Maria's Space: Book Nook Corner - A Boy Had A Mother Who Bought Him A Hat + Kid Book Giveaway

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book Nook Corner - A Boy Had A Mother Who Bought Him A Hat + Kid Book Giveaway

Synopsis -What's a boy to do when his mom buys him everything he wants? Should he take his new toys everywhere?

Thanks to Harper Collins Children I received A Boy Had A Mother Who Bought Him A Hat by Karla Kuskin.


After a boy's mother buys him a hat, she buys him a mouse, shoes, boots, skis, mask, cello, and an elephant--none of which he is ever without.

In A Nutshell: The book is cute, large, and a fun read.  Any book that keeps your kids attention is a good book.  We have to read every night and I love books that are repetitive. It helps keep your kid actively involved. By the 2nd verse my son and daughter were saying the story along with me. Repetition is very important to children who have Sensory Processing Delays or ADD.

What I Can Tell You: The book is great for ages 4-10. My daughters preschool class has my copy right now and I am dying to hear how they did with it. My daughter has asked me to read it a few times. I love this book because it is a bigger book that can lie on all of our laps as we read. My biggest complaint is that the graphics weren't as colorful as I would have wanted them to be. They wouldn't have kept my kids attention if the story wasn't good.

To Enter:  Leave me a comment telling who you are winning this for by Midnight, April 6, 2010 US & Canada

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