Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Brings the Holiday Drinks

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Brings the Holiday Drinks

In December my girlfriend Clary and I headed to Borders to do some Christmas shopping. While there I loved the way our Gingerbread Lattes looks and snapped this photo for Mary's Ruby Tuesday. Sounds great right?!Only one problem, I failed to download it from my Pinkberry until today.

So, without further ado, our drinks.



  1. aww...that looks so yummy! been a long time since i've had one like that. happy RT!

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    OMG YUMMY!!! I have to go back to the book store for another one of those!!

  3. MMMMM yum! Happy Ruby Tuesday

  4. My daughter said, "Yummmm! I want one!"

  5. They look good. Anything messy is usually yummy!

  6. That looks so good. I love those kinds of drinks and especially having them at the bookstore. Those are the best kinds of days.


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