Maria's Space: ShopRite, Proving That It Pays To Care! Your Comment Can Feed The Hungry

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

ShopRite, Proving That It Pays To Care! Your Comment Can Feed The Hungry

Dearest Readers,

I am proud to have been asked to be part of the newest program being sponsored by ShopRite called “Blog It Forward To Fight Hunger.”

I love when I hear that merchants that I shop at are doing everything they can to contribute to making a better world.

Sometimes it is easier to turn a blind eye to the millions who suffer daily. 31 million Americans are going hungry every day and ShopRite is at the forefront of changing this! For 10 years ShopRite has been leading the fight to feed the hungry.
ShopRite Partners In Caring has donated $20 million to more than 1,400 charities, such as emergency food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, child care centers, battered women's shelters, senior citizen programs, drug rehab centers, programs for the mentally and physically disabled, after-school programs and other organizations that aid those in need.

Maybe you, are one of the millions who need the help right now. Maybe you at one time or another has had to use one of the charities thankfully offered to assist. Maybe you have put a dollar in the food bank buckets whenever you leave the stores. Whatever your story is, and we all have one to tell, there is a way to contribute to this wonderful mission.

How? Well, whenever you purchase an item marked with ShopRite Partners In Caring shelf tag , you are helping to support one of the 50-plus partner companies whose donations help more than 1,400 hunger-fighting charities in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Your shopping list doesn't even have to change. You are probably already purchasing or plan on purchasing some of the items on your next shopping trip. All I am asking, is that the next time you are shopping, check out the ShopRite Partners In Caring shelf tag.

I thank God everyday for organizations like this that keep the food banks stocked. My family used a food bank for two years. I am thankful my community has one and have tried for the past year to reciprocate whenever possible. I hope to be in a position one day to support a family one Thanksgiving or to take on a family for Christmas.

America is a wonderful country and even when people are strapped, they take care of each other. I have seen so many good people step up to help others, and I am proud to shop at ShopRite where caring about people is important to them.

No one should ever have to go to bed hungry and ShopRite is doing their part, now it is up to us to do ours!

While shopping, look for THIS ShopRite Partners In Caring shelf tag.

Together, we can make a difference! Maybe tomorrow, one less person will go to sleep hungry.

Much Love,

Maria G of Maria's Space

P.S. Do you want to know how you can help the Partners in Caring Right Now!???

Leave a comment on this post and General Mills and ShopRite will donate one box of cereal to a food bank in ShopRite's trading area for the first 30 people who comment on my post!!!


  1. This is very touching....I love organization and programs and people who genuinely care about helping those who really, really need it. :) In my even younger days at one point my family was one of those families so I hope they keep up the great work and I dunno if I can make 40 comments but if I can I will lol.

  2. Here's another comment for your good cause!

  3. Here's a comment! What a nice offer!

  4. It's nice to see that a big corporation "gets it" and is willing to take care of those people in their communities who are down on their luck. This is yet another reason I'm happy that I shop at ShopRite! Kudos to them!

    spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

  5. I love when companys do nice things for people. I am very proud of YOU for being asked to be a part of this new program. They chose a beautiful and caring person.

  6. This is a great program, we used to shop at ShopRite when we lived up north. I wish all grocery stores would do something like this to help those who are in need. I will be posting a link on my blog so hopefully you will get the comments you need to help in the cause.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I found this through twitter, and I will retweet to help you gain more comments. That is very nice of Shop Rite and General Mills to be doing this.

  8. Thank you so much for doing this and PRAISE God to ShopRite!!
    What a GREAT Cause!!!
    In this World on Plenty NO one should go hungry!
    I added YOUR Blog to MY List of Blogs that are doing this.. on MY Blog


  9. No one should ever have to go hungry!

  10. How nice it is to help someone out with just a comment. Thanks!


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