Maria's Space: The 3 Day Cleanse Book Review & Giveaway

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The 3 Day Cleanse Book Review & Giveaway

Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I was able to check out a book called 

The 3-Day Cleanse

Drink Fresh Juice, Eat Real Food, and Get Back into Your Skinny Jeans

Book Description: 
Celebrities, foodies, and media people rely on the Blueprint Cleanse for relief from the excess, overindulgence, and toxins we are all exposed to every day. Now, the founders of the cleanse praised in Elle, Vogue, and Every Day with Rachel Ray, offer THE 3-DAY CLEANSE, an at-home juice cleansing program for everyone.

Cleansing allows the digestive system to rest so you can rid yourself of the toxins everyone accumulates, whether from unhealthy eating or simply from our environment. The 3-DAY CLEANSE offers a customized program based on your own personal health and lifestyle. Unlike other cleanses, the Blueprint Cleanse includes sufficient calories and natural fats, making for an easier yet incredibly effective cleanse.

This books guides readers through step-by-step guidelines for a 1-day, 3-day, and 14-day cleanse, as well as a long-term maintenance plan. Throughout are sidebars, quick tips, secrets and advice from people who have successfully done the cleanse. In addition to the juice, raw, and partially-raw food recipes in the book, the authors include advice on battling the urge to cheat and working the cleanse into a busy lifestyle.

Prepare to boost your immune system, alleviate allergies and PMS, improve your mood and sex drive, and clear up your skin. Finally, the juice service adored by many is available for you to create in your own home!

In A Nutshell: Summer is around the corner and we all want to fit in our swimsuit, look better and be healthier so why not try something that is good for you. Eating raw and organic can't hurt us. 

What I Can Tell You: The cleanse appears very easy to follow. There is a 3-Day, 5-Day and 10-Day Cleanse. Growing up I knew a friend's mom who would do a 2-Day Cleanse every month. She lived by it saying that it was good for your body. 

The book tells you why you should cleanse and why your body needs it including the benefits of the cleanse. How to prepare for it (wean yourself off coffee, salt, etc). What you need to do the cleanse (a juicer and some produce). Works you through the cleanse each day. Has a question and answer section.  Post cleanse information, recipes and more. 

There are some great suggestions that if they work for you, could be great life changes. 

What I Can't Tell You: If it works. I haven't tried it yet because I don't have the juicer but I am checking to buying or borrowing one.

Thanks to Anna at Hachette Book Group, I have 5 copies to giveaway.
Open to US &  Canada.
No PO Boxes please.

To Enter:  Leave me a comment letting me know if you have ever done a cleanse by Midnight, March 30, 2010

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of  The 3-Day Cleanse by Zoe Sakoutis and Erica Huss from Hachette Book Group. Hachette Book Group is also providing and mailing out the giveaway copies.


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I definitely need a cleanse.

  2. no but i would like to

  3. I haven't ever done a cleanse, but DO have a juicer and a garden with lots of fresh fruit and veggies... all I need is this book (teehee)

  4. No, I haven't done one.

  5. yes i have done it its great for the body
    I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway

  6. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Would love to win !!

  7. I have never done it but have always wanted to. I have heard good things


  8. I have never done a cleanse but would love to!


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