Maria's Space: Everything You Need to Know about Starting a Career as a Wardrobe Stylist

Monday, March 30, 2020

Everything You Need to Know about Starting a Career as a Wardrobe Stylist

Are you considering becoming a wardrobe stylist? Whether you are considering a career change to chase a childhood dream, or whether you are still deciding where you want your career path to take you, here are all of the facts that you need to know to make it happen. 

What is a Wardrobe Stylist?

A wardrobe stylist is essentially a professional who takes control of an individual’s or team’s, complete aesthetic. It is his or her job to ensure that the individual or team (such as the actors on a film set, or several models on a magazine shoot) look as visually appealing as possible. 

Versatile Career Choice 

The number one benefit of becoming a wardrobe stylist is you will have the opportunity to work within a variety of different industries. While you may be lucky enough to work directly with celebrities and other A-listers, wardrobe stylists may also work on the set of photo shoots, music videos, film sets, and in TV newsrooms. Sometimes you will be responsible for the visual aesthetic of a single person, while other times you may be required to handle the visual aesthetic of a number of people at one time. This means an eye for detail and excellent time management skills are of the utmost importance. 

Networking is Key

Networking is essential for ‘climbing the ladder’ in almost every career, but few more so than climbing the ranks as a wardrobe stylist. It is recommended that wardrobe stylists network regularly with designers and industry professionals by attending as many high-profile events as they can. Along with creating new relationships, it is also imperative that you work hard on maintaining those that already exist. You definitely don’t want to fall behind in an industry as competitive as this. 

You Need One-Stop Shop for all of Your Supplies

The quality of your supplies can set you apart from other wardrobe stylists who operate within similar circles. Manhattan Wardrobe Supply, for instance, is a great example of a one-stop shop for costume professionals, as well as wardrobe and fashion stylists. These types of stores stock everything from hair and makeup essentials to sewing supplies and more. 

Keep Up with Trends 

Your career pretty much revolves around aesthetics and popular trends and everyone knows just how frequently those trends can change! In order to remain ahead of the curve, and to be able to keep your clients stylish, you need to ensure that you keep up with those trends and implement them when it comes to the service that you provide. 

Know What to Study 

Ultimately, experience and ambition equate to greater success than simply having a degree or a diploma under your belt. However, many individuals who dream about becoming wardrobe stylists will enroll in a degree in fashion design or similar. This can give them the ‘edge’ in terms of having a better grasp on the visual and business aspects of the fashion industry as a whole. 

It’s time to turn your dream into a reality! Your success lies in your hands. 

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