Maria's Space: Get and Stay Healthy Giveaway

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get and Stay Healthy Giveaway

AHCC - Immune Support Supplement $59.49

I wrote about AHCC last week. AHCC is Japan's leading immunonutrient and new research shows that by taking two (2) to six (6) capsules daily on an empty stomach or as directed by your healthcare professional you can greatly reduce your chance of contacting the flu along with a slew of other ailments and diseases.

Check out this contest too through Quality of Life Labs. One entry will be randomly selected to win a $1,000 Vitamin Shoppe gift card and a supply of Quality of Life Labs’ clinically-proven immune compound Kinoko AHCC. AHCC, Japan’s top-selling immune supplement, is a safe, natural immune regulator that has been clinically shown to help activate a weakened immune system and help the body fend off viral, bacterial and fungal infections…which is perfect timing for the cold and flu season!

The Giveaway: 1 Winner will a bottle of AHCC
To Win: Leave a comment by Midnight, December 14, 2010

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