Maria's Space: Yoga 2 Go Got Me Back Into Yoga & Can Do The Same For You

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yoga 2 Go Got Me Back Into Yoga & Can Do The Same For You

Before kids, I loved and was involved in Yoga. Over 10 years I attended various classes. Before I got pregnant I was in a class about 20 minutes from my house. I loved going every Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m.

When I got pregnant I was so excited that I told everyone right away; way before I started showing at 5.5 months. My yoga instructor was very concerned and right after the second class that I had told her she asked me to stay. She handed me an envelope and said that she was sorry but she had to ask me to withdraw from class. I was only 1 month pregnant and feeling totally fine. I tried to explain that I would modify the poses as I got bigger but that I really wanted to continue. She said she was sorry, and I walked out crying.

When I returned home she called me and told me that she really was sorry it was just that she wasn't licensed to train pregnant women. I told her I understood and I did, but really I was only 1 month. She said, "when you give birth, please come back. I never went back. The only yoga I have done in the past 1 year is Wii Fit and not frequently enough!

Then I got a review as part of Family Review Network's campaign for Yoga 2 Go. I saw the word Yoga and was right away responding with a yes.

I received the packet in the mail and was instantly intrigued. Not only does it look awesome and go anywhere with you. You can hang and organize your poses before you start depending on the training you want to do and how much time you have. There are over 70 yoga poses to choose from. From the basic to the more advanced and all attainable with proper form.

One of the best things about this for me personally was that I have certain poses that I love and I am able to incorporate those into my routine along with the poses depending on my level of energy that day. I like mixing them up. Some advanced poses with some intermediate and then some of my favorite basic beginner poses.

In A Nutshell: 
For me there is nothing like Yoga. I love the flexibility and the strength I feel in just a few days of sticking to a program. There is nothing like getting into the pose, breathing and feeling your muscles working.

This is honestly a great program and so well priced at just $29.95. You can't beat that!

As with any exercise routine, start slow and progress at your own level of comfort.

Each card has a colorful picture of the pose on the front along with an easy color chart for organizing your sequence.

The back of the card tells you:

  • How long to hold the pose and how long to breath.

  • A complete, easy to understand posture direction.

  • The benefit of that specific pose.

  • How to deepen the pose if appropriate.

Beside this being a great program to use at home, this is a great program for business travelers who want to stick to a routine but can't a moment at the hotel gym into their schedule.

I used to work for 90% female company, the meeting planners traveled constantly. They immediately came to my mind when I saw this. It is easy to drop into your suitcase, takes up no room and you can manage a quick 30 minutes to hour right in your hotel room.

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