Maria's Space: September 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Has The Economy Changed The Way You Parent?

Is the Economy Killing Fatherhood?
Advocate Reveals Ways to Be
A Better Father in Trying Times

Tom Watson knows what it’s like not to have time to spend with your kids.

"It used to sting me when I was working hard at building my business and I’d hear my kids talking about me," he said. "One would ask the other to see if I had time to play with them, and the other would tell him not to bother, because he knew I’d be too busy. It was like a knife in my heart. With the economy as tight as it is, I know that I’m not the only father with the same issue. These days, many fathers are either unemployed and working hard to find work or they are working two jobs or more just to make ends meet. Either they don’t have much time for family, or they just aren’t in the mood for family because they are despondent or feeling helpless as a provider."

But, it doesn’t have to be that way, according to Watson, author of the autobiographical Man Shoes: The Journey to Becoming a Better Man, Husband & Father ( Watson’s tips for dads in a tough economy include:
  • Share Time – Don’t spend time with your kids, because that term makes it sound like you are giving away time that you could be using for other things. Share time with them, because sharing indicates that you both get something out of that time. It’s important for your kids to know that you aren’t paying attention to them out of obligation, but rather, because you need to be with them as much as they need to be with you.
  • Make a Schedule – Stability and security are important to kids, so set up a time every week that is just for them, and do your best to make that time on your calendar immovable. Give them something they can look forward to on a regular schedule and it will show them how important they are to you and help you build a trusting relationship with them.
  • A Little Time is Better Than None – If you’re working two jobs or work out of town and commute home on the weekends, they will understand if you don’t have a lot of time to spend. Even if you can only block out a couple of hours every week, that can be enough. As long as you keep to the schedule and don’t let them down, that time will be as valuable as if you spent the entire weekend with them.
  • Don’t Plan Big – Parents who work a lot sometimes feel guilty about neglecting their kids, and they cater to that guilt by making big plans with their kids on a regular basis. They feel that doing something lavish and expensive will somehow be seen as a payback to their kids for not seeing them often. The pitfall is that the bigger the plan, the bigger the expectation. The truth is, kids don’t care. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or make big plans all the time. It could be as simple as going to the park to fly kites and eating a brown bag lunch together, and most kids would be happy with that.
"Life is a choice and the person you choose to be is in your control. No matter the hand you may have been dealt, there are no excuses," Watson added. "I grew up as an orphan and I acted out a lot, because I lacked the guidance of a family until I was finally adopted," he said. "And even when I found stability with my adoptive parents, the Watsons, it took some time for me to settle down. Having shoes on my feet, clothes on my back and food on the table were all good things, but it wasn’t those things that soothed me as a child. It was the time, love and attention I received from the Watsons that put me back on course and that’s what every child needs. While it may seem to some that working hard to provide for their families is their primary responsibility as a father, that’s just not so. Children are adaptable and can do without material things more easily than they can do without the love and attention of their parents. If my experience meant anything to me, it showed me that it takes more to be a dad than to just bring home the bacon. It’s not enough to just do for your children – you have to be with them, too."
About Tom Watson
Tom Watson is a survivor of child abuse, upheaval and 13 foster homes, so he learned how to overcome adversity at an early age.  Later in life, Tom was faced with heartbreaking tragedies which threatened to destroy him.  He drew from previous life lessons to persevere and show that new beginnings are possible at any age or stage of life - no matter what obstacles get in the way.  These principles and their applications are chronicled in his new book Man Shoes: The Journey to Becoming a Better Man, Husband & Father (

Getting Ready To Review Book, The Big Year

The Big Year starring, Jack Black, Owen Wilson and Steve Martin comes out next week.The book is on top of my To Be Read pile. I am excited to get to it.

Great line up of comedic actors. I have high hopes for this movie

Family Fire Drills Can Save A Life + Help Your Local Fire Department Wiin A Grant

Schools and businesses practice periodic fire drills, why stop there? Protect the people you love the most by holding Fire Drills in your house, apartment, and hotel room.
October 1st is National Family Fire Drill Day! This annual celebration was started last year by Liberty Mutual, Walt Disney World along with the Reedy Creek Fire Department.
Did you know that

Nearly 40 percent of parents have never discussed or created a fire escape plan with their children 

Only 28 percent of parents with children under the age of 12 say their kids have ever had a fire drill at home

61 percent of parents who haven’t developed a family escape plan say it simply hasn’t occurred to them to do so

88 percent say their kids have had an in-school fire drill, but escaping from a classroom in orderly, single-file fashion is far different from when an alarm goes off in your home, possibly in the middle of the night
Take the 10 question fire safety pledge quiz and find out  if you know the basics. This isn't only important to your safety it you can help your local fire department and firefighters. How?
From now through October 31st by taking this quiz your local fire department and your local firefighters could be one of ten departments to receive $10,000 from Liberty Mutual.
Helping your local fire department is easy!
  1. Take The Quiz.  Take our 10 question quiz to test your fire safety smarts!
  2. Credit Your Local Fire Department.  Search for your local fire department in our database.
  3. Rally Support.  Spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors because this is based on community participation! 
Help those you love and those who help you.


Being Kendra: Cribs, Cocktails, and Getting My Sexy Back: in her latest book, Kendra Wilkinson picks up right where Sliding Into Home left off. The star discusses all aspects of her life, from motherhood to marriage to maintaining her trademark figure. Fans of her hit television show won't want to miss this memoir - Kendra's infectious optimism shines throughout. Get an autographed copy today!

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Kendra Wilkinson is the star of the hit reality series Kendra, and former star of the massively popular show The Girls Next Door.  Read More...

Bookperk is a site for all of us book lovers. For the first time, readers get access to exclusive merchandise and experiences from their favorite authors and books. Bookperk is a business unit of HarperCollins Publishers.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ever Heard of Lonesome George & Company?

Neither did I until I received an awesome shirt from Lonesome George & Company.

I handed it to Handsome to put on who now uses his I've-lost-too-many-teeth-to-smile-normal face.

He loved it! He wore it three times since Saturday. When I asked him why he keep wearing the same shirt he says, "because it is so soft"!

He is completely right. When I handed it to anyone for the touch test, everyone comments on how soft it is.

How do they make it so soft? Lonesome George uses high-quality Organic Peruvian Pima cotton and cutting-edge design elements.

This is only one of the reasons Lonesome George is being featured on Maria's Space. I am all about the design and comfort but more importantly, each item tells a story or makes a statement about a cause.  Their garments messages communicate the value your choice has in conserving treasured species, peoples, language, culture, art, and more from around the world.

As if this isn't enough, the company invests 10% of each purchase into education programs to prevent situations like Lonesome George (the last living of his species) from happening for future generations.

You really have to appreciate and respect the diligent efforts of  the crew at Lonesome George. Super quality appeal at a competitive price and they give back in so many ways!

When you wear  Lonesome George & Co. products, you are saying “I am an Agent of Change, I am awake.”

We are new fans of Lonesome George and can tell you that some of the folks on my Christmas list can expect one of these. We especially love the drawstring bag the shirt came in! 

Try out Lonesome George & Company, you won't be disappointed.

Join their Facebook community to stay on top of their latest news, like the fact that they recently launched a Lonesome George recycle t-shirt program! Very cool. Send or deliver the shirt back to them and receive 12% off your next item. By doing this, you can help save over 830 gallons of water. To find out more about this program and how they calculate the 830 gallons, head over here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ABC Wednesday - K = Kooky

I don't know. There was a guy juggling turnips. A fairy swooped in...

They started touching him

They checked out his turnip
The Turnip and the Fairies

Then one of them tried to take a bite of it!

Then they surrounded him

And....took him was so strange, bizarre and Kooky

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - What Are The Fairies Up To?


Cutting Down Our Wii Time & How You Can Do It Too

Over the summer Handsome played a lot of Wii. It was my first summer working and I didn't have time to referee all day. Getting him to play is easy since he usually spent most of his mornings, afternoons or evenings waiting for the moment he could play. He is a gamer and the Teach and I totally get it. We are too. It's in the blood. I was addicted to Sims before the kids came and he was a big XBox guy.

As we got closer to school starting I would give him time frames but had to argue and eventually yell to get him off the game. Right before the first day of school, I told him the "new rules for Wii."

Every Monday, he would get Wii Money. He is allowed to spend it however he wants but he has to make it last for the week or he will be out of money and not be able to play on the weekend.

I sat down and created this...

and this...

We have been doing this for 3.5 weeks now and it is working wonderfully. The system worked instantly.

Every Monday we give him 10 Wii dollars. Every Sunday, there are still 2 or 3 left over. He watches the time and more importantly, I haven't had to yell or force him to turn off the Wii! He does it all himself.

How It Works:
Print out the Wii Dollars (feel free to use these) or whatever you need them for, TV time, family time, etc.
Decide how many you are going to give for the week
When there are done, they are done.
The 15 minutes extra can be given only by a parent or adult because you had done something so spectacular they are gifted with more time. We haven't given one out yet.

Why It Works:
Very simple; they are in charge of their time. It is up to them to decide how to use it. You put the ball in their court and make them the driver of their own car which is really all kids want. You must remember how much you hated being told what to do when you were a kid. So do they.

If you decide to use this system or have one of your own, I would love to hear about it.  If you want me to email you the ones I made, please contact me at ree 026

Ruby Tuesday - The Fairies

The Turnip and the Fairies
Click to enlarge

I have no idea what is going on here. I was taking pictures of this juggler dude when three odd fairies swooped in, felt him up, played with his turnips and eventually dragged him away.

Tuesday Takes - Picnik

Behold, the beauty of Picnik. I don't use Picnik as much as I used to but when I use a side by side I love it. While there I remembered how much I love it. Why should celebrities be the only ones allowed to look better than their selves in photos?  A little airbrushing on this models face and Wah-La, instant covergirl.

The beauty of picnik

Click to enlarge

Linda Evans - Recipes for Life

Title: Recipes for Life: My Memories

What I Can Tell You: I was so excited to see read this book. I was a big fan of Linda's during her Dynasty days. I loved everything about her. Her hair, her poise, your history with John Derek. Reading this book was like stepping back into my own past while reading about hers. Complete with a candid, lovely story, beautiful personal photos and recipes handed down through generations, this book is a wonderful read.

There are so many stories that I remember from my own childhood and the Star magazines my grandparents had on the dining room table that I got to read the complete back story on. Very interesting book and well done. If you like autobiographies, this is the book for you. Linda is real reality she will always be Krystal Carrington to me.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Quotography - Time!

Quotography at {My}Perspective


The Gate Keeper


This gentleman makes sure no one cross the line at the joust games. Safety first which is a great thing, but he looked so sweet, I had to take his picture. Love when I am just doing my photo thing and someone notices and smiles, it seems less staged.


The Singing Couple

Upon entering the Renaissance Faire yesterday, I heard this singing group which had drawn a nice side crowd. There looked amazing. See the lovely blue feather in his cap?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Color Carnival Sunday #2 - The MayPole

The Renaissance Faire has been a great source of photos for the last weeks worth of memes. Here is a Maypole I shot while there. The kids were playing with some sticks and a bean bag and while I thought about getting shots of them. It was the colorful Maypole that got my attention.

Picnik collage

Click to enlarge

Color Carnival Sunday #2

Welcome to our second round of Color Carnival minus the voting. If you weren't here for it, you are in the right place. We took a poll and we are doing away with the voting portion of Color Carnival. Please feel free to link up your colorful submission and visit each other. I hope to play this week too! Hopefully!

The Boys Bake A Cake

Last night Handsome's cub scout troop held their first annual bake off. Boys and their dads, or other significant male had to bake a cake from shopping to clean up. Sounded good and was excited to see Handsome and Teach work together on this project.

Teach picked up the cake mix and frosting on Tuesday and then the oven broke. The heating element in our electric oven broke in three places.

Would they be able to do it? I had no idea how this was going to go down but prayed for the best. All turned out well and the heating element came in Friday at 3:30. I headed to the bus stop to pick up the kids as Teach was fixing the oven.

As soon as Handsome got changed, the cake was started. Teach acted like he couldn't do it but it all turned out great. I recorded them cracking eggs, measuring and mixing. They put it in the oven and Handsome asked for some Wii time before we left.

Well, they made the cake, I cleaned up!

The cake was frosted and decorated and Handsome and I headed out to the Cub Scout Meeting.

We got there and added our CAKE to the array of beautiful supposedly made by father and son cakes. We were asked got write the theme or name of the cake on a card with number 23 on it. We called it "A Cake" basically, that was all it was although a nice looking cake.

The Cubs had a great time playing some organized activities and working together. What I love about the Cub Scouts is how they believe in community and most of the activities involve the boys helping each other. My favorite was the one where one boy is blindfolded while the other cub leads him through an obstacle course. It is amazing how trusting they are with each other.

Here are some of the cakes:

That one in the bottom right had a jello lake! Pretty genius

It was a good time and I am glad Handsome and I were there but the best part was watching my guys work on a cake together.

So, without further ado...I present Handsome and Teach's cake.

My personal favorite if I was voting!