Maria's Space: The Sound Of Music on Blu Ray and DVD Combo - A MUST HAVE

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Sound Of Music on Blu Ray and DVD Combo - A MUST HAVE

I am lucky enough to have received a copy from Fox Connect. 
Growing up my family and I watched The Sound Of Music every year.  It is the true story (The film is an adaptation of a popular Broadway play which is based on the memoir "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers" written by Maria von Trapp. The von Trapp family are known for escaping from the Nazis in Austria after the Anschluss (the annexation and occupation of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938) of a nun Maria, (need I say more as to why this is one of my favorites) who is sent to live as a nanny with the von Trapp family which consists of a father and 7 children. Mom passed away!
Maria is considered a bit of a will-o-the-wisp (whatever that is) by the nuns as they sing in one of the songs.

How do you solve a problem like Maria?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means Maria?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

This is perfect because the von Trapp family have been going through nanny's quickly. The children are trying to get their father's attention and don't appreciate the way he runs his house like a ship! The captain only speaks to them by codes from a whistle he blows and they are to march around like "little soldiers".

Mary comes in and shakes up the house, getting the children to fall in love with her all while falling head over heels in love with the captain and vice versa. 

All this love is taking place under the threat of World War II.

The movie is beautifully written and with the help of a stunning soundtrack (one of the best in my eyes) went on to make millions (made for approximately $8.2 million, and grossing $163 million).

The remastered version of the movie was such a joy to watch. It was like watching it again. The clarity is amazing. You can see every detail ever missed. You can see each blade of grass as Maria stands on the mountain singing The Hills Are Alive!

This is really a must have for any fan of musicals but especially fans of The Sound Of Music.


  1. I should make it my new year's resolution to watch this movie before the end of 2011!!

  2. You should watch even if it is once. I love musicals and Julie Andrews. Maybe this is why. Maybe it is because as a child she seemed like the perfect Nanny. Who knows? But I really do love this movie.

  3. We bought this and my four year old has already watched it 1 and a half times (she fell asleep the second time, and she was not happy that she did, but hey, it's a long movie!)She is in love with the music and the marionette scene--the goat puppets are so cute.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I think I might have to force myself to watch this movie. my daughter saw it for 15 minutes and gave up on it!!! arrrggghhh

  5. Oh, I so love this movie - of course it did come out in 1965, a really GREAT year!! :-)
    I'm going to ask for this for Christmas this year and I'm sure Santa will bring it - he really is a great guy.
    I'm sure that the name of the character has nothing to do with you liking it. TeeHee

  6. BTW... I love the look of your blog, it is SO you. The tag line is wonderful, also.
    Sorry to be so absent lately, I've been SO busy with everything, but I'm going to try and be around more because I really miss you.


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