Maria's Space: Friday Photo Flashback

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback

Valentines 2009

Valentines 2008 - This is Goddess wearing her favorite Scooby hand-me-down PJ's and eating a red pancake.

Valentines 2007 - Here is Handsome eating a lollipop from Aunt Teresa who sent an amazing box of Valentine treats to us that year.

Valentines 2006 (Goddess had her first taste of chocolate on her very first Valentines. The moment that will last the rest of her life. She is a true chocoholic and I monitor her strictly)

Valentines 2005 (Handsome was sick for 7 days straight. He lost about 3 pounds. We all slept on the floor of the living room to be near him. I was at the end of my 2nd pregnancy and this was an exhausting time.)

Valentines 2004 (Handsome's First Valentines)


  1. I love Little Miss Chocolate Face!! So cute!

  2. Your children are sooo beautiful. I love their big brown eyes!!!!!

  3. Wow! You a have some awesome Valentine's shots...I actually love them all...

  4. i love the walk through all the valentines! beautiful pics and kids!

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Nice pictures. It was cute watching them through their Valentines Day.

  6. They are all fabulous photos!
    Goddess looks so sad in the first one, but I adore the hat. Poor little Handsome feeling so bad during 2005. :-(
    I love the chocolate face, she's just like me, a chocoholic! Good for her.
    And what a fantastic family portrait in 2004, I hope you got one this year so we can see you all.
    Thanks for the walk down memory lane.


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