Wednesday, October 28, 2009

County Moments Take On Ruby Tuesday

IMG_5408, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.

I headed out on a quest for Ruby Tuesday photos for Mary's meme.  I had just walked away from snapping this picture when the farmer asked me if I was working for the paper or just enjoying nature.

Did I look professional enough to be working? Was my face serious? Or perhaps it was my $1,485 camera. Whatever it was I was beaming with the compliment.

IMG_5364, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.


  1. Your photos are always great! I bet you could be a published photographer and make money off of it!!

  2. A $1400. camera! Lucky you! Great photos for Ruby Tuesday! :)

  3. barrel of apples—
    crisp, crimson and delicious—
    autumn’s sweet bounty

    My Ruby Tuesday

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    these apples look scrumptious!

  5. I KNOW you could be a published photographer... all of your photos are beautiful, take the compliment and run with it!!
    Love your pictures, as usual!


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