Maria's Space: 5 Tips for Enjoying Your Las Vegas Getaway

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Tips for Enjoying Your Las Vegas Getaway

unsplash-logoNick Fewings

There is a reason that Las Vegas is so popular. The wealth of attractions, lights, shows and cocktails on offer entices a considerable number of tourists every year. However, it’s important not to get too distracted by the bright lights and think ahead to plan sensibly for your trip in order to make the most out of it.

1. Manage Your Hangover More Efficiently

If your Vegas plans include the intention to drink extensively, then it’s inevitable that you’ll suffer a hangover. Hangovers occur mainly due to dehydration through a high amount of alcohol consumption. You can, therefore, prepare in the best way to avoid a severe hangover by ensuring that you stay as hydrated as possible. You can find the perfect hangover cure in Vegas, which uses IV fluids to ensure that your body gets enough hydration to combat the symptoms of a serious hangover. 

2. Plan Your Route in Advance

If you have never experienced Vegas before and are only relying on shots from movies and photos online, it may seem that Vegas is one manageable strip that you can walk along. However, Vegas is a lot bigger than it appears. The strip is actually a total of four miles long, which means if you’re planning on walking along it, you should be aware of the distance in advance. This isn’t ideal if you’re planning on long party nights where walking isn’t on the top of your priority list. Fortunately, there are many ways to make the distance more manageable, including trams and the Las Vegas monorail.

3. Be Smart with Your Drinks

Cocktail waitresses in casinos will approach you with free cocktails in a bid to keep you at the casino and, therefore, keep you gambling. So, if you’re looking to save any money you can, you should hold off on buying your own cocktails at the bar if you’re going to a casino, and wait until you’re approached by a waitress. Naturally, you’ll have to wait until you’re approached, which may be an indefinite amount of time, but if you’re serious about saving money on drinks, this is one method to achieve that.

4. Keep a Jacket with You

Despite the hot weather when you’re walking around Vegas, many casinos and indoor establishments will have the air conditioning running on high. This means that if you’re looking to spend a day in the casino, you’re going to be extremely cold if you’re only dressed for hot weather. For your own comfort, carry a jacket with you, which you can easily take off when outside, and wrap around yourself when you’re inside somewhere with air conditioning.

5. Plan Your Mealtimes

Vegas isn’t an easy place to simply grab a bite to eat when you begin feeling hungry. Vegas has peak eating times during which tables are full and lines are extensive. If you’re looking to save as much time as possible and avoid hefty queues, you should avoid the peak dinner time in Las Vegas, which operates between 6-8pm. It’s best to try and eat before 6pm, or after 8pm, if you can comfortably wait.

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