Maria's Space: In Flight Ballet

Monday, March 08, 2010

In Flight Ballet


My son loves being thrown into the water and the snow, here is my husband tossing him while wearing his yellow Sponge Bob hat.
Picture 060


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    That shot is amazing!! Moments like that are so priceless! Love it.

  2. Looks like he is having a blast! Do you still have that much snow? Ours is just starting to melt! I am so excited for SPRING! And even more so, SUMMER

  3. I love those inflight captures thanks for the comment.

    We do still have a lot of snow but this weekend a lot of rain is expected so we should see some ground by Monday.

  4. WOW! Now that's a jump! Great capture too!

  5. He looks like a snow ninja-- "Hiyah!!!"

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That throw looks very high. Great shot.

  7. It looks like one of the great throws from the summer photos at the lake. I bet your hubby has a great time playing with them. Pretty soon Handsome will be too big to be thrown, then they will be wrestling together. :-)


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