Maria's Space: Plant Sitting Brings Up Close To Beauty AND The Blues

Monday, August 19, 2013

Plant Sitting Brings Up Close To Beauty AND The Blues

This week the kids and I are house sitting, dog sitting for two separate people, bird sitting and plant sitting! A local person found me through a community webpage I set up to let people know I will do odd jobs and asked if we would water her plants twice while she is in Alaska. She gave us $25.00 and a tour. Her landscaping is beautiful and she is obviously an outdoor lover based on her property. The kids and I are having a great time and here are some of the photos from our first trip to water. 

This cobalt blue fountain looks amazing amid all the green.

The kids loved spending time here while Mommy walked around with the hose. Goddess really wanted to sit in the swing but I wasn't certain if it was decoration or an actual seat.

We really loved this outdoor chess set too. 

This was strictly a photo op. I certainly don't have Chess players at home. 


  1. What a good idea for a field trip. No wonder your children loved it.

    That blue fountain is simply blue-tiful! Thanks for playing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. Great blue fountain! Blessings, Debbie

  3. She certainly has a beautiful backyard and I love that cobalt blue fountain. Wish I had one in my backyard :)

  4. Beautiful backyard! It's their own little hideaway. I love the plants and trees. I bet it is cool in the summer there.

  5. Happy Blue Monday on Wednesday-
    what a pretty yard you are sitting! love the blue fountain.

  6. What a lovely backyard and that chess set is absolutely amazing! I shudder to think how much that would cost to have set up! Great way to earn some extra cash!


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