Maria's Space: Street Angel Stock Sale on Glass Tile Jewelry - $6.00 including chain, tile and U.S. shipping

Friday, March 05, 2010

Street Angel Stock Sale on Glass Tile Jewelry - $6.00 including chain, tile and U.S. shipping

Hey everyone, most of you know I sell my jewelry over at Street Angel on Etsy.

I have some glass tiles left over from the two jewelry parties I had over the winter. They sold at the parties for $8.00 for just a tile and $10.00 with a chain. There are just a few left and I wanted to clear out the stock on this theme (Twilight, New Moon and Vamps). If you see something you are interested in, please contact me directly ( and I will work it out through either a check or through PayPal on Etsy.

Picnik collage
Picnik collage

If you want to see the picture in larger format, simply head over to my Flickr site.

I took 2.5 months off from making anything new but I am excited to start again when my wrist starts feeling better.


  1. ouu! thanks for sharing!!!

  2. I like the blue in the first (A) one... That is a really cool coil.
    I hope you ended up making TONS of money.
    I also hope your wrist is feeling lots better and you can make more jewelry really soon - I get so many compliments on the earrings I have from your collection. :-)


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