Maria's Space: Yoplait Supports Breast Cancer Awareness With Save Lids To Save Lives

Monday, October 05, 2009

Yoplait Supports Breast Cancer Awareness With Save Lids To Save Lives

Statistically 1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This means that 12% of all women will be personally impacted by Breast Cancer. Scary numbers!

Yoplait has started a campaign called Save Lids To Save Lives.

You can help by saving and mailing in your pink lids from Yoplait yogurt cups. For every pink lid mailed in by December 31, 2009, Yoplait will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, up to $1.5 million, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $500,000. Easy right?!

During the past 11 years, Yoplait has donated more than $22 million to the breast cancer cause through Save Lids to Save Lives and other initiatives, and last year, participants across the country helped Yoplait meet its $1.5 million donation goal to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. This year, you can help too!

All you have to do is
Rinse, bag, and mail lids to:
Save Lids to Save Lives©
P.O. Box 420704
El Paso, TX 88542-0704

Remember Early Detection is Key to Successful Treatment of Breast Cancer.

On a personal note: I am over a year late on my yearly mamo. I have had one every year for the past 8 years except for the two years I was pregnant. Time to schedule that. The reason for the delay is because my gynocologist has suggested that instead of going to the place I have been going to I should go to a women's health center.  It makes sense. Why go somewhere were they are looking at a knee, an arm, a breast, etc. Go to a place that specializes in women. This week I will make the phone call to set up the appointment. Then I have to take the ride to pick up my 6 years of mamos to bring with me.

Thanks for the wake up call Yoplait and Dr. Funk.

Head over to Your Lid Matters and see you can organize and collect lids. There are tools to help you collect as many lids as possible at your job or at school. Every little bit counts!

To help you start saving lids, Yoplait would like to offer one of my lucky readers a chance to win a "Promise to Make a Difference" gift that will include a free coupon for Yoplait YoPlus Yogurt, a breast cancer awareness bracelet, and a leather jewelry case (Please photo below). What a great way to start saving labels and support a cause that affects millions (those that have lost the battle, survivors, and families).

How to Enter: Fill out the form below and let me know how you will help Yoplait in the fight against breast cancer.

Deadline: October 19, 2009 by Midnight

Do You Want More Entries? Please put each extra entry in a separate comment. You will get more entries that way.

* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for two extra entries

*Add me to your blogroll and provide the link

*Follow me on Twitter , Tweet this to raise awareness and leave the link.
RT@ reesspace  Hosts Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway from Yoplait-

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A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer: I received no payment to write this review.
MyBlogSpark and Yoplait provided me with this information, product and gift to conduct my review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.