Maria's Space: Oh My Head Hurts

Sunday, January 05, 2020

Oh My Head Hurts


Oh My Head Hurts

I love, adore, and respect my children for the spirit and enthusiasm each of them show me on a daily basis.
I love my son’s questions, unsolicitated hugs, desire to practice his writing (he writes all the letters of the alaphabet), ability to exhibit boundless energy that I wish I could bottle and drink this elixir daily from a chalice garnished with a lemon wedge.
I love my daughter’s little singing voice, clown faces, and mothering she shows her brother when she offers him all of his loveys all day long.
What I can’t stand is the constant fighting over the same damn toy, the jumping on the furniture, the slamming of their hands against the TV, the endless questions such as “what are u doing mommy” when they know damn well what I am doing and said such just moments before. The arguments over who will go first down the stairs, who will sit in Daddy’s chair, or who wants to watch what.
Grrr…..arrgghhh…my head aches.
Sample minute of my day……
Kid – Mom what are they doing?
Me – I don’t know, what are they doing?
Kid – They are playing.
Me – Right, they are playing.
Kid – Mom, what u doing?
Me – What am I doing?
Kid – You making breakfast.
Me – That’s right I am making breakfast
Kid – Mom I want to put on this shirt
Me – Ok, put on that shirt
Kid – This shirt mom, I want to put on this one
Me – Ok, honey put on that shirt
Kid – This one mom
Me – Yes, ok, put it on baby
Kid – Mom I want to put on…
Me – PUT IT ON Jeez
Kid – Ok
Why?…I am so tired of hearing my own voice. Why do they ask the same damn questions? Why do I have to feed into it everytime? Jesus Christ, now I sound like the damn kids with all the questions. But seriously….why??????????? Super Nanny Help!

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