Maria's Space: Monochrome Monday - The Weeping Willow

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monochrome Monday - The Weeping Willow

Isn't there something magical about a weeping willow. In the color photos I took of the willow tree, it looks almost like a watercolor. The softness is tranquil. Love it!


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    That is a superb picture, Maria. Quite lovely

  2. Good morning! I covet that pic! It's gorgeous! Willows are my favorite tree! I'm just starting out with this meme and going simple!

  3. Weeping willows have always been my favorite tree, there is something so beautiful, but sad at the same time. Your picture captures all of that at the same time. Because of your inspiration, I have finally posted my first B/W photos... I hope they are alright... I took the leap.

  4. Beautiful and lovely picture. Awesome tree!

  5. this makes me think of a very majestic willow we had.. all you had to do is say... look for the willow tree. lovely shot.


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