Maria's Space: Happy Tuesday Friends

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Tuesday Friends

Glitter Graphics

Tuesday Glitter

So much to discuss:

GH is getting crazy. Liz and Nicholas what the hell?

My son loves school but every morning starts out with "I don't want to go to school. School's hard."

My daughter goes every day and loves picking out her clothes for the day.

My husband and I hope to head over to the Faire this weekend with the help of my niece who will babysit.

The whole Kayne West thing just burns my butt.

Can someone please explain Lady Gaga to me? Is this what our kids are listening to? I'm scared. Thankfully, I still control the radio in the car. We listen to Kids Place Live and my MP3 player. Taylor Swift and the Score from Twilight.

Down to 3 review books, I hope some more start coming in.

The Vampire Diaries was pretty good for a TV show. I am looking forward to it.

Enjoying my 15 hours a week to myself too much. Time to set up a work out time.

Time to start thinking about Halloween. The kids are so excited. One wants to be Scooby and the other wants to be Super Mario. Can you guess which one is which?

My daughter said, "Ohhhhhh I am so hot, it makes me so frustrated! Does it make you frustrated too mommy." Oh yeah that is my daughter. I hate the heat.

My girlfriends are awesome.

I need to call my Grandma.


  1. GH is getting very good, the
    Liz and Nicholas is definitely
    very interesting.
    Sonny and Dante, when will Sonny

  2. Sadly your video is not available anymore... I'm not sure about her either!

    THat is a yummy treat for Tuesday... ENJOY!

  3. ~ Yummy looking treat.
    ~ I wish I still watched GH.
    ~ Sometimes I wish I was still in school, seems like it was easier.
    ~ We will be headed to EPCOT next week for Food & Wine Festival.
    ~ Kanye West is an *idiot* (I censor myself)
    ~ Lady Gaga: just **WEIRD** (double censor) Whatever happened to good old rock & roll???
    ~ You could read Frankenstein for me and give me a review for my bookclub, I'm stalling, it kind-of creeps me out.
    ~ Not into Vampires (unless they are Alex O'Laughlin, mmmmm)
    ~ I'm glad you're not missing your lovelies too much.
    ~ Goddess = Scooby, Handsome = Super Mario :-)
    ~ You and Goddess are SOOO alike!
    ~ You have awesome girlfriends because you are such a fabulous friend, and I should know, you always make me feel special!!
    ~ Go call Grandma
    Love & Hugs... Lorie


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