Maria's Space: The History Channel Presents: Haunted Histories Collection

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The History Channel Presents: Haunted Histories Collection

Last night I sat down and watched almost 4 hours of Haunted History. From Washington - Hawaii paranormal occurances are experienced every day by people of many walks of life and all over the world. There has to be something to it if so many people experience sightings.

The History Channel made my day when I opened the package and saw 3.55 hours of Haunted History waiting for me to sit down and watch.

My obsession with the paranormal began when I was a wee little one. Family discussions of occurrences run amok in my small Italian/American household.

Haunted Histories is 250 minutes of hauntings, sightings, documentation and exploration of haunted landmarks and claims of the paranormal.

The stories have been around forever, Abe Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Fort Jackson, Savannah Mansions, and more.  The video is full of interviews, footage and beautifully constructed reanactments of hauntings.  Haunted Histories presents the evidence and invites you to decide for yourself to believe or not.

I am personally a skeptic who wants to believe. 

I highly recommend this DVD set. I have a few friends and family asking me to pass it down and share the wealth but this is one I will hold onto. Loved it! A++

To purchase Haunted Histories Collection, head over to the History Channel. It is selling for only $19.98. Great price for a great DVD set.

I received no payment to write this review. I was given the DVD for free to conduct my review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.

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