Maria's Space: Create A Connection – Box Swap

Monday, January 06, 2020

Create A Connection – Box Swap


Create A Connection – Box Swap

This month Create A Connection Swap was hosted by Cheeky who decided on a Colour Swap. I was paired with Kim and Tammy. Kim sent to me and I sent to Tammy.  I receive my box last Thursday and had no idea that it was coming from Hawaii.
When I opened it I saw this
Then This
Usually I would have picked Blue but I went with something different this time. I had said pink or purple because they are such fun, girly colors. Kim sent me BOTH pink AND purple. What a thrill. I was really pissed about an auto problem I was having when I got home and found the box waiting. It immediately changed my mood. It truly was “happy mail.”
The kids had a blast with the boa and I had a blast with the LifeSavers and can’t wait to break into the book she included 101 Secrets a Cool Mom Knows.  Being that I AM A COOL MOM, I am dying to know the secrets that will totally make me well…cooler.
Thanks so much Kim. It was so much fun and I appreciate all of the little trinkets. I hope you enjoyed your box?

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