Maria's Space: My Life In December 9 - December 14

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

My Life In December 9 - December 14

December 9 - My car ended up back at the garage for another issue. My son was NOT happy!

December 10 - A Photo of the hand octopus I did with my class. They loved it! They came out so cute!

 December 11 - It was nice to have snow while we had it! Glorious day!

December 12 - My girl and I walking around heading for the most perfect cup of Dirty Chai Tea! It was amazing.

December 13 - Awww taking a photo of my girl taking a photo of Jinxy!

December 14 - There is a Giant and a Cowboy fan in this house. There is a constant battle about which Christmas ornament should be highest on the tree. My husband makes sure it is the Giants each time. There are way more Giant's ornaments than cowboys. Does anyone else have this problem?

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