Maria's Space: The Simple Women's Daybook - Aug 17, 2008

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook - Aug 17, 2008

This is one of my favorite meme's.

Outside my window... Sunny and HOT! Took the kids to the lake and we had it to ourselves. A mother and her teenage daughter showed up and some friends of the life guard but we had the water to ourselves.
I am thinking... That I am a wee bit depressed that my husband has to restart his night job! I loved having him here at night to put the kids to bed and it was nice knowing that he was here and safe rather than on the road in the early hours of the morning.

I am thankful for... My husband, kids and the breathe I breath.

From the learning rooms...Letting go of your kids as they get ready to start full time Kindergarten is going to be tremendously hard.

From the kitchen... Made my husband a quick pizza at lunch. Didn't have many supplies but he said he loved it and that is all that matters.

I am wearing... Grey shorts and a blue tank top.

I am creating... Jewelry, jewelry and more jewelry. I am loving it and made my 8th sale on etsy today. It feels good to know that someone will wear something I made.

I am going...Get the kids in bed at 8:30 and sit down with a good book!

I am reading... Light Up Your Child's Mind

I am hoping... That my kids go to bed easy with Daddy gone after being around the past 2 months.

I am hearing... My son playing Wii, and my daughter watching the Backyardigans.

Around the house... Loads of laundry and clothes to put away. Uggghhhh..

One of my favorite things...Sitting on the couch with my husband watching and discussing True Blood.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Hopefully getting together with some friends. I didn't see get to see my friends last week and I am feeling it.

Here is picture thought I am is a sea plane or in this case a lake plane. It was amazing and I couldn't take enough pictures of it.


  1. Congratulations on the sales of your lovely jewelry - Fun and Profit - you can't beat that!

    Kindergarten is tough -
    our granddaughter starts next week-
    she's been at home with us since she was born. It's quite the transition!

    Thank you for sharing your Daybook.

  2. When you're working on something you love doing it doesn't feel like work at all. It's easy to get 'lost' in time when being creative. Congratualtions on you sales - wishing you lots more.

    Have a great week.
    God bless,
    Elena :)

  3. So sorry the hubby has to work nights, that really sucks!!

    I'm so proud of how well your business is going... I knew you could do it!

    Hope the rest of your week is wonderful and the kids have a great start to school.

  4. I forgot to post the link to my Simple Women's Daybook Meme:


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