Maria's Space: Get Your Drink On With A Healthy Cranberry Naturals Giveaway

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Get Your Drink On With A Healthy Cranberry Naturals Giveaway

It is the season for Cranberry Juice!
Old Orchard has a remarkable juice they added to their product line called Cranberry Naturals.

Cranberry Naturals is the first reduced calorie cranberry juice to be 100% natural and sweetened with Truvia brand natural sweetener. Also, there are no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives AND, it is only 70 calories a serving.

Now, that we got all that out of the way, lets get down to.....

What I Can Tell You:
Here is what I know, no one tells you when you are young that as you age, you will suddenly need to concern yourself with all kinds of medical stuff that you never really had to worry about. As someone who now has to worry about colon health, intestinal abnormalities and cancer scares, I can tell you that cranberry juice has become a normal drink for me. Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals doesn't have that tarty, sharp, aftertaste you get when you are drinking cranberry juice. Honet

Why You Should Drink Cranberry Juice:
It tastes great
It is a highly effective treatment for urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections.
It is full of vitamins and minerals
Provides a healthy dose of antioxidants and phytochemical to protect against cancer
It is good for your gums and will reduce the the presence of oral bacteria
It will boost free radicals and improve the skin health

Ok, if these reasons aren't good enough for you; how about these?

Cranberry Jello Shots
2 1/4 cups of Cranberry juice
1 box of sugar free cranberry gelatin
3/4 cup of orange flavored vodka
1 can of cranberry sauce

Basic Cranberry Martini

2 ounces vodka or gin
1/2 to 1 ounce vermouth (optional)
1/2 ounce cranberry liqueur or 2 ounces cranberry juice
Fresh, frozen or dried cranberries for garnish

Yummy! I love the idea of the cranberries floating on top!

If you are going to drink cranberry juice for all of these reasons, why not make it one that tastes great and has less calories and sugar?

The Giveaway: A Coupon for a free 64 oz Cranberry Naturals Juice.

The Sponsor: Old Orchard

To Win: Head over to Old Orchard and tell me which juice you would use the coupon on by Midnight, December 4, 2010

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Disclosure:  "This post was written for Old Orchard who provided the complimentary product for review & giveaway in exchange for my honest opinions.”

1 comment:

  1. I love cranberries, especially in a martini!


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