Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - J

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ABC Wednesday - J

This weeks ABC Wednesday theme is "J"

Let's see what mama has in her archives.

I have Jewelry
Yup, I make jewelry and you can find it on my website StreetAngel (shameless plug).
This one is called Iliythia (a character from Spartacus) and sells for $25.00

Next, This is my girlfriend's dog Jersey.
Yellow Labrador

Then we have some jumping photos...
Here is Handsome at my cousins' gymnastic themed birthday party - how do I know he was jumping? Well not much air under him but check out his hair.
April 19, 2008 (52)

Here is Goddess in all her pink glory. So glad I dressed her like this as often as possible back then. She would never walk out of the house like this now.
April 19, 2008 (30)


  1. Great, fun collection for the J day! Your jewelry is lovey and your children are adorable and I love the dog!! Hope you're having a great week!


  2. Love all the pics! Have to say, your friends Retriever is lovely!!!
    And showcase more of your jewelry, it's awesome!

  3. A fun post! Handsome reminds me of my son No. 2 at that age - I have jumping photos of him, too! And Goddess, that would be me. My mother dressed me relentlessly in pink and frills and rainbow girlie colours and as soon as I was able, I rebelled! Well, what do you expect, with two brothers and no sisters? LOL!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  4. I'm reminded of the movie - "I am Spartacus!" "I am Spartacus!" "I am Spartacus!" "I am Spartacus!" Nice piece - wonder if my wife would like it; doesn't "look" like her.

    The daughter would like the jumping thing, for sure.

  5. That picture of Jersey could be put on a card or something! It's great. He looks likes he's so content.
    Love all the jumperoos!


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