Maria's Space: Blue Monday

Monday, August 24, 2009

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday and there but beauty today. It is amazing outside and I am trying to keep myself focused on the task which is making sure my kids enjoy their last days of freedom before school starts.

We are heading down to the lake today to dip a toe or hopefully more. It rained like crazy this weekend, so it is hard to say what we will find when we get down there.


  1. Enjoy your day at that beautiful lake. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  2. The lake is beautiful. I hope you have a great 'close to the last day of summer' with your children.

  3. You always get the best pictures at the lake. I hope you and the kids had a great time.

    I posted my Blue Monday, a day late of course... I was busy Monday night (HaHa).


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