Maria's Space: I Signed Up For Social Spark

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Signed Up For Social Spark


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
I had never heard of SocialSpark but I recently noticed it when mentioned on Simply Being Mommy.

As a stay-at-home mom I am always looking for ways for me to monetize my blog and make money while doing something I love. So when I saw that Social Spark had an easy sign up policy and I could potentially make money I signed up.

The sign up process took me less than 5 minutes. So, I look forward to my first sponsored post which could be this one.

This post give me the opportunity to prove to SocialSpark that I am capable and willing to do sponsored, honest posts about my experiences and opinion. You simply write blog posts about a particular subject and get paid. Some posts are as little as $3.00 and move upwards of $100 depending on the advertisers budget and your rank.  You are paid via Paypal once your account reaches the $50.00 mark.

To sign up your blog go here - Sign up for SocialSpark

I look forward to optimizing my blog and hopefully writing some paid for posts on subjects that I think you guys will be interested in. As I move forward with SocialSpark I will let you guys know how it is working out.

Code of Ethics

Visit my sponsor: I Signed Up for SocialSpark!


  1. I hope you like Social Spark as much as I do.

  2. Nothing wrong with making money at something you love--I hope it works out well for you.

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I wish you the best of luck!!

  4. This is one of the companies I also considered signing up for that I learned about from Crystal's blog. I hope you are able to make some great money for your family, you are a great writer and a terrific photographer.


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