Maria's Space: Photo Hunters - Entertainment

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Photo Hunters - Entertainment

This week Photo Hunters asked for pictures of entertainment. No matter how old kids get, refrigerator magnets are always a hit. One of the best investments ever. These letters helped my kids learn their alphabet, learn three letter words, cat, dog, ate, etc, and the letter sounds. They are still on the refrigerator, albeit some are missing, but they still love them and spend a great amount of time playing with them.


  1. I myself enjoy playing with those fridge magnets...

  2. That looks like fun!

    I played too :)

  3. Yep kids love like that. A great entertainment...happy weekend am playing too. TC

  4. I love fridge magnets too... :)

  5. Oh that is so cute! Mine stopped playing with them around age... 15, maybe. lol!

    Mine is up, too. Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Mecomber
    New York

  6. they look and be entertain at the same time - that's always a great challenge

  7. I meant they "learn" NOT "look" - sorry, don't know where my head is today

  8. You got that right! And I bet you thought all those superhero magnets on my fridge were my kids'.

  9. I still like to play with them whenever I'm at a house where they are. I love how the stuff you don't want them to touch is WAY up high.... Reminds me of when mine were little. Great shot.


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