Maria's Space: Twinlab Clean Series IS Gluten Free #Twinlab

Monday, August 19, 2013

Twinlab Clean Series IS Gluten Free #Twinlab

The 411 by Maria:

We were sent the CleanSeries Why Protein Isolate to try out and I put this in the hands of The Teach since he is the Protein Shake expert in this house. He has been on a protein shake regime for two years now. He is muscle bound and NEEDS to feed those muscles. He does a protein shake in the morning. After his workout and a few hours before bed. We watch him do the shaky shake with his thermos and than shaky shake some more after a few swallows. Mostly because some of the shakes are quite powdery and he feels like they are never shaken enough as he doesn't use a mixer just a whole lot of muscle.

He is not at all a vanilla shake guy and usually picks out a chocolate or chocolate malt flavor so I was concerned about the flavor turning him off. He says while he was disappointed at first and thought he would not like it at all, he says the Vanilla Wave is not bad at all. So I had to try it for myself. It was definitely easy to mix and while I am not a big protein shake drinker, this was something I could imagine myself drinking. I used water and a splash of milk like Teach does and found it creamy and now know why he sits there drinking those shakes every night. I found the flavor sweet and enjoyable. Just like a vanilla shake.

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