Maria's Space: Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Moving from one home to the next is stressful enough, but when you need to move to a new city or state that is further away from your old hometown, that move becomes even more stressful. As you need to deal with things like enrolling your kids in a new school, finding out where you can buy groceries and other supplies and all the dozens of other little things that you need to do, you'll find that the stress builds up. Thanks to some convenient tips, you can make your move as stress-free as possible.

Start Early

As soon as you know that you need to move, you can start making all the preparations that you need. Very few people pack up their entire homes and move everything in the course of a few days or even weeks. You can sit down and create a time line that helps you stay on track. Make a list of everything that you need to do. Divide the list into more manageable chunks to take care of a few things daily and weekly until the day that you actually move.

Hire Pros

Depending on the size of your home, moving it on your own may be almost impossible. Hiring professional movers is one of the best ways to make your move more stress-free. You can hire movers who will actually come to your home, pack and wrap everything that you own, load boxes and furniture onto trucks and unload everything when the truck reaches your new home. Certain professionals can help with specific things like piano moving or moving a vintage car. With antique car transport, you can feel confident that your expensive auto will arrive at the new home in perfect condition.

Work from Home

Working from home doesn't necessarily mean doing your job from home. It actually means doing some of the work on your new home while still living in your old home. You can go online and search for information about your new neighborhood, including which nearby parks have areas for dog owners, where you can get groceries and even which restaurants will deliver to that address. Review websites even let you see what some of your new neighbors think about the area and which places they recommend. When you work with professional movers, start early and do some work from home, you can make your move stress-free.

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