Maria's Space: 2019

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Reliving My Very First Giveaway From My Blog In The Blink Of An Eye

My First Giveaway – We Have A Winner

Well, this morning we held the official drawing for my very first giveaway. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to hold another one. I printed out everyone’s comments, cut them up, folded them, put them in the Official Box or in this case an empty coffee can/plastic thingy.
Here is how it went down……………….

The winner of Maria’s Space very first blog giveaway is Ma Val (congratulate her if you have a chance). I will be sending out her package early this week and also will try to visit as many of you as possible.
Be on the look out for more giveaways from this blog and my other blogs.

 Face Bling

This week the theme is self portrait. I always wanted a pierced nose, so today I did it. 42 years old and pierced.

Big Little Lies Wants You To Know Champagne Is Never A Mistake! I AGREE!

5 Tips for Enjoying Your Las Vegas Getaway

unsplash-logoNick Fewings

There is a reason that Las Vegas is so popular. The wealth of attractions, lights, shows and cocktails on offer entices a considerable number of tourists every year. However, it’s important not to get too distracted by the bright lights and think ahead to plan sensibly for your trip in order to make the most out of it.

1. Manage Your Hangover More Efficiently

If your Vegas plans include the intention to drink extensively, then it’s inevitable that you’ll suffer a hangover. Hangovers occur mainly due to dehydration through a high amount of alcohol consumption. You can, therefore, prepare in the best way to avoid a severe hangover by ensuring that you stay as hydrated as possible. You can find the perfect hangover cure in Vegas, which uses IV fluids to ensure that your body gets enough hydration to combat the symptoms of a serious hangover. 

2. Plan Your Route in Advance

If you have never experienced Vegas before and are only relying on shots from movies and photos online, it may seem that Vegas is one manageable strip that you can walk along. However, Vegas is a lot bigger than it appears. The strip is actually a total of four miles long, which means if you’re planning on walking along it, you should be aware of the distance in advance. This isn’t ideal if you’re planning on long party nights where walking isn’t on the top of your priority list. Fortunately, there are many ways to make the distance more manageable, including trams and the Las Vegas monorail.

3. Be Smart with Your Drinks

Cocktail waitresses in casinos will approach you with free cocktails in a bid to keep you at the casino and, therefore, keep you gambling. So, if you’re looking to save any money you can, you should hold off on buying your own cocktails at the bar if you’re going to a casino, and wait until you’re approached by a waitress. Naturally, you’ll have to wait until you’re approached, which may be an indefinite amount of time, but if you’re serious about saving money on drinks, this is one method to achieve that.

4. Keep a Jacket with You

Despite the hot weather when you’re walking around Vegas, many casinos and indoor establishments will have the air conditioning running on high. This means that if you’re looking to spend a day in the casino, you’re going to be extremely cold if you’re only dressed for hot weather. For your own comfort, carry a jacket with you, which you can easily take off when outside, and wrap around yourself when you’re inside somewhere with air conditioning.

5. Plan Your Mealtimes

Vegas isn’t an easy place to simply grab a bite to eat when you begin feeling hungry. Vegas has peak eating times during which tables are full and lines are extensive. If you’re looking to save as much time as possible and avoid hefty queues, you should avoid the peak dinner time in Las Vegas, which operates between 6-8pm. It’s best to try and eat before 6pm, or after 8pm, if you can comfortably wait.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Because I can’t fill enough of these out


Because I can’t fill enough of these out

1.) If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
Telephone, Babies, coffee, laptop
2.) I have an irrational fear of:
It’s so irrational that I can’t even type it
3.) What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
Back in the day when grams was around, I ate the best Italian food this side of New York. That women could cook!
4.) What weight were you when you were born?
7 lbs. 11 ounces
5.) What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
I would eventually learn to like them the best.
6.) What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Cry, a lot!!! Then get very pissed!
 7.) Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
I barely visit my own Myspace let alone someone elses
8.) I find the thought of childbirth:
Beautiful and scary at the same time
9.) Next door to my house is:
Red, I think

10.) My feet are:
Great for walking. I couldn’t do it without them

11.) My preferred style of jeans is:
The type that fit

12.) Why is your #1 your #1?
Because it is not YOUR number one it is MY number one. Confused yet?
13.) Know how to cook?
Yup, I do ok.
14.) I am annoyed with:
My inability to fit in some reading
 15.) What is the worst way you were dumped?
Over the phone by a real big schmuck, too much of a pussy to face the music. DICK
16.) What child-related smell do you not like?
Any of the body excretions pretty much suck
17.) What sea creature scares you?
None of them scare me if they are behind a nice thick sheet of glass
18.) What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
19.) What object have you broken most recently?
A glass in the sink
20.) Name one of the Spice Girls.
21.) What was the last thing to make you cry?
Some sappy, chick flick I guess. I don’t do much crying these days
22.) What are the stems on wine glasses for?
To hold so you don’t warm your wine?
23.) My favorite shoes are:
24.) Can you use chopsticks?
25.) Do you prefer beaches or forests?
They both have their uses
26.) What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
All of them. Do you actually want me to chose one moron over another?
27.) Who knows a secret or two about you?
No one, that is why it is a secret
28.) Have you ever burned yourself?
Yes but not intentionally

29.) Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Hopefully someone otherwise what is the sense?
30.) Who is your hero[s]?
Most of the time, My husband
40.) Do you believe in things that last forever?
 41.) What are you listening to?
My daughter singing The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.
42.) What do you smell like?
Myself with a touch of Grass from Bath and Body
43.) What’s the most confusing to you?
How they get those little boats into those coke bottles. God damn, that is amazing.
44.) Do you have any bad habits?
Sure but are they really that bad????
45.) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Yes, I still do…just ask my kids
 46.) What is one thing you’ve learned about life?
That it is what you make it.
47.) What’s your favorite color?
48.) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Thank God no
49.) What does your dad call you?
Ree, babe
50.) Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?
Yes, but it was soooooo long ago
51.) What are you looking forward to?
Going to sleep
52.) How are you today?

I am stoked


I am stoked

I found out today that one of my favorite guitarist from one of my favorite bands and if you REALLY know me, you know that I HAD a total ridiculous (too old for such a thing) crush on SLASH from Guns N’ Roses. I had pictures and posters of him all over my room when I was like 25. And, we he promoted Black Death Vodka I ran out and purchased not 1 but 2 bottles in it’s own little wood coffin. One is still in my closet unopened and the other I think I gave as a gift. Anyway…as I was saying…Slash (Saul Hudson) has a book out about his life. I cannot wait to read this book and I will be searching it out today.
Why can’t I find any pictures of Slash???

Amateur Book Review – My Sister’s Keeper

Last week I finished My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This was my first Jodi book and had no expectations going in. I liked it a lot, reading it in 5 days, not a record but for a mom with two kids, a husband who I work for, a freelance job, 5 blogs, MySpace and 2 therapists to work my schedule around not too bad.
My girlfriend (my personal book club bud) didn’t love the book and had a hard time getting through it until the end hence the late review. I really wanted her to finish before I wrote about it.
The book is about Anna, a 13 year old girl who was the product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, who has spent her life giving blood, marrow, platelets and more in order to keep her sister Kate alive. The book is about love, sisterhood, family, and controversial medical science. For those who love a court room story, there is a little of that there although as someone who isn’t into those kind of reads, it worked for this story.
Anna decides to hire an attorney to fight her parents for emancipation and keep the kidney that they have scheduled to remove, or Kate will die.
The story was great and one that will hit a nerve with most readers. What do you do if your child is sick and dying but you are told that by having another, you could save her life. I chose not to have a tubaligation for this reason. Before kids I probably wouldn’t have thought this was something that was morally correct. After having my babies, I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for them, including having another baby.
My girlfriend and I had a wonderful conversation about morals and what we would do in this situation. We had very different opinions along with one of her daughters who chimed in that she would never want to hear that she was born to save a sibling.
I think that depending on which character you are sympathizing with at the moment your morals will change. You can sympathize with the father, the mother, the dying sister, the ignored brother, or 13 year old Anna and understand why they do what they do.
My biggest problem and it wasn’t so much a problem well into the book was that each character had their own chapters, making them the primary character. I found that I had to keep going back to find out who was who.
I enjoyed the book and felt a connection to Anna, her father and to her brother Jesse all for different reasons. My heart ached at the end and I think the ending will stay with me longer than I want it to.
While trying to find a picture of the book cover, I found out that the movie will be out in 2009 starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin and Jason Patric. I am so psyched. I love seeing movies that I have already read.

My Big Babies


Manic Monday – Big

This is my favorite clip art for Manic Monday so far. James and the Giant Peach was one of my favorite books when I was a kid.
The first things that come to mind for me are:

My kids are getting so big. How did we get here? Didn’t I just have my son yesterday? Wasn’t I just a first time mom a week ago? Now there are 2 and they are getting bigger every day.

In fact my daughter says that to us at least 3 times a week. “I’m getting bigger every day.” This line comes right after, “what happened to your baby?” Uggghhh.
Unlike a lot of my girlfriends with kids, I am sooooo not rushing to big boy/big girl thing. I love having babies and would have 2 more if my husband was interested and if I was younger.
Hold your babies tight because they grow out of you a whole lot quicker than we grow out of them!!!!
Happy Monday

Amateur Book Review – My Sister’s Keeper


Amateur Book Review – My Sister’s Keeper

Last week I finished My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This was my first Jodi book and had no expectations going in. I liked it a lot, reading it in 5 days, not a record but for a mom with two kids, a husband who I work for, a freelance job, 5 blogs, MySpace and 2 therapists to work my schedule around not too bad.
My girlfriend (my personal book club bud) didn’t love the book and had a hard time getting through it until the end hence the late review. I really wanted her to finish before I wrote about it.
The book is about Anna, a 13 year old girl who was the product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, who has spent her life giving blood, marrow, platelets and more in order to keep her sister Kate alive. The book is about love, sisterhood, family, and controversial medical science. For those who love a court room story, there is a little of that there although as someone who isn’t into those kind of reads, it worked for this story.
Anna decides to hire an attorney to fight her parents for emancipation and keep the kidney that they have scheduled to remove, or Kate will die.
The story was great and one that will hit a nerve with most readers. What do you do if your child is sick and dying but you are told that by having another, you could save her life. I chose not to have a tubaligation for this reason. Before kids I probably wouldn’t have thought this was something that was morally correct. After having my babies, I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for them, including having another baby.
My girlfriend and I had a wonderful conversation about morals and what we would do in this situation. We had very different opinions along with one of her daughters who chimed in that she would never want to hear that she was born to save a sibling.
I think that depending on which character you are sympathizing with at the moment your morals will change. You can sympathize with the father, the mother, the dying sister, the ignored brother, or 13 year old Anna and understand why they do what they do.
My biggest problem and it wasn’t so much a problem well into the book was that each character had their own chapters, making them the primary character. I found that I had to keep going back to find out who was who.
I enjoyed the book and felt a connection to Anna, her father and to her brother Jesse all for different reasons. My heart ached at the end and I think the ending will stay with me longer than I want it to.
While trying to find a picture of the book cover, I found out that the movie will be out in 2009 starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin and Jason Patric. I am so psyched. I love seeing movies that I have already read.

Just An Old Fill In


Friday Fill-Ins

Come and play with us at Friday Fill -Ins.
1. You know you’re old when you need help walking, getting out of a chair and can’t hold your own urine. (I found this really hard to answer. I don’t know the answer to this. I have a 90 year old grandma who can pretty much walk, talk, hear, and take care of herself.
2. My heart is divided between sleeping in and going to church every Sunday
3. Sleep and money is what I need RIGHT NOW!
4. I have felt the edge I have known the depths of despair (but I will never go there again).
5. Gah, won’t these people stop talking.
6. Going to bed as soon as you can!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include shopping alone, a gift from my husband for my birthday and Sunday, I want to have a fantasy meal.

Weight, I am Too Fat


Weight, I am Too Fat

Yes, I know that is the wrong weight but humor me.
This Tuesday my husband and I started our new healthy way of eating. I have never dieted in my life. I was bulimic for years and have stayed away from actually dieting since being helped.
We decided to just watch what we eat and workout 3 days a week to start. Last year my husband was in the best shape of his life when he put himself on a plan.
It worked for him and I am now willing to do whatever it takes and since we are doing this together I am looking forward to sticking to it.
Since having bulimia I haven’t stepped on a scale. I never wanted to make my weight about a number for fear that I would relapse if I saw it. Even while pregnant I told them not to mention my weight number unless it became a problem. I would get on the scale backwards and they would write it down, never showing or telling me.
We started on Tuesday.
The problem: My husband wanted me to get on the scale. He said, it’s just a number and that’s all it is. Let’s see where we are starting and not think about it. I got on!
The ugly: I am going to say it, my weight that is, here it goes. 168. Yup, there it is. I put it here because being accountable is a big part of staying true to any weight loss plan. Right? Right!
The Eating: We wrote a list of what we would allow ourselves to eat and created a shopping list. As long as I feel there is variety I will be ok. My husband on the other hand can eat the same 3 things for months if that is what it takes.
The Workout: We are doing 3 days a week for now in the morning. We get up at 6:00 a.m. and workout for 45 minutes using tension bands and good old exercises such as push ups and sit ups. His words: We are not running a marathon we are trying to get healthy. As little reps with big results. If it takes 8 X to fatigue the muscle that is what it takes. It is all about form and results.
This week’s meals: (coffee every morning and water all day long)
Breakfast – Wheaties with 1% milk
Lunch – Broth, and 1 small can of corn
Dinner – Turkey sandwich, wheat bread, mayo, lettuce and berries.
Breakfast – Wheaties with 1% milk
Snack – Apple
Lunch – Turkey wrap, mayo, lettuce
Snack – Strawberries
Dinner – Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts.
Breakfast – Wheaties and All bran with 1% milk
Lunch – Turkey wrap, mayo, lettuce
Dinner – Grilled eggplant and zucchini
Snack- Black berries
Breakfast – I forgot to eat
Snack – Chips and Salsa
Lunch – Salad and bowl of chili
Dinner – Blueberries
Yes, I know Friday was a sucky meal day but it was an extremely busy day. We left the house at 9:00 a.m. and returned at 4:45 p.m.
Tonight I brought home Wii fit and was a little discouraged as I got on the scale. My weight and BMI make my little Mii person very big. It also says I am obese and maybe I am fooling myself but I never saw myself as obese.
Not going to get down on myself because changed are being made and I am going to do the best I can to keep myself motivated to continue with the plan. Stay tuned.

Last Weekend Rocked

Last Weekend Rocked

Last weekend I headed out with my kids minus the husband to my girlfriend and her husband’s version of Lalapalooza called Ozzapalooza.
These two go all out when they throw a party. The only thing missing was an outside bar. Come to think of it, I thought there was going to be one of those this year. Bek?
We get a hold the date thingy in the mail then the real package comes.
Included in the package
A concert looking ticket giving the date, time, location, admission price which of course states FREE (one of my favorite 4 letter words).
An RSVP card that asks you to call so that they can buy enough beer
Directions in case
VIP Card giving us access to all Ozzapalozza events like the VIP gazebo, etc. It says that we should present the card for Free Parking and Unlimited Use of the Bathroom.
A Water Alert Card – This is a child friendly party so the card tells us that the kids get use of her kids kiddie pool, water table, sprinkler so we are told to bring an extra set of clothes just in case.
The 08 Special Attraction List –
  • 3 Flags Amusement Park which is her daughters swing set.
  • The Cage which is her daughter’s play room complete with totally cleaned the night before toys (because she is THAT kind of hostess.
  • The BatCave which is her husband’s pride and joy – A ridiculous, everyone should bow down and scream they are not worthy upon entering the doors. The room features a 8ft screen, with 4 of the most relaxing, reclining chairs you will ever see, surround sound, HD viewing, Xbox 360, PlayStation and a DVD collection to make Best Buy drool.
It was great to sit with Bek’s Aunt and talk for an hour I totally stole her forever. She was awesome.
Her father-in-law Columbus (not his real name) was the best. I loved how he was with my kids.
There were kids from last year that must have grown at least 2 feet in 1 year. Everyone seemed so grown!
To top a wonderfully fun, relaxing day off I won the raffle which was a Godfather Gift basket (colander, pasta, sauce and The Godfather DVD) which totally rocked.
On top of all this Bek loaned me 3 more books. I read Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight and loved it she when I returned that one she dropped the next 2 plus the final book of the series into my arms. It was like she was giving me a whole set of encyclopedias. I thought I was going to need help getting the 3 books to the car but thank God I have been working out and handled it like a champ.
It was a rockin good time. I can’t wait to see what the theme is next year.
Unfortunately, I didn’t take many pictures but I did get to help out a lot more than usual. How is this possible? Usually my husband is with me which means 2 sets of eyes on the kids and I can’t but this time I could. Maybe it is just that the kids are getting older. Last year I was worried about my 2 year old falling or something. I guess! Ummm…I’ll have to figure that one out.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Little Boo

Thursday Challenge – Hot

Dieting 101

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

Two weeks ago today I started a health plan (I totally prefer this term to diet) with my husband. If you were following along when I weighed in here.
I am very happy to report that I am down 6 pounds by following a very easy plan.
Ok, want to know the secret?
Come here…I’ll tell you.
Ok, you reduce calories and work out.
There, now you know.
No seriously, here is what I am doing.
Breakfast choices – egg beaters with 1 slice of deli ham or cereal such as Wheaties or All Bran with blue berries.
Lunch – Turkey breast on wrap with lettuce, mayo or soup or Lean Cuisine meal, or salad with greens and some tuna on top.
Dinner – Turkey breast wrap again, or steam veggies with grilled chicken and a salad, or Lean Cuisine meal, or soup.
I have had some snacks/cheats but I average only about 4 a week. My snack might be a small Baby Bell cheese, berries, apples, I had a small breakfast sausage last week when my son didn’t finish his breakfast. Also, there has been chocolate milk when my daughter didn’t finish hers and a piece of almond, raspberry tart, and a burger at a BBQ this past weekend. I even had 2 cupcakes on my birthday and the remainder of my daughter’s ice cream yesterday when she didn’t finish.
These are my choices so I am not saying to follow by any means. I just mention it because my cousin, father and friends have been asking how I lost it so far. I would love to know what I would have lost if I didn’t have the snacks and if my period wasn’t just days away.
As for exercise, we work out 3 times a week but I am also doing Wii Fit which I do not calculate into my plan because I don’t get to do it as much as I would like.
3 reps of each with resistance bands of
  • Overhead press
  • Bicep curls
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Lateral raise
  • Chest press
Also, 3 reps of push ups and sit ups.
The idea is to do as many as it takes to fatigue the muscle but never stop working. No long breaks if you need to rest the muscle work on a different muscle.
It takes roughly about 35 minutes.
If you read this and you are trying to lose weight, leave your link. I am interested to see what other people are doing.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas is Dora’s Birthday?


Christmas is Dora’s Birthday?

On Thursday I took out Fisher Price Little People Nativity Play Set. It is really cute! I got it at the end of the season last year but didn’t give it to the kids.
Thursday I asked the kids to clean up the living room so that I could show them a new toy. After the clean up I took out this huge box with the nativity set in it. They were so excited and I couldn’t all those pieces out of the trillion pieces of wires fast enough. Question: If they are going to put all those wire pieces around each little friggin toy why all the tape too??  
Anyway, we set it up and I started the lesson on who all the people were. They listened and we looked at each piece and discussed their role in the Christmas story. I read them four or five books on the Christmas Story and then because it was the only movie I had about anything to do with the birth of Christ we watched The Little Drummer Boy from 1968. 
It was a wonderful moment between me and my kids. I loved watching a movie that I watched as a child with them. I know this is just the beginning of our Christmas traditions and I can’t wait to build on the little foundation I am setting up.
Yesterday while playing a game my son said, “Mom, Christmas is coming soon.”
“Yes it is. You are right. Just a few more days.” Then just to reiterate what I had taught him the other day I figured I would ask, “Whose birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?” 
Without missing a beat he said, “Jesus’s”
I was so happy that he had remembered. I said, “You are so smart. It is Jesus’s Birthday. We can sing to him too if you want on Christmas.” He said, “Yeah” with all the enthusiasm of a child who thinks birthdays, anyone’s birthday is fun and a reason to celebrate.
My daughter walked into the room about 2 minutes later.
“Goddess, whose birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?” I ask her.  I was so excited and optimistic since the boy had remembered I figured she certainly would.
“DORA’S” she shouts eagerly.
“Dora’s, well actually it’s Jesus’s but good guess.” I tell her trying not to laugh.
I guess I am just be thrilled that she actually understood my question at 2.5 years old and really…maybe she’s right. I have no idea when Dora’s birthday is. Maybe her birthday is also December 25th. Who am I to argue with a 2.5 year old?   

Christmas in a Nut shell


Christmas in a Nut shell

Christmas was so much fun. I did get to do some of the things on my list.
The kids were super excited and their enthusiasm made it impossible for anyone not to jump on their bandwagon.  We got ready for bed as usual but this time we put out some oats and sparkles for the reindeer to find our door. I told them I was going to leave the sliders open for Santa since our chimney is currently boarded up.  They eagerly threw out the oat, sparkle mix and as I closed the door Handsome asked about the cookies and milk. I put the little Santa table in front of the door with a plate a mug of milk on it. I told them to each place a cookie on the table and then gave them carrots to also put out because the Mall Santa told them the reindeers love them. 
We brushed our teeth, said our prayers adding the soldiers who are fighting for us and missing Christmas with their families and down they went. They slept fairly well for kids who were excited about presents. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep at all and started a new book (Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen) by nightlight.
About 5:30 an hour after I finally feel asleep the boy woke up with a “all done with sleeping Mommy?”
“Ummmm no I’m actually not baby.” I told him.
He asked for milk and to watch TV. I was actually surprised that he had forgotten about Santa coming but got his milk and set him up with Blue’s Clues  introduction to Joe in his bedroom. One down. Goddess woke about 10 minutes later and walked into the room to watch TV.  It is 5:45 and we are up. It is dark, the moon is still very high in the sky and the kids are up super early but not asking about presents or Santa? What gives?
The Teach hears the TV and starts putting on the Christmas tree lights, gets the train running and tells me to start up the video camera. I press record and walk away just as Handsome walks toward the living room calling “Dad.” 
He notices the presents and you can hear him on the tape saying, “Woooo look at all these presents.” Then he heads over to the cookie and milk table and says “Wow, look at that!”
We bring the Goddess in and ask if they want to see what Santa brought. They of course say, “Yeah!” together.
So the opening frenzy begins. We watch the sky go from dark to light, and torn paper fills the room along with sounds of “wow, look, yes, cool, woooo” Who needs big words really??
I could have wrapped some empty boxes really because I think my son was just happy ripping paper.
About 85% of what they got was opened and played with for at least, oh I don’t know 3 minutes before they handed over something else to open. 
The morning consisted of opening, untying those annoying metal twisty ties, ripping tape, loosening plastic bands and bagging up trash.
The kids had an awesome time and some of their gifts were, Shrek the Third DVD, some games for VSmile, the Loving Family doll houseDora kitchen,  various Diego and Rescue packs (which are down from $37.99 to $18.99 – that makes me want to spit) , a doll carriage (thanks to Tia Marta), Leapster (Tia Marta), Disney princess tent, the coolest guitar (Tia Marta gift)  and too many other things to mention. They were very taken care of.  
My favorite gift was my Christmas card from my husband. Don’t get me wrong..I love the food processor, Sims games, digital picture frame, Lost 3rd season DVD set and whatnot but I am a card person and it is nice to read something that reminds you that you are loved. Sometimes the littlest gestures make the biggest impact. I love that he got me a card and hopefully took the time to really read it as he says he does. This card says everything I need to hear and it gave my heart a nice big bear hug.

Christmas Gift Issues


Christmas Gift Issues

Most of the gifts have found a home. There are a few that we haven’t opened yet but I think I will put them away for a rainy day since the kids aren’t chomping at the bit on these. Today I put together a shelf for my daughter’s room because I had to mooch her shelf for one of my Christmas gifts. The Teach got me one of these cool digital picture frames. This one.
I loaded about 55 pictures onto it today and while scrolling through the menu it changed over to Chinese. Well now, I’m not a stupid women but I don’t know how to read Chinese. So I called Insigna and waited 55 1/2 minutes for an operator. The operator who answered had absolutely no personality and when I told him my dilemma he proceeded to ask a bazillion questions for their records. Where was it purchased, when, my email, name, address, basic annoying crap. Then he put me on hold for another 18 minutes while he looked up the item number in his records.
When he came back on I asked him if he could just tell me how to get it back to it’s factory settings. He told me that since it was in Chinese we would never be able to get it back to English because we would not be able to read the menu. I told him that it was very easy to change it to Chinese (which was done accidentally – by hitting one button), so if he could talk me through the process I could figure it out. I knew the process from reading the book and looking at the menu but something just wasn’t working.  He said there was 5 steps in order to change it back to factory settings and there would be no way to figure that out.
He told me I should take it back where it was purchased and have them reset it for me.  Well, Mr Operator, thank you very little. I just wasted over an hour and a half of my life and he isn’t even going to help me. I should have asked for another operator but I was so pissed I just said, “thanks” and hung up. If it hadn’t taken so long to get an operator I would have tried again to see if I got someone else who was more helpful.
I put the frame aside figuring that I would have to bring it to Best Buy to have it fixed.
Feeling chilly I got under the covers on my couch to watch General Hospital. I must be coming down with something and I hope it moves through my system quickly because damn I have no time to be sick.
I sat down with the frame after GH and turned it on. I went to the menu that would have said change language if it was in English but instead had some Chinese symbols. Where are all my high school Chinese friends when I need them?
I pressed the menu button, enter button, and nothing. I pressed the arrow buttons and nothing. I thought perhaps the arrow buttons aren’t working. Maybe it is broken. Nope, my finger accidentally held the button instead of pressing and it moved to a different screen saying choose a language. I chose English and guess the fuck what? Yup, it is in friggin English.
1 Step not 5 Operator A-Hole! Why can I type Fuck but not the whole word for a-hole? Interesting!
Well, anyway the frame is loaded and working. The damn kids won’t leave it alone so hopefully it lasts long enough for someone other than the occupants of this house to see this awesome gift.
By the way…Thank you Baby! I love my gifts.