Maria's Space: Teaching Children To Read

Monday, October 05, 2009

Teaching Children To Read

Handsome has been reading for about a year now. He gets stuck once in a while but he can read most 1st reader books on his own.

Since he started Kindergarten we have done a lot of reading. He has always loved books, most of his favorite baby items were books. He would study them even at the age of 6 months. Just staring and slowly turning the page. I was always amazed to see my little guy quietly sitting with his books.

Even on long car trips, just bring books and he was fine. However, he didn't love sitting through a story. He wanted to look at them alone or have me ask him where things were in picture books but he never wanted to sit and listen to me read. As I read I would notice that he would lose focus and start fiddling with something or picking at his finger nails. My daughter however has always been able to sit through as many books as I will read to her. Her reading comprehension is off the charts and I constantly have to stop her from answering my son's homework, book questions.

We have to read every night for school. Then he has to draw a picture or write some words based on the story that was read to him. Because he loses focus while listening I have been keeping his attention by leaving various words out while I read so that he has to finish the sentence for me.

While surfing today I found this awesome idea from EHow.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea... and good for you for always looking for ways to help Handsome. You are such a terrific mom!!


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