Maria's Space: July 2019

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Prevent Your Car Battery From Draining

No driver wants to get into his or her car and find that it will not start. People may not think about their vehicle’s battery until this happens, but it is a crucial part of the car, as it sends power to numerous systems such as the sparks plugs, radio, air conditioning and lights.

Even the best car batteries can drain over the long run, and signs of this include flickering lights, a weakened alarm system and slow starting. However, there are certain circumstances that drain a battery quite quickly, and there are ways to prevent this.

Extreme Temperature

Many people understand that really cold temperatures can drain the battery quickly, which is why drivers who live in cold states plug their vehicles in if they are kept outside. However, temperatures that reach higher than 100 degrees F also drain the battery. This is because extreme temperatures cause the build up of sulfate crystals, and this can damage the life of the battery.

Prevention: Do your best to keep your car inside during hot or cold weather, and when you do start it, keep it running for awhile as the battery takes longer to charge. It is always a good idea to keep your battery in top-running condition so it can better handle severe temperature swings. It is also smart to carry the best car jump starter in the event your battery does die.

Human Error

Whether you are in a hurry, distracted or tired, there may be times you forget to turn the headlights off or completely close the trunk. As a result, the battery drains while you are away and, if left long enough, there will not be enough juice left in the battery to start the next time you get in.

Prevention: Take the time to ensure all interior and exterior lights are off and that everything is closed securely. Some newer vehicles also alert the driver when lights are left on, so listen for this warning signal.

Corroded Battery Cables

Another reason a battery may be drained of power is because the car battery cables and/or connections are corroded. When this occurs, the charging system cannot charge the battery when running. Loose battery cables also drain the battery because they cannot transfer the charge efficiently.

Prevention: Check your battery’s cables for signs of dirt or powdery blue or white corrosion. Use a toothbrush or cloth to clean off the connections and cables. If the connections are loose, tighten them.

Old Battery

Batteries age, just as people do, and this causes weakness over time. If you have not changed the battery in awhile and the car is having difficulty starting on a regular basis, it may be time for a new battery.

Prevention: Keep the battery properly maintained to extend the life of the battery. However, replacement is inevitable, and most experts recommend replacing the battery every three to four years.

Keep Your Car Battery Running at Top Performance

There are a number of things you can do to prevent gradual drainage of your vehicle’s battery. Make sure you have it inspected regularly so any potential issues can be fixed. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bookbinding Made Easy + A Giveaway

ATGLEN, PA - Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. would like to introduce Introduction to Bookbinding & Custom Cases: A Project Approach for Learning Traditional Methods
Tom Hollander
Cindy Hollander

The high quality of traditional bookbinding is renowned, and while apprenticeships are difficult to come by today, this step-by-step guide by expert hand-binders is the next best thing. Teaching you valuable beginning- and intermediate-level skills, using their trademark hands-on approach, the Hollanders explain the basics of the craft, then guide you through five projects. Detailed instructions and photos help you to success. You’ll master the pamphlet book style, the flat-back book, the round-back book, and the construction of slipcases and clam shell boxes for decorative book protection. Along with formulas to help you navigate making your own custom-size books, an extensive glossary of bookbinding terms and a list of resources offer ongoing support. A gallery of the authors’ handmade books and boxes provides inspiration.

I have wanted to do bookbinding for at least two years now and watch so many You Tube videos on how to get started. Slowly but surely I have started getting some of the supplies necessary and collecting books so I can use the covers. I am also organizing my signatures so I know how large of  book I need for each project. I still need a few more items but this book makes me feel like I shouldn't be afraid anymore. Just go for it.

The book is full of step-by-step instructions from covering your books, to stitching your signatures and the best way to size your pieces. I love that every section has a colorful photo. I learn by watching so this really is helpful to me and probably why I feel like I got this! I cannot wait to post my first book. I am full of ideas and motivated to get started.

I hope to do at least one Junk Journal, and a Book of Cards for my husband and children featuring cards they received for their birthday's.

If you are interested in learning more visit Schiffer Publishing

Supplies I have to get:

Enter to win by 8/20
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

5 Tips To Help Your Children Prepare To Head Back To School.

Summer is flying by and pretty soon school will be back in session. Is your child ready to get back into the daily scholastic routine?

The folks at Brainly — the world's largest peer-to-peer learning community of students, parents, and teachers— asked 600 American parents whether they feel their children are ready to jump back into the daily grind of school. Nationwide 56% of parents say they think they're children are prepared to go back to school.

Missouri parents led the pack with 85% saying that they thought their kids were ready to head back to school. Virginia followed with 80% saying the same and the top three was rounded out by Arizona at 69%.

Brainly has put together a list of 5 tips for parents to help their children prepare to head back to school.

Getting up early for school can be jarring for middle and high school students who have been used to sleeping in all summer. 62% of parents said they are worried their kids will have a hard time adjusting their snooze schedules during their first week back to school.

Brainly’s tip? Start a routine a few weeks before term begins so that your kids can get used to their new schedule.

In a similar vein, students should get used to the hours of work (and homework) they will be expected to do during the school year. 92% of parents said homework is the biggest school-related stressor for their families.

Brainly recommends developing a routine to help them manage their time and setting up a dedicated homework space so they aren't caught flat footed in September.

School-aged kids can revert by nearly a month's worth of instruction over the summer. In fact, 82% of American parents believe their kiddos experienced at least a mild to moderate amount of summer learning loss.

The best way to circumvent this issue is to keep their skillsets fresh and mind's sharp over the summer. Consider doing this through platforms like Brainly where a community of students can help other students and users earn points for answering questions.

This may seem obvious but students gonna need pens, pencils, and a handy dandy new Trapper Keeper (kids still use those right?) if they’re going to succeed this semester.

Pro tip: get those things early while they are on sale.

Nothing adds heaps of unneeded stress to and an already stressful time than not being organized. Only 22% of U.S. parents said they currently feel organized for the start of the new school year, and a mere 10% of parents said they remain organized throughout the entire school year.

Brainly advises creating a plan for before and after school for your kids and yourself and sticking to it. Routines are important for everyone.

Organization For Back To School:

Helping Your Teen Practice Sensible Internet Use This Summer

The summer break is a good opportunity for teens to unwind and relax after a tough year of school,
and a welcome break from all the high school angst that they deal with. But it’s easy enough for you
teen to spend too much time relaxing and choosing to spend all day online instead of going outside
or making other plans. Finding a balance is important, and it could be time for you to step in and make
sure they remember to live in the real world.

If you want to help your teen practice sensible internet use this summer, take a look at the following

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Give them some chores to do

While the summer break is a time for teens to relax, they shouldn’t be allowed to let all of their
responsibilities slide over the next couple of months. Giving your teen some chores to do each
day can help make sure they take a break from the screen while also being helpful in the house.
You could even withhold the wifi password until you know they’ve done everything they need to
do - it might seem harsh, but it’s a good way to teach them some responsibility.

Help them get out of the house

If your teen is out of the house, they’re less likely to be spending all of their time online. The summer
is a good time to take a break from education, but they might want to still think about their future.
Helping your kids find volunteering opportunities can be a great way of getting them some useful
work experience that could benefit them in the future. It can also help to teach them some
responsibility and show them that there’s more to life than Instagram or Netflix.

Put parental controls in place

Sometimes your teen will need a helping hand to use the internet safely. Having parental controls
in place is a good idea to help your teen avoid any dangerous content online. You can also
safeguard your kids with Family Orbit, a tracking app that can help you monitor their online activities.
Some teens find it difficult to open up to their parents about what’s going on in their lives, so having
this added protection can alert you to any issues they might not have told you about.

Set a good example yourself

Are you guilty of using your phone or laptop too much in the evenings? Perhaps it’s time that you set
a better example. If your kids see you using your phone constantly, they’ll grow up thinking this
behavior is normal. Try avoiding your phone between certain times of the day, and if you’re all
having dinner or watching a movie - agree that everyone puts their phones away. It can be fun for
you all to have a digital detox together, and focus on spending better quality time together as a family.

The internet is a great thing, but it can easily become addictive for teens. Put solid rules in place
and help your teen practice sensible internet use so that you know that they’re safe when they
go online.

Looking To Binge Watch Something? Manifest: The Complete 1st Season On DVD

The 411:
I was so excited to sit and watch this. It starred Josh Dallas from my beloved Once Upon A Time and I love time travel premises. 

The pilot aired September 24th 2018 and I did watch it when it was on. I loved the mystery surrounding it but my life doesn't allow me to sit with a series. I cannot schedule my TV time and feel lucky when I get to watch so I never got a chance to finish the Season until now.
Basically the story is about the passengers and crew of flight 828 who left the airport on April 7, 2013. They hit some turbulence and are diverted to Stewart Airport. OK...sounds basic right?! These things happen. NOOOOO my friend 5 1/2 years have passed. Life went on as if they were all lost.  While the confusion mounts the plane explodes on the tarmac.  

NSA asks the passengers and crew not to talk to the media and when one does they are murdered.  Some of the passengers start hearing voices one even is able to save a child. 
I enjoyed the back and forth which kept the story moving and allows us to catch up on what happened before the passengers board and while they were all gone. 
I am so excited to see that Season 2 has been green lighted and can't wait to hear more. 
If you enjoy drama/supernatural shows you will enjoy this show.
The DVD is available now and at Amazon.

The first season of Manifest is also currently available to own on Digital. Digital purchase allows consumers to instantly stream and download all episodes to watch anywhere and anytime on their favorite devices. Digital movies and TV shows are available from various digital retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu and others.

Street Date: July 23, 2019
Order Due Date: June 18, 2019
DVD Presented in 16x9 widescreen format
Running Time: Feature: Approx. 704 min

Price: $29.98 SRP
4 DVD-9s
Audio – English (5.1)

Price: $34.99 SRP
4 DVD-9s
Audio – English (5.1)

About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Inc.:
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment's home video, digital distribution and interactive entertainment businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels, and is a significant developer and publisher for console and online video game titles worldwide. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Why Learning About Personal Finances can be the Most Important Thing You Do for Your Family

Paying bills, balancing your checkbook, and shopping smart might seem like common sense to you and the rest of the planet. However, it also should be noted that managing personal finances is a challenge for even the most steadfast of savers. There is always an advertisement tempting you to buy a new gadget or designer article of clothing, a commercial urging you to throw caution to the wind and spend everything you have on a grand family holiday. The fact of the matter is that managing your family’s personal finances is part skill and part knowledge. You have to know how to approach personal finances intelligently, but you also need a bit of practice to avoid making costly errors.

Consider the Money Your Family Brings In

If you want to learn about managing your financial obligations, you have to start off with a clean slate. Get some paper and writing utensils, then jot down exactly how much your family is making each month. Calculate wages and money made from hobbies. Be sure to account for any taxes paid before receiving your pay. When you deal with concrete numbers, you don’t have to estimate or make guesses about what your family’s personal financial situation comes out to be. So, before making a new budget or deciding to save a certain amount of money for gifts, know what your family’s total income is.

Revisiting Expenses and Managing the Extras

One of the best lessons a parent can give to their children is showing them how to appropriately deal with personal finances. You may accomplish this by having your kids sit next to you as you balance the monthly budget or having them help you to cut out coupons. Children don’t start off fully understanding the value of money, so you will want to show them that candy and toys, birthday cakes and trips to the amusement park are extraneous expenses. Showing your kids that it is vital to pay expenses like mortgages and credit card debt before shopping for clothes is crucial if you want them to learn personal responsibility.

Dealing with Financial Emergencies and Unexpected Expenses

While learning about personal finances and being financially responsible overall helps most people to deal with financial emergencies better, it doesn’t prevent them altogether. At LoanPig, important financial decisions can be made swiftly and wisely. Online calculators are provided to every loan applicant so that they can see how much they are paying in interest as well as the terms of each loan in advance. Although financial emergencies can be an unpleasant surprise, dealing with them responsibly can still be a well-planned out event.

Just as it is vital to take your kids to the doctor, enrich your education so that you can be a better provider, and spend time together as a family, you also need to make personal finances a top-level priority. Putting your personal finances first will put your family in a solid position. You will be a better example and role model for your children and help to boost your family’s net worth simply by learning more about spending and saving responsibly. If you want your children to grow up without being concerned with financial woes, learn about personal finances and spread your knowledge to them.

Photo Credit

Future Astronaut by Lori Alexander Illustrated by Allison Black

Discover all the out-of-this-world ways babies of today can become astronauts of the future!

Ground Control to Major Baby: Could you be an astronaut?

Does baby have what it takes to become an astronaut? That's an affirmative, Houston! Discover all the incredible ways that prove baby already has what it takes to become an astronaut -- from growing healthy teeth to eating from plastic packs to working in small spaces. Includes lots of fun astronaut facts to help prepare little ones for takeoff!

Future Baby is an adorable new board book series that takes a playful peek into an assortment of powerful careers and shows little ones how their current skills match up with the job at hand. With Future Baby, babies can be anything!

Adorable book comparing Baby to astronauts by Lori Alexander and adorable illustrations by Allison Black featuring wide eye'd babies doing astronaut type things. Who knew your sweetie's skills are tied into one of the most far out jobs in the world?

Available at Scholastic September 2019

To Pre-Order

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Getting Over Some of The Scariest Days Of My Life - Watching My Son Try To Walk And Our Diagnosis

I write this for myself and anyone interested in reading. I use my blog as a journal and print it out every year. 

There is nothing scarier then when something is medically wrong with your child. The past few days have been horrifying. I don't know how I held it together watching my son go from a healthy teen on Monday to a weak, frail boy who couldn't use his legs. I truly can't even type the things that were going through my mind as we headed from doctor to doctor for a diagnosis. Here is our story.

My son woke on Tuesday morning telling me he was feeling dizzy. He asked for breakfast which he ate at his desk and seemed okay but quieter and weaker than normal. He spent most of the day in bed or playing a game on his computer. I assumed dehydrated and pushed fluids.

He ate his lunch when he woke still complaining about feeling dizzy and said he was going to lie down cause "that is all I can do." I assumed that maybe he has been burning the candle at both ends on Summer vacation. He plays, goes for walks, goes to sleep about 2 waking at 9ish to do it all again. 

When he threw up his dinner I told him we would be going to the doctor in the morning. 

My husband came home and said, check his because I heard a bang last night at 1 that woke me from my sleep. Maybe he was doing something stupid and hit his head. 

I headed into my son's room with a thermometer to take his temp for the 100th time of the day. As I handed it to him I started feeling for bumps and asking if he hurt himself last night. He said, "I felt dizzy and hit into the wall with my ankle." I asked if he hit his head he said no. I didn't feel anything and once again there was no fever. 

The next morning, Wednesday I headed to his room and asked him how he felt. He said horrible. It was only 5 and I wanted to take him to the hospital. He wasn't for it but I told him if we wait for the doctor who doesn't open until 9 we may not get in but if we go to the ER he would be seen and we could know something before 9. I asked him to go to the bathroom before we left but when he went to get up his legs couldn't hold his body. He was shaky, weak, and looked totally off balance. I yelled for my husband and told him that he can't even walk. He needed complete support to walk. My husband had to hold him around the waist and my son's arm was around his neck. It was the scariest thing to watch. Worse than when he was a baby learning to walk. 

We ended to the emergency room and after a few hours was sent him with a Vertigo diagnosis, medicine for motion sickness and some exercises. I asked for Lyme tests and inner ear issues. They saw a teen with balance and weakness and ran a complete drug panel. They of course were all negative.

He spent the day sleeping and I set up a follow up appointment for the pediatrician. In the morning, he was no better and needed 100% support to walk. I watched his legs and it seems they couldn't hold him up. He was unsure of his steps and looked like he would fall at any moment.   He couldn't walk at all. Each step was a knife through my heart. It was as if he was trying to walk. How could this just happen?

The pediatrician was wonderful. His chems all checked out. There was nothing in his blood to say he was fighting something but he is confused, can't focus and can't walk. Her only concern was there were crystals in his urine which she said was from dehydration.  This wasn't normal, a healthy kid doesn't just stop having the ability to walk so she got paperwork ready for an MRI. On our way home we got the call to head over to a center for an MRI. 

During the MRI my son was amazing. He did everything that was told to him. Answered all questions. Endured many pokes with a needle and lied still in the MRI so we could get a good reading. 

The whole time I was texting my daughter who was not answering me. She had been asleep when we left. I mentioned what we were doing to which he nodded but I didn't know what she had heard. So now I was worried about two kids. 

We waited in the waiting room for someone to read our scans and get back to the pediatrician. After an hour we were called to the phone. The pediatrician wanted us to know there was an abnormality in the cerebellum and that she was contacting a Neurologist for us. She would call us back. 

An abnormality! What?! I was crazy with worry. My boy has an abnormality in his brain! I was scared for his future. Worried about our next steps and praying for answers. 

We got home. Took our shoes off and before I had time to think the phone rang and my pediatrician told me that there was a Neurologist at Maria Ferari Children's Hospital in Westchester that wanted to see my son. 

Thankfully my daughter already had a scheduled sleep over at a friends. I asked her to over pack and bring the house key in case she had to come back to feed the cats. I asked a friend to pick her up and was beyond thankful that I didn't have to worry about her. 

We got to the hospital. Filled out forms in the ER and were in an ER room within 15 minutes which is where we sat from 4 PM to 9:30 PM. In that time, my husband started getting a fever and my son slept, got poked more with needles, answered the same questions 500 times, and was asked "can I see you walk?" 300 times. He is a rock star. I was never more proud. He answered all their questions. Tried to walk for anyone who asked and never complained. Way better than dad and I who were so tired and done. None of us had eaten. My son ate toast for breakfast at 6, Burger King between the MRI and going home for 5 minutes and now it was going on 9 and we were so DONE! 

Each time someone new asked for the story I started at Tuesday and ended at the hospital. I found out later they are looking for consistency. They want to make sure the story is always the same and that nothing is being added or missed. We were finally told at 9:10 that we were staying for observation not being admitted but they wanted to watch him. I asked for an IV because everyone was saying he was dehydrated and he hadn't gone to the bathroom since we left the house in the morning. 

The room was okay but for spending the night really sucked. We had our own bathroom with a shower, my son's bed, a love seat, desk and two hard back chairs. We were too tired to care. The nurses and doctors were great and made my son smile. We were given blankets and toiletries. Told where the snack drawers were and sent to bed. We were hungry. My husband headed out to find a convenience store and I headed to the drawers. I found crackers and juice. My son eat 4 crackers, a graham cracker and drank 2 apple juices. My husband called 15 minutes later saying he got lost and was on his way back with nothing. I got him so crackers and a juice. He brought my son a package of chips from the snack machine and an apple juice. 

Sleeping was awful and if you ever stayed in a hospital you know it. They come in for vitals a few times. The love seat had the air condition right on it so you froze and the chair didn't recline. We took turns on the various seats to sleep. My husband had an obvious fever at this point and was freezing and sweating. UGH! One more thing to worry about. 

In the morning I headed down for breakfast sandwiches, coffee and medicine for my husband. My son ate his breakfast and my husband's breakfast and also 1 full IV but had not gone to the bathroom yet which was a concern to me because I was told his urine was very dark. 

Eventually the team came in and assessed him. I was told that the ABNORMALITY on the MRI is believed to be  "artifact” and now believe the reason is he may have had a viral infection. The Neurologist sat nose to nose with my son and put both hands on my sons head. He told him "do not stop looking at my nose. Never take your eyes off my nose." Then he turned my son's head right then center repeatedly. Next he did it with the left side. As he was doing it he said to the team "did you see that?" They all said YES!  He asked us and we said no. He had us move center and did it again right then left side. My husband didn't see it but I did. It is so small but there. On the right side my son could keep his eyes on the doc's nose. On the left; the tracking was off by a millisecond. But off. 

The doctor turns to us and says, "This is very treatable he has Vestibular neuritis. It is inflammation on the vestibular. This is why he has been experiencing severe vertigo, dizziness, balance problems, and confusion. He will get a treatment of Prednisone.  I can't tell you how long it takes to go away. If I give you a date you will get nervous if it isn't gone by then. If you talk to people who have had this they will tell you that they still experience it once in a while. 
When I googled Vestibular Neuritis I found that it is a condition that causes vertigo and dizziness. It results from inflammation of your vestibular nerve, a nerve in the ear that sends information to your brain about balance. When it’s inflamed, this information isn’t properly communicated, making you feel disoriented and confused. makes sense. I have a diagnosis and medication. It is horrible watching my son try to walk but he walks better today than he did Tuesday and he was able to walk out of that hospital with assistance instead of being carried along. These were the scariest days I have ever faced in my life. I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would all be better but at least we are going up a hill and not a mountain. 

The Key to Taking Control of Your Life

How many times have you found yourself in a funk when you just can’t seem to get up the ambition to face another day? Your life is spinning out of control and, although you’d just like to chalk it up to depression, you know that it’s gone beyond a mere mood swing. Problems confront you no matter which way you turn and there doesn’t seem to be any way out. Here is where your problem arises. Stop right there! There’s always a solution even if it might not be the one you would have personally chosen. Let’s look at the key to taking control of your life once and for all – and better yet – keeping control.

The Answer Lies Within

One thing you may not want to face is that the problem lies within. While that may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, the good news is that if the problem is within you then so is the solution! Maybe you just got tired of fighting what seemed to be hopeless cases and, with each problem you refused to face, another one built up beside it. For example, the power bill was too high to pay this month, so instead you decided to do something else with the little bit of money you had.

Perhaps it was that new dress Suzie wanted for school or a pair of athletic shoes Johnny had been wanting. Although it made you feel better to do something for the kids, you just compounded your problems because that bill isn’t going anywhere. Instead of owing an extra $300 next month, you will owe late fees and reconnection fees if your lights get shut off. Now, how did that help? It didn’t! You need to face the fact that you simply made a bad choice. That’s right, the problem and the answer lie within.

There’s Always an Alternative

This is where it will take some work to turn your life around. It will take honest assessment of what your patterns are and how they could have landed you where you are at this point in your life. Let’s take a look at that power bill you couldn’t pay. Did you try calling the power company to see if they would set up a payment plan? Did you investigate how to find Installment Loans that could be repaid out of your direct deposit paychecks? Perhaps you could have sought help from a church or community group to find clothing vouchers for the kids.

The point is, there’s always an alternative if you are willing to do the legwork. It does you no good to simply give up on life! As the old cliché goes, “where there’s a will there’s a way.” And, so it is with your life. Once you understand that you, and only you, have the power to make the changes you need to take control of your life, you will have made the first step toward a brighter tomorrow. It’s too easy to just give up. Don’t let obstacles block your path. With just a little thought and a bit of courage, you can find your way around them. Why not start today?

Photo Credit

When Does It Make Sense to Go into Debt as a Parent?

As a parent, it’s a good idea to run a tight ship when it comes to the money side of things. Because we’re parents ourselves, we feel the pain of our readers at times who struggle with their finances and occasionally send in emails asking for advice.

In this article, we wanted to talk about money and debt. Where does it make sense? When does it not? We also give some tips on how to learn to save even if you’ve not been great with money before. 

Is Debt Good or Bad as a Parent?
Like most things in life, the answer is – It depends!

There’s good debt and bad debt. If you’re looking to do something that adds value to your life or your home, then it’s likely that debt is a net positive if you are disciplined when taking out a loan and making the repayments on time. For instance, a loan from can be taken over multiple years, so that the repayments are manageable. This avoids borrowing too much or taking on too much of a burden. Frivolous spending along with borrowing to sustain it is where families often come unstuck. This is a slippery slope that’s best avoided!

Should Each Adult in the Family Use a Credit Card?

It’s tempting to make the argument that using a credit card is a great financial plan because it defers the payment for the items. This can leave a temporarily larger balance in the bank account which might earn a smidgen of interest if you’re lucky, and it also builds up Air Miles with some cards.

The Air Miles argument is a strong one for families that like to travel like ours does. Where the spanner in the works occurs is when credit card spending is not disciplined. When overspending on the plastic and not being able to clear the card balance in full at the appropriate time (making minimum payments doesn’t count), then it’s not going to end well for your family.

If you’re getting into trouble with credit cards, then cut them up so you are prevented from using them. Then make a disciplined plan to repay the balance in full. Debit cards are better, but again, if this causes overspending, then stick to electronic payments for bills and cash spending for everything else. Your expenses tend to fall by around 7% when you only spend cash and not plastic.

How to Save Money When It Seems So Difficult

There are two ways to save money in life:
1.      Cut back on living expenses.
2.      Earn more.
It’s always good to focus on both sides of the money coin. Why? Because you can only cut your expenses back so far by couponing, being frugal and nickel & diming your way through life. Then you hit a wall that you cannot climb anymore. 
Debt is not in and of itself a bad thing.
It depends what it’s for and whether the interest cost is worth its utility as a funding source. The trick is to keep a close eye on it to avoid debt becoming a problem for your family. Then you’ll be okay.

Photo Credit