Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - Incognito

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Incognito

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

IMG00325, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.

My husband has an office (I use the term loosely) in town. It is only 4 shops away from Goddess' Preschool. I was early to pick up so I let myself in and crashed on the floor with a book for about 15 minutes. I took this picture with the Blackberry to send to him with the message "does this place look familiar?"

I tend not to go there because:
1- He is not there
2-There is no place to sit
3-It is pretty lonely in there
4-No TV, radio or coffee

However it does have the internet so I can take the laptop and crash if I don't feel like heading home after dropping Goddess off at school.


  1. Cool photo!! I`ll have a Hallowe'en one next week!

    Here's this weeks:

  2. Anonymous7:46 PM

    That photo is funny. I love it!

  3. Great photo... you look cute as a kitten lying out there on the floor. With the office having internet, I could ALMOST handle not having all that other stuff, except the coffee... And if I know you, THAT is the one thing that really bothers YOU!!
    How far from a Starbucks is it???

  4. Too fun! Love it, I just posted mine. yeah my first time!

  5. Great picture. I didn't get around to doing one this week. Maybe later on this week.

  6. Cute! You look like a grinning Cheshire cat, like you just ate the last cookie or something. Made me smile :)

  7. I love your cat mask. Looking pretty.


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