Maria's Space: Sky Watch Friday - Air Show

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Air Show

Today was one of those perfect days. Goddess and I were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. While getting gas I spotted an air show. The planes were looping, swooping, and free falling. It was awesome. We drove to the airport, parked and enjoyed for about a half hour. Thankfully I had all my cameras with me after a photo shoot morning with my girlfriend at a cemetery.


  1. very cool.... they do air shows all around D.C. but never been to one

  2. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Great action in the sky shot! Made me think of Snoopy flying his Sopwith Camel!

  3. Great shot... I never seem to have my camera out at the right time when something like that happens. Oh well, I'm trying to be more prepared... Just like you!


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