Maria's Space: Delight Your Day Gift Pack Giveaway

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Delight Your Day Gift Pack Giveaway

Wrap Yourself In A Guilty Pleasure With Help From Yoplait

Monday I headed out to the Supermarket with my kids and started our school lunch preparation shopping. We were in the yogurt aisle because my kids are yogurtaholics (not really, they are very specific in their brand and their flavor which is the one that is always sold out thanks to us. We go through about (6) 4 packs a week. They won't eat anything but). Oh yeah, where was I?

Anywhooo, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this...and this...

Ummm...Yoplait Delights! Does that say 100 calories per serving? Does that look delish or what? It says 100 calories and heck yeah it looks delish. I picture me, with my little demitasse spoon, enjoying each yummy spoonful.

So, I buy the two 6 packs and head out. The first flavor to call me was while I was watching General Hospital was the raspberry. I grabbed my tiny demi spoon and headed inside to watch GH with my treat.

From the first bite I had to keep reminding myself that just because it said 100 calories per wasn't an OK to eat a second one.

Did you know?
  • Nearly nine out of 10 women experience a mid-day craving and have the urge to snack
  • Eighty-three percent of women admit they sometimes feel guilty when cravings take over and they reach for sweets
Well, three days later and I have 4 yoplaits left. They are good and I am unwilling to share them with the kids even though I wish they would expand their palate.

Anyway, today I received a box from a campaign I joined from MyBlogSpark.

This box has a coupon for a free pack of Yoplait Delights and came with a bunch of treasure to contribute to the indulgent.Cute right? Slippers, a robe, eye mask and Yoplait Delights.

Yoplait Delights come in four tempting flavor combinations Chocolate Raspberry, Triple Berry Creme, Lemon Torte and Creme Caramel - creamy Yoplait Delight is the perfect everyday treat. Right now you can also download a $1.25 off coupon for Yoplait Delights Parfait at:

Yoplait and MyBlogSpark has given me a Delight Your Day Gift Pack to give away to one of my readers.

So, how do you enter?
How to Enter: Fill out the form below. Answer this question, What are some of your favorite enjoyable treats? (If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). US Only!

Deadline: September 9, 2009 by Midnight

Do You Want More Entries? Please put each extra entry in a separate comment. You will get more entries that way.
* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for two extra entries - Leave each in a separate comment (that would be two comments).

*Add my URL to your blogroll and provide the link

*Follow me on Twitter , Tweet this and leave the link.

* Email 2 friends, CC'ing me (

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*Subscribe to Chotskies my other blog

* Post my button on your sidebar


A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

I received no payment to write this review. I was given the product for free to conduct my review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.