Maria's Space: Manic Monday – Night

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Manic Monday – Night

Manic Monday – Night

Night is the word for Mo’s Manic Monday.
This is one of my favorite words. Just look at it; NIGHT, it’s so sexy. Maybe the reason it appeals to me is because as a mom for the past 5 years I have lived on 3-6 hours of broken sleep. Night means for me, that I won’t be called on every 5 minutes to break up a fight, get someone a drink, help someone in the bathroom or just answer the 5,000 random questions I get from both of my inquiring kids.
It is also the time of day that my kids are winding down and just want to be with me without all the hoopla. I get to hold them, kiss them, hug them, read to them, snuggle with them, and them with me. It is the only time of the day that we are totally regimented with a schedule. Because I host “tent nights” & “crash with mom nights” I need to be totally in control on the nights the kids will sleep in their OWN rooms. Not that they stay there because everyone in this house needs to sleep with Mommy but they MUST start out in their beds. We drink milk, brush teeth, read stories, get the piggy back ride to bed, 1, 2, 3, swing them in, prayers, “I love yous” and I am out of there.
Night time is my time but what’s not to love when I get to see these adorable faces?

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