Maria's Space: Wii – Me Love You Long Time

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wii – Me Love You Long Time


Wii – Me Love You Long Time

For my son’s 5th birthday I mentioned Wii to my husband. I thought it would be something that we could build on and all enjoy over time.
Playing the hero, he surprised us with it and we have been enjoying it ever since.
The game was bundled with Wii Sports, a 5 game disk that includes bowling, tennis, golf, boxing and baseball and we got him Super Mario – Super Galaxy.
He also got 2 other games from my sister-in-law, Mario Kart and Go Diego Safari Rescue.
We, as a couple are having so much fun! We used to spend a lot of time together before kids, playing games on XBox, listening to music, talking, hanging out together, etc. Then kids come and everything is about them. We have different interests and different directions right now. He started his own company and works the hours of well the president and I am a full time mom also with few hours to burn. We enjoy different TV shows on our down time and rarely spend alone time together which is really bad for a marriage.
Hello, not saying that Wii has saved THIS marriage, we were hardly leaning toward that road but we are enjoying more time together. Our competitive side comes out and we pat each other on the ass while we strut around the room with our Wii remotes poised and ready to kick some spousal ass.
So, Wii thank you. Thank you for allowing me to try to kick my husband’s ass at bowling or golf and legally knock my son out with a few rounds of boxing all while occasionally kissing the palm of my hand with a little game bop vibration through the wiimote.
The only thing that would make the game better would be if there was a little cooling unit in wiimote.
$249.00 without tax is well worth it.
Recently I rented Tiger Woods PGA 08Carnival Games and Sonic and the Secret Rings, but more on the games later.

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