Maria's Space: Home Garden Planning

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Home Garden Planning

Thanks to Mom Central I heard about a movement being sponsored by Triscuit called Home Farming. This comes just at the right time since my daughter is beginning to do a garden this year.

I am so excited about this plan because Triscuit is actually including platable herbs seeds in four million boxes. Is that not the coolest?

Earth Day is around the corner, Jaime Oliver has a show on that is going to revolutionize the way we think about feeding our children and Spring is here; is this not the perfect time to think about creating something that you and your children can do together? Something that gets the whole family involved, outdoors, growing the foods that our bodies require!

Triscuit has launched the Home Farming Movement in collaboration with the non-profit organization Urban Framing. Together, Triscuit and Urban Farming plan to create 50 community-based home farms across the country in 2010 in order to connect communities through growing food together.

There are really no excuses not to do a garden. Produce is expensive and it is so easy to grow your own. Live in an apartment? Why not have a little windowsill garden? This year, we will not be taking the garden off the deck. My plan is to grab a couple of long flower boxes and start small.

Look for the box above for your packet of Dill or Basil seeds (I love fresh Basil). When you get your box of Triscuit crackers home, dig out your seed packets and start sowing!

  • Take the seed card out from the box & soak 2-4 hours before planting.
  • Starting at one of the corners, peel the seed card into two pieces to expose the seeds.
  • Place both card pieces in an 8" pot full of dirt with the seed side up. Cover the cards with a quarter inch of dirt.
  • Keep soil moist, but not overly wet, with 6-8 hours of sunlight everyday.
  • Seeds should sprout in 10-12 days.
What I love about this site is that you enter your zip code, your space limitation, how much time you will be able to garden and the site will tell you which produce are the right fit for you.

Disclaimer: I wrote this post as part of a Mom Central Campaign. I will receive a $20.00 gift card.


  1. I have been pondering growing some on my own herbs.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I should try a box of these. my husband loves wheat thins. this could be another option for him.


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