Maria's Space: Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl

Monday, March 16, 2020

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl


Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl

Today you were 2 years old. I cannot believe how quick this year went. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was pregnant with you?
Your birthday party today was smaller than originally planned but we had a good time with everyone who was able to be here. Your Aunt Gabrielle and cousins were supposed to come but cousin Nick woke up with a fever of 103. They were missed today but the party did go on.  We decided on an Easter theme being so close to Easter this year complete with Easter Egg Hunt.
Aunt Teresa, Aunt Diane, Aunt Susan and their families were here along with Sheress and Nick and Katy. Dad and Uncle Steve had a good time hiding eggs for the Easter Egg hunt. Which you totally participated in “Egg where are you?” as we searched. Daddy and I got you A little Mermaid doll for the tub. The Little Mermaid DVD, Charlotte’s Web DVD complete with TY Pig and four pairs of earrings. From everyone else you received a tea set, picnic set, wood play food, clothes, a clown, money, Dora the Explorer gifts for the bath and a bakers apron and mitt. So cute! You had a great time and seemed confused and amused when everyone sang happy birthday.
Last year I wrote about how happy I was when I found out I was having a girl. This year I want to tell you how funny and smart you are.  I have never seen such Diva attitude from a little one eva. I have no idea where you get this because it is SO not me. You have no problem rolling your eyes or sticking up for yourself if someone pushes you or tries to get you to do something you don’t want to do.
Aunt Teresa has been telling everyone that the last time you were at her house you were lying on the couch in her playroom. She called your name and asked you to come to her. You didn’t so she went to you and you rolled your eyes at her and looked at the back of the couch as if to say, “the back of this couch is more exciting than what you have to say.”
You love to sing, dance and scream. You like to hear yourself and look at yourself in the mirror. You love being picked up and hugged. You must say, “Hi Dad-dy about 100 times a day. You sing, Twinkle, twinkle little star, Just imagine from Barney, The song from Blue’s Clues, and Happy Birthday. You count to 15 and say your alphabet. You love animals and music (mostly dance much to my dismay). You are caring and affectionate. When your brother wants something you bring it to him, “here Jesse.” You copy everything he does. He wants an apple, so do youm he wants milk, so do you. He climbs the couch and jumps off, so do you. Little girl, you are giving me grey hairs. You are too small to follow your brother everywhere.
You love to hold hands when sleeping and kissing. You say “hi” to everyone. You go Potty like a big girl and are so proud of yourself. You are sleeping in your bed for about 2 1/2 hours before waking. You have yet to sleep through the night. You sleep with your eyes slightly open and seem very aware even when asleep. You wrap your arms around my neck to hug me all the time, accompanied with “mommy” about 50 times a day and it still isn’t enough for me.
Skye, you are so beautiful inside and out I am amazed by you everyday. You make me laugh and make me crazy all at the same time. 
5 Things I love about you
  • You are one fiesty mama…you know what you want and have no problem asking for it.
  • Your sweet, laugh. You think you are so funny. You crack me up.
  • The way you and your brother hug each other and talk to each other. I love the morning when you say, “Hi Jesse” and he answers “Hi Skye” or vice versa. I love when you cuddle together. I love how you sit on his back while he he lies on the floor to watch TV.
  • I love how sweet you are. You hug your dolls, stuffed animals, Jesse me and Daddy. You feed all your baby dolls and hold one every night. We go to your room to get ready for bed. You select a doll or stuffed animal and we sit in the rocking chair as I nurse you (I only nurse you 2 times these days -1 before bed, as you go to sleep and the other in the middle of the night.  I have been weaning you for a month from on demand to this one time.)
  • Singing with you. We sing together all the time. You have a set of lungs on you and I can only hope that over time you use them for good rather than the evil you are capable of.
 I hope you had a great day and everyone who was here today loves and adores you especially me.
I love you with all my heart.
Out of all the little girls in the world, how did I get so lucky to get you?
Love Mommy. 

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