Maria's Space: Mellow Yellow & Blue Monday, Perfect Together

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mellow Yellow & Blue Monday, Perfect Together

I took my daughter to the Children's Museum a few weeks ago. This was the shopping area where kids can pretend shop. She had such a great time but we didn't play long in this area because a mom and her 3 kids came and took over. Who needs to share when there is so much to see? We moved on and checked out the rest coming back at a later time. Check out Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday to participate.


  1. Red and yellow is a good combination of colours. This place must be a paradise for kids.

  2. As usual it's a beautiful photo... it could have also been perfect for Ruby Tuesday... :-)
    Too bad she got run out. But I know she had a great time all over the museum.
    (You're showing off posting SO early)

  3. So fairytale-like place !!!! So nice for children :) !!!! Beautifulcolours !!!!

  4. It looks like a fun place! nice shot too.
    My double entry is here, happy Monday!!

  5. I thought it's a playing station, where kids use to have their stuff put on together in some corner. cool indeed. Very nice and neat store.
    Check out my entry too.

  6. Charming picture of your daughter, and great for both Mellow Yellow and Blue.

  7. beautiful yellow and red drawers.

    my entry:

  8. wow it is pretty place for kids. Happy mellow yellow....Mine is ready too.

  9. Wow cool! Happy blue Monday! Am playing too.

  10. Perhaps you can return another day. Happy Blue Monday.

  11. A nice bright 'store'. Wish all the real ones looked so tidy and organized.

  12. Wonderful color in your photo. I'll bet the kids had fun. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  13. I like the red and yellow color combination and the blue added to the colors. I used to take my son too to the library to play and listen to story telling.

  14. Love it! The colors are so bright. Makes a stunning photo of your daughter in a fun place.

  15. Red and yellow is a great combination. Add blue to that and it is what my new kitchen is going to be.
    what a fun place to go to. I bet your daughter had a lot of fun.


  16. Anonymous7:53 PM

    WOuldn't it also be great to have this colorful organized at home? :-) I like it a lot.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  17. Ha.... that sounds like fun and I'm an adult but i guess we have our own place called the mall.

  18. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Greeting from Bulgaria.Very nice photo.


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