Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - March 8 - March 16

Sunday, April 05, 2020

My Life In Pictures - March 8 - March 16

March 8 - My husband cut some PVC Pipe with I hot glued together for  him. Then he spray painted it purple and wrapped a vine from one of our trees around it. We hope some bees with use it. If not, it is a great lawn decoration.

March 9 - I used these monkeys and a picture of a bed to do "no more monkeys jumping on a bed." I laminated the bed and each monkey individually (Found on Google). Then I cut the monkeys out and added Velcro to each monkey and the bed so that my class could sing and remove the monkeys as they went along. They love it! Now to make sure they don't peel the laminated sheets off the monkeys.

March 10 - The doctor and techs have so much patience for my son when he gets his braces tightened. He has a million complaints as they are doing it. I never had braces but man he has a lot to say about them. I am sure he is uncomfortable but give them a break man.

March 11 - My class loved the marble painting. It looks so cute. I was so happy to see it on the wall. I wish they were going up on my refrigerator at home.

March 12 - My daughter drew this draft for school. She wrinkled it up when she was done saying she hated it. I wish she hadn't. I love it!

March 13 - Art with Goddess. Her bride is amazing. Mine looks crazy.

March 14 - My daughter's very decorated arm. Her artwork amazes me. I have asked her to draw an eye on my arm but she won't. She is afraid to make a mistake. I would totally get my first, much wished for tat if she were to draw it for me.

March 15 - Drawing with Goddess! It is so obvious which one is mine!

March 16 - My husband brought us a bread maker a few weeks ago and I have never made so much bread. It is amazing how delicious it is and how easy it is to feed my family homemade bread.

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