Maria's Space: Create A Connection – Box Swap

Monday, January 06, 2020

Create A Connection – Box Swap


Create A Connection – Box Swap

This month’s swap from Create A Connection had been Summer in your HomeTown – Show and Tell where you would send a little bit of your hometown to another.
Sounded like a lot of fun so I joined up and was paired with Deb G who would be sending to me and I in turn would be sending to Lee.
Yesterday I received my Swap box from Deb G and I have to say I am feeling a bit sad about Lee’s box at the moment. Lee, if you are reading this I am sorryI feel like I let you down! My hometown is a lake town so I sent Lee things that were, well lakey….ok, not lakey like that is even a word but the package had a postcard of the lake, a local newspaper, sunblock, a water bottle, some paint brushes and a sandel candle. All things to let her know that I come from a lake town.
Deb’s box was awesome.  The smell from the lavender from her garden which was sprinkled in the box was heavenly. The big dried snowball (not sure what that flower is but my family called them snowball bushes) flowers reminded me of the home where I grew up in Millbrook NY, we always had them in vases throughout the house. The energy bar from a health store in her hometown of Bellingham WA, the local paper, the fun, homemade postcards with personalization on each one telling me what I was looking at, the handmade balls made from local wool, and pieces of beach glass, and the homemade CD with specific songs picked out and the reason for the song made for a very beautiful presentation.
Deb, you put so much thought and so much work into my swap box, I want to say thank you so much for caring and sharing. Your hometown with it’s farmer’s markets, concerts in the park, the outdoor theater seems like a wonderful place to call home.
Don’t be surprised if I come a ringing your doorbell one day for a tour of your little piece of heaven.  

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