident. Even when she is giving me her mad face which she totally staged.

Posted by mgagliano

We Are Still Loving Our Polly Pocket Wall Party Ultimate All In One Playset

Looking for something to make the kids Summer even better? Need to buy a gift for someone? Have a Polly Pocket fan in your family? Like to buy toys for your kids that are functional, fun, and financially good for your wallet? Well, if you answered yes to any of these; you seriously need to check out the newest Polly Pockets!

You can see Goddess putting it together here and the best hangs on the wall. No little pieces on the floor to step on. Because it is off the floor, she is able to keep it together all the time and go to it whenever she wants which for the past week has been every day.

Our summer is busy and I love that Polly has always been a portable toy. She has a small container that she put her Polly Pocket dolls and clothes in and takes them with her to the beach, to her Abuela's, and too the park. Polly has taken many rides on the slide over the past few years.

So cool right!????

We will be picking up more pieces next month so she can add to her Wall Party!!!

What do you think? Is Polly Pocket onto something here?

All of the Polly Pocket Items listed below are for sale right now in my Amazon Store. Check out these great prices: 

  • Polly Pocket Zip 'N Splash Playset:
    • Previously: $17.99
    • Now: $15.95
  • Polly Pocket Wall Party Tree House Playset:
    • Previously: $19.99
    • Now: $11.99
  • Polly Pocket Wall Party Ultimate All-in-One Playset:
    • Previously $74.99
    • Now: $47.99

Disclaimer: “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Polly Pocket. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Breathless by Scott Prusssing - A Review AND This is Free on Amazon NOW

Breathless is the first book in the Blue Fire Saga, a paranormal romance series set at a small college in present day Connecticut. There are currently five books in the series.

Weston College freshman Leesa Nyland has been fascinated by vampires since she was three years old. That's when her mom started acting weird, insisting sunlight hurt her skin because she'd been bitten by a one-fanged vampire.

But fascinated doesn't mean Leesa believes. Any more than she believes in blue fire, people who live for centuries, and kisses that can kill. But when her beloved older brother suddenly disappears, she is forced to consider all these and more. She also has to figure out what to do about her mysterious new boyfriend. She knows Rave likes her a lot--so why won't he kiss her?

As Leesa draws closer to finding her brother, she faces some gut-wrenching decisions. Should she risk her mom's life trying to "cure" her? Should she continue seeing Rave, after he reveals his dangerous secret? And most terrifying of all, should she make the ultimate sacrifice-give up her humanity-to save her brother?

The 411 by Maria:

I cannot believe this book is free. When I downloaded it, as a filler between book reviews I did so because of the cover and WELL it was FREE. Little did I know it would be a fabulous read.

Leesa grew up hearing a story about her mother being bitten by a one fanged vampire while pregnant with her. Eventually the craziness of mom who drinks tomato juice and stays out of the sun drove dad away. When Leesa's brother leaves college sending her a letter not to look for him she heads off to the same college on a mission; find out what happened to her brother while learning more about vampires.

During a party she meets two sexy guys, Rave and Stefan. Both are mysteries and attractive. Leesa's college life just got more interesting and she will learn things she didn't even know existed. Is it possible that her brother is caught up in the vampire world? Can she find him before it is too late? Was her mother telling the truth all these years? So many questions and they will all be revealed in Scott's book!

Re-read that last sentence. This was written by a guy. I truly love that a guy wrote it which I had forgotten about until I started the review and typed HIS name. This is a great young adult, supernatural, romance lover read.  I love reading about Leesa and loved how her awkwardness, uncertainly, shyness, made way for a true heroine who would give her last breath for the people she loves. I also love that Scott can write likeable villain's Good job Scott! Great story and I can't wait to read more of your work.

Disclaimer: No sponsors to thank or credit. Read a book, liked it. Shared it with my readers.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bugs Equal Happiness? My Fearless Wrangler

Have you ever seen anyone so excited to hold a bug? The weekend started out with her rescuing a huge dragonfly from a pool area. I was completely freaked out over this one but had no idea that the next bug would make me freak even more.

I was utterly, freaking out! You can hear my irrational freakout in this video. Totally ridiculous but I was so afraid it would fly into my face.

Jenny Matlock

Family Recounts Are Entertaining and Odd

Last night while talking to my dad he mentioned a few things that I want to write down before I forget them.

Oddly enough, at 47 years old, I still learn new things when an elder starts opening up about family.
Here are some brief bullets from lasy night’s call that I hope to build on over the next few weeks.
I learned today that the reason my father and his brother had 5 years between them was because my grandmother had miscarried a baby girl. Ummm, a possible aunt? That would have been nice.
During Air Raid Drills or power outings my father, grandparents and my uncle would pile into “the bathroom with a candle in the sink to wait it out because it was the safest place to burn a candle”.
My grandfather was an air raid officer. I had no idea.

My dad and his family had the first TV on the block because my grandfather built it. This story I had heard before but I didn’t know that he was able to build it because he went to TV and radio school. TV and radio school? What the hell is that? He was a construction dude when I knew him. He helped build the Brooklyn Bridge what happened to his education?

My uncle was born on V-Day in Brooklyn NY. He was what they called a Victory Baby and everyone at the hospital was very excited so much so that someone stole the placenta. Grandma had a vaginal birth but my uncle was born inside the placenta like a calf or a horse. He had to be cut out of it and it came on with a V shape on top. Sounds like some crazy, old Italian malocchia thing. Malocchia by the way was used often in my house whenever someone was ill or if I wanted to get out of school. “I feel over looked.” Don’t ask because I don’t know where that term came from but “over looked” meant someone gave me the malocchia and it was taken very seriously in my home.

Anyway, I digress…as I was saying, my uncle had to be cut out of the placenta like a fowl. The placenta was wrapped around him in the form of a “V”. Ummm, ok…I am just relaying a story here people, these are not my memories. Anyway, when he came out a nurse exclaimed, “we have a victory baby.”

From two accounts of the story, my dad and today my sister who heard from my Grandmother, things are sketchy here. My dad says that my grandmother wanted to keep the placenta to put into a necklace because supposedly she heard this would keep you safe at sea, as if she was boring an ocean liner in the near future! Anyway, when she asked for it she was told that it disappeared and that perhaps one of the nurses had stolen it.

My sister says, my grandmother told her that a nurse had wanted it for a necklace and when she asked for it, she was informed that it was missing.

Weird, either way I say. No?!

I also learned tonight that my dad was an RH factor baby and that when my uncle was born very ill. He was sickly as a child and very blond with blue eyes. My grandmother and my grandfather both have brown hair and brown eyes. The story is that when my grandfather came home from the war, he asked “whose baby is that?”

I am here to say that my cousin’s born from my uncle look like my grandfather, especially the oldest. He is the spitting image. It is actually a bit distrubing considering my history with my grandfather.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can You Believe Cracker Jack Have Been Around For 120 Years? + A GIVEAWAY

I cannot even believe how long Cracker Jack has been around.  I remember the square box, the toy surprises and the commercial.

"Whatdya you call a kid who can dive like that? You call that kid a cracker jack. And whatdya call a kid that gives the ball a whack? You call that kid a cracker jack. And whatdaya call a snack with the secret toy surprise in the pack, peanut and popcorn that make your lips smack? It's carmel coated Cracker Jacks." 

With Cracker Jacks we thought we could do anything and the prizes. How fun. I used to love getting a ring and prayed for one each box of Cracker Jacks I ate.  My friends remember fighting with their brothers or sisters for that prize because most families only got one box. 

After 120 years Cracker Jack has modernize while keeping the nostalgia of the past for today's families. The new flavors include Cracker Jack Kettle Corn and Cracker Jack Butter Toffee Popcorn to which I ate an entire bag last night while reading in bed (gross but true). The Original Cracker Jack have more peanuts and better prizes but that depends on who you ask. I LOVED MY RINGS although there are some special codes that you can use with special offers online.

There is even a FREE Cracker Jack app for iPhone, iPad and Ipod and all Android devices at where you can play Baseball and Pinball.

My kids and I received the kind of box that makes Blogger kids smile and rejoice that Mommy is a blogger. When I posted exactly that with the picture on Facebook everyone replied, "yum" or "I love Cracker Jack".

It is a snack from our past that we remember fondly and love. I was happy to share with my children. Unfortunately for them but fortunately for me, the kids can't eat the original because they are allergic to peanuts and Goddess was disappointed but she loved the Kettle Corn. I even sent a few bags to school for her end of year class party and the kids were super excited as many of them had never even heard of Cracker Jack. 

Now, I am noticing the bags of the original everywhere. Here they are at CVS.

They are still delicious and I forgot how much I missed that little guy with the hat and least we forget the prize!!!


Cracker Jack is offering one of my lucky readers a chance to win 6 bags of the popcorn featuring the three flavors I mentioned above.

About Cracker JackCracker Jack brand has been an American favorite for more than 120 years and is one of the many brands that make up Frito-Lay North America, the $13 billion convenient foods business unit of PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP), which is headquartered in Purchase, NY.  Learn more about Cracker Jack on or Frito-Lay at the corporate Web site,, the Snack Chat blog, and on Twitter at

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary shipment for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Polly Pocket's Wall Party

For a child who only played with her Polly's once a week to playing with them daily, being able to keep her Polly Pockets out all the time drastically changed things! Now if I can get all her toys on the wall, the floor and my vacuum will be much happier.

Watch how fast she puts it together.

Disclaimer: “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Polly Pocket. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Emma's Secret by Steena Holmes - REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:

This is the sequel to Finding Emma which I read last year (my Finding Emma Review). Emma is back with her family after 2 years of being kidnapped by a senile sad, old woman and her family is trying their best to cope while finding a new normal with their very confused and sad 6 year old. What is a mom racked with guilt supposed to do? Megan is overprotective and trying hard to get through to Emma. Her fear of losing her. Her anger toward the kidnappers and her insecurities in her marriage are too much to bear and the one really suffering is Emma.

This is a great sequel. We get to hear Megan's voice, Peter's voice, Jack's voice and Dottie's voice even though it is only through journals her husband Jack reads while going through her things.

Steena creates a family full of life and love who are trying to put themselves back together after one of the most horrific things a parent can go through. Each member is important to the story. I read this book in one afternoon at the beach and can't wait to tell my friends about it.  I truly love each and every character especially Peter just like my review of the first book. Peter and Jack are the men woman should have in their life.

Does Crafting Calm You? Check out These Projects for Creativity and Contemplation + A GIVEAWAY

Crafting Calm is a book of projects and ways to practice being creative and crafty for a purpose. Maggie Oman Shannon, both a mother and minister, shares interesting crafts like making your own bath salts or wall hangings, and talks about the effects of crafting on children as well.

The 411 by Maria:

I am an avid crafter and just like author Maggie Oman Shannon, my daughter and I have a ton of future crafting things. She mentions that her own daughter stores toilet paper rolls, ribbon and more as does my daughter. On the occasional Saturday, we take some of our bins out, spread it on the table and start crafting. We never know what we are going to come up with (more on that in future posts). While the kids swam today at the beach, I sat watching and reading Crafting Calm and wishing I had brought my highlighter. There are so many tidbits, sayings and ideas I need to remember and go back to. Tonight I am going to sit and underline things I want to remember and try out. Beside all the craft ideas there is a ton of inspiring anecdotes such as the connection of crafting to insight and harmony. While I found this while I craft a sense of peace, calmness, and serenity I never thought of it as being spiritual. It so is. I will never craft the same again.

Goddess and I have a date to create some of the sacred bath salts, we love crafts we can do together and we both love bath salts.  While Goddess won't get out of the salt what I will, I love how Maggie writes journaling and reflection sections in each chapter.   With the bath salts, "What do I need to cleanse myself of right now? What would I like to scrub off and out of my life?" I appreciate the thought and will seek to dig deeper into my salt preparation rather than just what smells good to me at the moment. 

My favorite chapter by far was the Crafting for Connection With Others. I long to connect with so many people on a deeper level and Maggie's section on Thinking Of You Candles reminded me of how much time I used to spend on candling. Creating candles as gifts and lighting them in the name of something. I used them as a way to breathe through sometime, think of something, or let something go. 

This book has allowed me to remember how much I love my crafting, candles, incense and spirituality. How much time I used to spend on finding my Zen before my kids and how I should get back to it. NOW! While I feel as if I am always very Zen. It is without effort. Spending more time concentrating on my serenity can only do me well.

If you need serenity, clarity and harmony back in your life and you love crafting, check out Crafting Calm by Maggie Oman Shannon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No compensation was offered.

We Girls Have Our Towns Back This Spring

Last May the Mayor asked all of the Daisy, Brownie, Girl Scout Troops and the rest to join him for a morning of planting. The planters will go up around our Main Street and the troops numbers will be on each planter so we know which are ours. We don't have to water them which is great just weed. The girls are so proud when they see their planters are doing well and the town looks great.

We had a great turnout! There is my girl with the white shirt and braid in the middle.

How stinking cute! We even had little ones who aren't Daisys yet but who had sisters there so wanted to help too.

Some of my Brownie troop

Our first planter!

Poor Goddess suffers from allergies so badly. She was not comfortable at all but eventually started planting. She really wanted to but gets swollen eyes. She was on Claritin and it was only 7:45 am. Can you tell how miserable she is?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Polly Pocket From A Whole New Prospective - Come Check Out What's New In the World of Polly Pocket

My daughter inherited a huge collection of Polly Pockets the year she was born to be saved for when she could play with them from her God Sister who had grown out of them as a teen. Goddess loves Polly and has kept them in very good condition. While she doesn't play with them often, she takes the cases out at least once or twice a week and spends time dressing them and setting up a little village of Pollys.

We were so excited this week when we received some of the newest products to the Polly Collection.

Check out our video that Little Miss Goddess decided to do herself while I was cooking dinner.

If your little ones love Polly Pocket, they will love the Polly Pocket Wall Party Tree House (Our video is coming tomorrow).

You can order many products in the Polly Pocket World through our Amazon Store Widget below!

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Polly Pocket. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Flag Day Celebration

School was coming to a close and I just knew it would be one of the last photo ops before graduation. I have grown to love so many of these kids. Handsome is heading to the middle school (our middle school is 4-8th grade) next year and have been working in the school for the past three months and loving it.

The Flag Day Ceremony is usually held outside but it was raining so...we stayed in.

Here is Handsome with his made in school flag

Flag Day

My Brownie Troop was ready to go!
Flag Day! Can you tell someone is really excited? Someone is happy about Flag Day Mr. Personality lately. IMG_0533 IMG_0532

My Baby Girl Makes Me Laugh

Oh my gosh I love this post about my sweetie written May 23, 2008


I want to write down a bunch of things that I should remember about my baby girl. She is just 3 and we already know we need to always be at least 5 steps ahead of her.
 These days when she hugs me she says, “Mommy, you my friend.” Love it.

When she says good-bye to someone she adds a quick hand to mouth (blew me a kiss) gesture. Not sure where she got that from.

She is a mega manipulator and will probably be a lawyer when she grows up. This morning she asked for cookies for breakfast. Because she knows this is a definite “NO” I chose not to respond to her at all. We have gone down this road of wills and I was tired this morning. When I didn’t answer she turned to her brother and said, “Handsome, do you want black and white cookies?” He said “yes.” She looked at me and said, “Mommy, Handsome wants cookies. Grrr…

After the bus ride yesterday, each kid was given a pencil case with an eraser school bus in it. Handsome loved it and held onto it all night. In the morning while watching TV he put it on the floor, Goddess ran up, snatched it and said before running off, “You’ll never find it now.”
I actually had to walk away to snicker because the only thing missing was a devious laugh at then end.

Another thing she is doing, and maybe it’s a girl thing, but she is constantly telling me, “Mommy, so and so doesn’t like me. Like when she says something to someone at the supermarket, gas station, McDonald’s drive through or the like and they don’t respond. The other day when her Dad was giving Handsome a bath and asked her to close the door so Handsome didn’t get cold. When someone doesn’t want to play, share, or hold her she says they don’t like her. It’s so sad and cute.

She also tells me everyday, “Mommy, I am going to get bigger!” Her dad and I tell her yes, she will and that we want her to take her time. Aaargghh she is going to get bigger?

Interview with Goddess 5 minutes ago.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Girl.
What is your favorite color? Green and Orange.
What is your favorite animal? An Elephant.
Who is your best friend? Handsome.
What is your favorite show? Little Bill.
What is your favorite food? Bacon.
What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks.

She is a natural born model/actress and it scares the crap out of me. The pictures above are my favorites of 25 shots I took of her consecutively in 2 minutes. She just kept changing her pose and her facial expression without coaching. Crazy!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I don't have HBO and totally freaking out because tonight is episode 2 of Season 6 and I won't be able to see it until I can get to a friend with HBO on demand. Are you watching?????

Using The Word Night...Isn't It A Sexy Word?

Originally Written June 23, 2008

This is one of my favorite words. Just look at it; NIGHT, it’s so sexy. Maybe the reason it appeals to me is because as a mom for the past 5 years I have lived on 3-6 hours of broken sleep. Night means for me, that I won’t be called on every 5 minutes to break up a fight, get someone a drink, help someone in the bathroom or just answer the 5,000 random questions I get from both of my inquiring kids.
It is also the time of day that my kids are winding down and just want to be with me without all the hoopla. I get to hold them, kiss them, hug them, read to them, snuggle with them, and them with me. It is the only time of the day that we are totally regimented with a schedule. Because I host “tent nights” & “crash with mom nights” I need to be totally in control on the nights the kids will sleep in their OWN rooms. Not that they stay there because everyone in this house needs to sleep with Mommy but they MUST start out in their beds. We drink milk, brush teeth, read stories, get the piggy back ride to bed, 1, 2, 3, swing them in, prayers, “I love yous” and I am out of there.
Night time is my time but what’s not to love when I get to see these adorable faces?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Great Program For A Great Price - Roxio Creator NXT ONLY $53.55



I just reviewed this product as an Amazon Reviewer and wanted to let my friends know that this is a great little program. Are there better ones out there? Yes, BUT for the price you can't go wrong. 

 I have a lot of different programs that do what this program does however, I found this program to be very easy to use. If you need something quick and with little effort on your part, this is the program.

So far the kids and I have made photo slideshows and a basic video for my son's graduation. They were able to use this program with little assistance at ages 8 + 10. My other programs would have been very difficult for them. This is a great drag and drop program for beginners.

There is even a simple photo editing program that is very simple to use. It even has an auto fix button or you can control the settings to your photography liking. Besides the basic touch ups you can clone, touch up, brush fill, create cut outs, use special effects such as changing to water painting, solarize, watercolor, add snow, change the color, use mirror effects and so much more. We have started playing with panorama section, haven't created our first yet but our next photo excursion we will focus on this.

Great for beginners with all these features a great program to build on.

The photo program also has a way for you to create photo projects such as cards, calendars, collages, posters, and so much more.

Once you create something in Roxio Creator you can quickly and easily share it through the Facebook or Google Share button.

Personally I love that I can use Roxio Creator NXT to create my DVDs. I was in dire need of a back up cleaning out of my system and created about 10 DVD's of data just to save it clean out the computer. I even used the program to create labels for the DVDs.

You can even create music DVDs or RIP and convert your DVD's digitally to be saved later on your MP3 player.

There are so many features and for under $60.00 you can't go wrong.

If you don't have any programs at all, this is a win, win.


From the Manufacturer

Capture, create, and share all your digital media with Roxio Creator NXT. Easily edit and enhance videos and photos, then share them on smartphones, iPads and iPhones, and popular websites. Get creative with amazing video effects, convert movies to 3D and edit HD video. Easily retouch and enhance photos, and create artistic graphics and unique photo projects. Enjoy a complete audio solution with the power to rip, mix, burn, and share music. Burn, back up, copy, and preserve files to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc. The built-in tutorials and printable instructions help get you started fast.

Key Features and Benefits

Videos and Movies
  • Easily edit standard and HD videos
  • Add pro-quality video effects, including picture-in-picture, titles, and scrolling credits
  • Rotate video with one click; auto-adjust color, brightness, and contrast
  • Stabilize shaky video taken with handheld cameras
  • Turn standard videos into 3D movies, edit in 3D, and create 3D DVDs
Now with PaintShop Pro:
  • Organize, tag, and manage your photos
  • Retouch photos with smart adjustment tools
  • Share on Facebook, Flickr, and more
  • Stitch multiple photos together into panoramic images
  • Fix red eye, erase wrinkles and blemishes, even restore old photos
  • Turn photos into unique designs with layers, brushes, and text tools
  • Create artistic graphics for use online, in videos, or in print
  • Make cards, calendars, and other keepsakes
Music and Audio
  • Get tunes from CDs and music DVDs
  • Digitize and clean up LPs and tapes
  • Record Internet radio or any other music playing on your PC
  • Edit your audio tracks, enhance them, remove unwanted noise, and more
  • Mix favorite songs into DJ style mixes with crossfades and rhythm synchronization
  • Automatically add title, artist and genre details to your audio files without retyping.
  • Capture streaming video from YouTube or other popular web sites
  • Convert standard, HD or AVCHD videos for your PC or big-screen TV
  • Convert your video to DivX format to enjoy on DivX-certified devices, such as the PlayStation 3, DVD players, mobile phones, and more
Data and Copy
  • Burn or copy discs right on your desktop
  • Protect your data and media files with disc encryption and passwords
  • Archive up to 50 GB on Blu-ray Discs
  • Back up to hard disk, network, DVD or Blu-ray Disc. Schedule unattended backups, or do it manually.
  • Easily copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs*. Compress a 9 GB movie onto a 4.7 GB DVD.
*Does not rip or copy encrypted or copy protected content.

System Requirements

  • Internet connection required for product installation
  • Microsoft Windows 8, Professional (32- or 64-bit), Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32- or 64-bit), Windows Vista SP2 (32- or 64-bit), Windows XP SP3 (32-bit).
  • For data burning and copy, audio capture and editing: Intel 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 Processor or AMD equivalent, 1 GB RAM. For video or photo editing, conversion and playback, Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz processor or AMD equivalent and 2 GB RAM. Multi-core processor highly recommended.
  • 1024x768 DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with at least 16-bit color setting, sound card, DVD-ROM drive
  • ATI Stream and CUDA acceleration only available with AMD ATI Stream and NVIDIA CUDA enabled graphics cards. Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration only available on 3rd generation Intel Core processors
  • Hard drive with at least 3 GB free space for installation. DVD and BD copy, video editing and authoring may require large amount of free disk space, up to 10's of GB.
  • Windows Media Player version 10, 11, or 12
  • Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10
  • Internet connection required for installation, registration, product updates and some features. Any Internet charges are the user’s responsibility
  • QuickTime player version 7 and iTunes version 10 required for some functionality
  • TiVo requires a TiVo Series2, Series3, TiVo HD DVR or other TiVoToGo compatible DVR connected to your home network and TiVo Desktop. Does not work with DirecTV -provided TiVo DVRs.
  • For video capture: OHCI compliant IEEE 1394 FireWire card for use with DV camera or Roxio Video Capture USB for analog sources
  • 3D glasses and other 3D hardware are the user's responsibility

Product Description

Edit videos and create DVDs like a pro. Organize & edit photos, create cards, calendars and slideshows. Quickly rip music and convert audio files to most popular formats. Copy, preserve, and recover irreplaceable data, photos and videos. Share your creations on CD, DVD, portable devices, YouTube, Facebook, Google+  and moreA