Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 16, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY...February 15, 2010

Outside my window...Soft billowy snow keeps piling up.

I am thankful I am that I kept the kids home from school today. The weather is horrendous

I am thankful....That my husband is on his way home.

I am remembering...playing in the snow this weekend with my family and tackling my son as we played.

I am try to get some reading done and lie down to watch General Hospital later.

I am reading...Hear no Evil and The Awakening (Reviews are coming)

I am hoping...that my husband will arrive home soon. He is driving in the snow.

Noticing that...the kids loved their homeschool assignments today. Just because mom keeps them home from school, doesn't mean they get to lay around. dad sending all his Disney movies. He loves his movies.

From the kitchen...left over Chinese food is the best

One of my favorite things..watching my kids hug each other
A picture to share...


  1. Gotta love those moments. They don't always last... mine at the age their at now, wouldn't be caught hugging. I'd hear, OMG MOM Whaddya doin?! LOL. Teens ey?!

  2. What a beautiful photograph! I think you have tow of the best kids around proving that you are one of the best moms.
    I'm glad that the kids loved their homeschool project, I knew that you would be a great teacher.
    I sure hope your hubby got home safe.
    Such a great thing for your dad to send your kids all those movies, he is a terrific grand-dad.


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